Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more
An item list containing information and recipes about every item in skyblock.
A dungeons minimap.
Dungeon loot profit checker.
Item overlays for Treecapitator, Builder's Wand, Block Zapper, and Bonemerang.
An in-game skyblock profile viewer accessed with /pv [player].
Fully customizable enchant colors accessed with /neuec.
Fairy soul waypoints accessed with /neusouls.
Customizable inventory command buttons accessed with /neubuttons.
The ability to change the line color of fishing rods.
Onscreen overlays for: Farming, Dwarven Mines, Pets, and the Accessory bag.
Solvers for: Enchanting and The Puzzler.
A custom Action House Search GUI.
A custom storage GUI.
A custom enchanting table GUI.
Slot Locking
Fishing Particle customization & alerts.
And much, much, more.