TOPLOC is a novel method for verifiable inference that enables users to verify that LLM providers are using the correct model configurations and settings. It leverages locality sensitive hashing for intermediate activations to detect unauthorized modifications.
For code used in our experiments, check out:
pip install -U toploc
- Detect unauthorized modifications to models, prompts, and precision settings
- 1000x reduction in storage requirements compared to full activation storage
- Validation speeds up to 100x faster than original inference
- Robust across different hardware configurations and implementations
- Zero false positives/negatives in empirical testing
- Install uv:
curl -LsSf | sh
source $HOME/.local/bin/env
- Setup virtual environment: This can take awhile because of the C extensions.
uv venv --python 3.12
source .venv/bin/activate
uv sync --dev
Run the test suite:
uv run pytest tests
Run single file:
uv run pytest tests/
Run single test:
uv run pytest tests/
Install pre-commit hooks:
uv run pre-commit install
Run linting and formatting on all files:
pre-commit run --all-files
title={TOPLOC: A Locality Sensitive Hashing Scheme for Trustless Verifiable Inference},
author={Jack Min Ong and Matthew Di Ferrante and Aaron Pazdera and Ryan Garner and Sami Jaghouar and Manveer Basra and Johannes Hagemann},