This plugin allows you to set a number of synonyms for a tag type field. Whenever the metadata of an item is changed, each entry in the predefined tag field is analyzed, and if it matches a synonym, replace the preset value.
Place the plugin's file in a "synonym" folder in /opt/cantemo/portal/portal/plugins.
In shell, type:
cd /opt/cantemo/portal/
./ schemamigration synonyms --initial
./ migrate synonyms
Go to http://<Yourserverurl>/synonyms/admin/ or click in the "Synonym" menu item, under "Admin".
Add as many tag fields as you need.
Go to http://<Yourserverurl>/synonyms/ or click in the "Synonym" menu item, under "Manage".
Click on "Add new synonym" to add a new term.
Click on "Add" to add a synonym to this term. Each synonyms will be replaced by the parent term.
Edit an item metadata or create a new item.
Upon item save, tag fields values are inspected and replaced by their synonym.
- Add a function to inspect all Portal elements and replace synonyms (can be very long)