Displays Real-Time ASX information in a CLI.
git clone https://github.com/Prodge/ASXListenerCLI.git
cd ASXListenerCLI
sudo make install
Run asxlistener
after installing followed by the below flags.
Each stock will be output in order specified by the -c flag with the specified format.
-h --help For help.
-s --subscribe [interval] Subscribe prints updates at the given interval (in minutes).
-r --raw Get the raw hash map returned as json.
-f --format [format string] Specify the format to display the results.
-c --codes [Security Codes] A comma seperated list of company security codes (case insensitive).
-o --overwrite If set, subscribe will overwrite the current line as opposed to printing a new line.
Wherever you place {one of these} it will be replaced with the corresponding data shown below.
{code} The stock security code.
{price} The current price.
{change} The amount the value has changed today.
{percent_change} The percentage of price change today.
{bid} The current buying price.
{offer} The current selling price.
{open} The price at which the first trade took place today.
{high} The highest price for the security today.
{low} The lowest price for the security today.
{volume} The number of securities traded today.
# Basic Example:
$ asxlistener -c nab -f "Stock: {code}, Price: {price}"
> Stock: NAB, Price: 22.220
# Multiple stocks, long form arguments, case insensitive security codes:
$ asxlistener --codes Nab,AGL --format "{code}: ${price} ({percent_change})"
> NAB: $22.220 (-1.05%)
> AGL: $5.460 (+0.46%)
# Output all data as json:
$ asxlistener -c cba -r
> [{'code': 'CBA', 'low': '77.210', 'percent_change': '-1.29%', 'change': '-1.010', 'price': '77.400', 'open': '78.000', 'volume': '4,090,305', 'bid': '77.400', 'high': '79.090', 'offer': '77.440'}]
# Significant points throughout the day with many stocks (the limit is 10):
$ asxlistener -c hhl,kor,rvy,hog,apd,asl -f "{code}: current {price}, open {open}, high {high}, low {low}"
> HHL: current 4.070, open 0.000, high 0.000, low 0.000
> KOR: current 0.022, open 0.000, high 0.000, low 0.000
> RVY: current 0.033, open 0.027, high 0.035, low 0.027
> HOG: current 0.006, open 0.000, high 0.000, low 0.000
> APD: current 0.510, open 0.505, high 0.510, low 0.505
> ASL: current 1.040, open 1.110, high 1.115, low 1.040