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Chapter 12.2. Launch Files (Python)

Up to this point, we have been running all of our ROS2 Python nodes independently — with each node needing its own dedicated terminal to run. We have also had to open extra terminals for actions such as setting the value of a parameter.

Launch File is a feature in ROS2 that allows us to launch multiple nodes as well as additional independent terminal commands - all at the same time - from a single terminal - using one single bash command.

In this lesson, we will create a launch file to launch our node along with some additional independent bash commands.

  1. Open your ros2_py_udemy_tutorial workspace folder in VS Code.

  2. Create a new folder named launch inside your udemy_ros2_pkg package folder.


  3. Right-click on launch → New File → Name it — this is a python file (.py) and inside this file, we are gonna add some python code. (The .launch part is added by convention as a tribute to the ROS1 launch files which ended with .launch . You can also name this file as and that is perfectly acceptable.)


  4. Add the following code to the newly created file:

    # Necessary Imports 
    from launch import LaunchDescription
    from launch_ros.actions import Node     # This node class is different from the one we 
                                            # use for making publisher-subscriber nodes. 
    from launch.actions import ExecuteProcess
    # Below function is used by 'ros2 launch' command while running this launch file.
    def generate_launch_description():
        # This function returns a LaunchDescription object 
        # LaunchDescription object takes a list as its constructor argument.
        # This list consists of all the nodes and independent terminal commands that we want to 
        # run at once with this launch file.
        return LaunchDescription([
            # Details of an indivisual node we want to run 
            # are provided as arguments inside the Node object.
            # This 'Node' class is different from the one we 
            # use for making publisher-subscriber nodes.
                package="udemy_ros2_pkg",                       # name of the package
                executable="",                  # name of the executable
                name="rpm_pub_node",                            # name of the node
                # parameters=[ {"param_name":param_value} ]     # Setting value(s) for any parameter(s) of this node      
            # An ExecuteProcess object takes an Independent Teminal Command
            # that we want to run with this launch file.
                cmd=["ros2", "topic", "list"],   # command : ros2 topic list
                output="screen"                 # Here we are telling to show the output 
                                                # of this command on the screen
  5. Save the files and head over to the CMakeLists.txt file.

  6. Add the following code to the CMakeLists.txt file :

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
      add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
    # find dependencies
    find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
    # Adding the below 2 dependencies for configuring our python 
    # scripts stored inside /scripts folder into this package.
    find_package(ament_cmake_python REQUIRED) 
    find_package(rclpy REQUIRED)
    # The above line of code is used to specify that our package contains Python scripts
    # inside a "Python Package Folder" named "scripts". 
    # It is a command provided by the ROS2 build system (ament) to configure 
    # the installation of Python packages.
    # A package folder is simply a python files folder containing a file inside it.
    # Make sure that the "scripts" folder has atleast a blank file named inside it. 
    # Specifying our python scripts.
            DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME}/
      find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED)
      # the following line skips the linter which checks for copyrights
      # comment the line when a copyright and license is added to all source files
      set(ament_cmake_copyright_FOUND TRUE)
      # the following line skips cpplint (only works in a git repo)
      # comment the line when this package is in a git repo and when
      # a copyright and license is added to all source files
      set(ament_cmake_cpplint_FOUND TRUE)
  7. Save all the files and rebuild the workspace.

  8. To run the launch file from the terminal → Open a new terminal in the workspace folder and run the following bash commands:

    source install/setup.bash
    # ros2 launch <package_name> <file_name>
    ros2 launch udemy_ros2_pkg


    Observe the highlighted portion of the output below:


    The [INFO] [] message are states that node has been started successfully.

    Next in the queue - [INFO] [ros2-2] states that the ros2 topic list command has been ran successfully.

    Next in the queue, there are two [ros2-2] messages which give the output the ros2 topic list command.

    And finally, the last [INFO][ros2-2] message states that the second activity has completed successfully.

  9. To check if our rpm_publisher node is running properly - run the following commands from a new terminal:

    #Checking the list of active ros2 nodes
    ros2 node list
    #Checking the list of active ros2 topics
    ros2 topic list
    #To see the messages published by rpm_publisher node through rpm topic
    ros2 topic echo rpm 

