Live Version:
This README file describes how to configure and deploy the website-pf application. This is a personal portfolio and blog site. It is built on an AWS serverless architecture using ReactJS as the front-end webapp and Python with Flask framework as the back-end server. See AWS services used for full tech stack. It is deployed using serverless framework.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- AWS CLI & AWS Account Console Access
- NPM/NodeJS v14+
- Python v3.13+
- Poetry v1.6+
- Serverless Framework v3
To deploy website-pf, follow these steps:
1. The following SSM parameters and subsequent services need to be configured to allow deployment of website-pf
/prod/waf/cloudfront/arn - AWS account web application firewall (WAF) ARN for cloudfront distribution
/prod/website-pf/vpc/id - AWS account vpc id where application will be deployed
/prod/website-pf/vpc/subnet/id - AWS account subnet id where application will be deployed
/prod/website-pf/vpc/sg/id - AWS security group id that application will be attached to
/prod/website-pf/acm/arn - domain name certificate ARN for website-pf application
/prod/website-pf/acm/url - domain name where website-pf application is hosted
/prod/website-pf/rds/hostname - mysql database hostname
/prod/website-pf/rds/username - mysql database username
/prod/website-pf/rds/password - mysql database password
/prod/website-pf/rds/schema - mysql database schema name for website-pf Application
2. Fetch application resources:
$ git clone
$ ./ prod
- View website-pf Lambda Cloudwatch logs for information regarding the application's APIs/back end. Log level can be set with environment variable "LOG_LEVEL". (DEBUG|INFO|ERROR)
- S3: Used to store react webapp static content and content related to posts. Also used for serverless framework deployment storage.
- Lambda: NodeJS processing engine to handle dynamic data requests.
- RDS-MySQL: Database used to index and store metadata about posts.
- API Gateway: Endpoint to handle api calls from the webapp. Secured with API Key and configured with Usage Plan to throttle requests.
- Cloudfront: Used to securely host and quickly deliver static webapp content to the end users.
- Secrets: Stores credentials and urls for website-pf lambda.
- IAM: Custom role created for website-pf lambda in order to access needed services.
- Serverless - AWS Services Manager
- NPM - Node Dependency Management
- Poetry - Python Dependency Management
- GitHub - Preston Frazier
- GNU General Public License v3.0