sortlib is a c++ header provides implementation of sorting algorithms. sorting algorithms are implemented with class teamplates.
cout<<"\nSort characters\n\n"; int i = 0; int size; cin>>size; char input[size]; while(i< size){ cin>>input[i++]; }
Common<char> c(input, size);
cout<<"Original array: ";c.pArray(); // prints the array
cout<<"Selction Sort: \n"; c.SelectionSort();
cout<<"Insertion Sort: \n"; c.InsertionSort();
cout<<"Merge Sort: \n"; c.MergeSort();
cout<<"Quick Sort: \n"; c.QuickSort();
cout<<"Counting Sort: \n"; c.CountingSort();
// cout<<"Radix Sort: \n"; c.RadixSort();
cout<<"Heap Sort: \n"; c.HeapSort();