MIT License!
It is a project that aims to build a webapp + mobile app targeted for Muslim's community to improve Muslim's with their Ibadah (Islamic term for worship) by tracking the amount of Ibadah Done.
So as mentioned before it is a tracker, and instead on focusing on tracking 1 ibadah type (dhikr for exemple), it aims to tracks many different ibadah types
Current Ibadah Type Supported for tracking (Modules):
Dhikr Lets you click on the screen to increment dhikr count per dhikr types (Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah, Subhan Allah...) if connected with account, can create own dhikr types, synced count on all devices (needs internet connection) if not connected with account (guest mode), cannot create own dhikr type (for the time being), not synced count
Salah Our way of tracking Salah is unique, the app doensn't track whether or not you prayed. All muslims are supposed to pray 5 time (I understand people that are strugling need that type of tracking but I would redirect to other apps for that). So You get your prayer times based on Location and you can submit a form on an approximation of when you prayed the current prayer. The app then calculates the Punctuality percentage (the closer you prayed on time, the higher the score).
Planning to Implement Following Ibadah Type for tracking (Modules):
Mosque Tracks all the different mosques you went to and how many times per mosque!
Quran Tracks last time you recited chapter of quran, to help with quran memorization and recite quran chapters we didn't recite for a long time preventing us from forgetting it!
Dua Morning & Eneving Dua would be great!
Community Functionality: Currently planning to implement Leaderboards, seperate leaderboards per Ibadah Tracker! Insha Allah
Angular for front end Ionic & Capacitor for mobile version ASP.NET Web Core Api for backend Azure Sql Server as Database Azure App Service to Host website
Big change in technologie usage: Planning to rebuild front end in flutter for native mobile advantages! So Keep Angular for the web version but planning to no more use ionic capacitor for mobile version.
At first it aimed to be for Dhikr Tracking (dhikr is a form of islamic worship that consist to thank Allah, ask for forgivenes, Glorify Allah and so on.) so it was Dhikr Count, but then idea of developing Salah Tracking made it rename to After Salah (afetr prayer, because dhikr is often done after prayer and it englobes the 2 purposes of the app). But then Idea of Implementing Quran tracking (to help with memorization and goals) made it rename to Ibadah Tracker. But then I didn't like tracker to be in it's name, even though it is a tracker. So when thinking about what to put after Ibadah I thought of Lover because I belief Love is one of the strongest Attributes so Ibadah Lover is end result. Till it again changed to finally be I Love Ibadah! Inspired by other projects name like and, when you read the project name it feels more personal, as if you are saying that you love ibadah, what a boost, playing on psychologie to get you do ibadah.
The Dhikr Tracker Module is greatly inspired by Zikr app! The Dua Tracker Module Idea (not yet implemented) is greatly inspired by Zikr app!
Ook is dit een Project van 2 Studenten in Odisee Bachelor Toegepaste Informatica 2de Jaar voor keuze traject Web & Mobile. Mijn broeder (in islam we geloven dat alle muslims broeders zijn) heeft heel goed anguler front gedaan tot voor school project deadline, het is al klaar en hij contribueert niet meer aan mijn project. Daarom praat ik altijd in Ike vorm en niet wij.