This Weather Application allows users to get real-time weather information for any city. The application fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays the temperature, weather condition, and relevant weather icon for the specified city.
- Search for the current weather of any city
- Display temperature in Celsius
- Show weather conditions with appropriate icons
- Easy-to-use interface with a search bar
- Kotlin
- Retrofit for network calls
- Gson for JSON parsing
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Android View Binding
- Launch the app on your device.
- Search for a city's weather:
- Enter the city name in the search bar
- Press the Enter key or tap the search icon
- View weather information:
- The app will display the temperature, city name, and weather condition
- The weather icon will update based on the condition (e.g., sunny, rain, clouds)
For any questions or suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub or contact the repository owner at