Hi Guys 👋,
I am excited to share my 4️⃣ repo on Git Hub.
MUN Club Website 🌐
Welcome to the GitHub repository for the College Model United Nations (MUN) Club website!
Developed using React, this website serves as a platform for students to explore information about our MUN club, its activities, events, team members, and more.
Key Features 🚀
Homepage: Provides an overview of the MUN club, its mission, and upcoming events.
About Page: Offers detailed information about the club's history, objectives, and achievements, providing visitors with insights into our organization's journey and values.
Gallery Page: Showcases memorable moments captured during MUN conferences, club events, and activities.
Events Page: Keeps users informed about upcoming MUN conferences, workshops, seminars, and other relevant events organized by the club.
Team Page: Introduces the dedicated individuals who lead and manage various aspects of the MUN club, showing connectivity within the club community.
Login/Logout: Facilitates secure access for club members, allowing them to log in to access exclusive content, resources, or features.
If you'd like 👍 to contribute to the MUN website, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
Check out my live Website ⬇️
Website link = https://scintillating-monstera-d92348.netlify.app/