Game Development for Stress Reduction
This chapter focuses on introduction of Simulation necessity, objectives of the proposed system, theme and report organization
The proposed system is computer application that allows various users to play this game. This project is specially developed for people in work sector, students and also for other people. These days more peoples are having mental health issues like stress, social problems etc. Most victims of stress are found in job sector, where there are factors like workload, job security. Here primary goal is to make a game that will lower the stress of person.
In this project we include several levels of different difficulties. Here, user can play all levels serially. After one level gets completed, user can start the next level. Each level contains more complexity than the previous. For each level score board display the score. Best score is recorded for that level.
The main necessity of this project is to reduce stress of working people as well as students and many other people also. Using this system user can play different levels of this game which will help to reduce stress.
The main purpose of the project is focus, entertainment and reducing the stress of people.The main purpose of the project is to reducethe stress of people. Now days every person working in various sector get stressed due to work load. Using this project these people can play the game for a while and it can reduce the stress at some extent. The major advantage is this game can be played anywhere and anytime.
The project work is based on Game Development. We are building this game with platform independency.
The birth of video games has slowly shifted the meaning of traditional games into a digitalized
Multimedia games. The term of games refer to the meaning of video games. Nowadays, games can be played in almost any device, and that is why developing games can be a profitable industry. To support the growth of gaming industry, several original equipment manufacturer (OEM) publicly distribute their software development kit (SDK) and application programming interface (API) to attract people to become "indie developer".
Game is a kind of software with goal to provide entertainment. However, during the real game development practice, simply adopting the software development life cycle (SDLC) is not enough, as the developers face several challenges during its life cycle. To address the problem, game development uses a kind of specific approach called game development life cycle (GDLC) to direct the game development. Unity
Unity is a cross-platform real-time engine developed by Unity Technologies,first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as an OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine has been extended to support 27 platforms.The engine can be used to create both three-dimensional and two-dimensional games as well as simulations for its many platforms. Several major versions of Unity have been released since its launch, with the latest stable version being Unity 2018.3.9.
Unity gives users the ability to create games and interactive experiences in both 2D and 3D, and the engine offers a primary scripting API in C#, for both the Unity editor in the form of plug-in, and games themselves, as well as drag and drop functionality. Prior to C# being the primary programming language used for the engine, it previously supported Boo, which was removed in the Unity 5 release, and a version of JavaScript called Unity Script, which was deprecated in August 2017 after the release of Unity 2017.1 in favour of C#. Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silver light. It can produce both native code and managed code.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists.
The project work involves the development of Application for the Game Development for Stress Reduction. The project report is organized as follows:
1.5.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter contains basic concepts regarding Game Development for Stress Reduction. It also describes the need of the project work and objectives of the project work.
1.5.2 Chapter 2: Problem Analysis and Solutions
This chapter describes the problem statement in detail and possible solutions.
1.5.3 Chapter 3: System Design
This chapter describes the design of the basic architecture of the project work, data flow diagrams, flow charts, sequence diagram.
1.5.4 Chapter 4: Experimental Setup and Results
This chapter describes the experimental setup along with the details of the installation of software required for development of the project and the results achieved from the project work.
1.5.5 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future work
This describes the conclusion obtained from the proposed system and also describes the future work that can be done in the proposed system.
1.5.6 References
This describes the various websites we studied for the understanding and the development of the project work.
This chapter describes the problem statement in detail and possible solutions.
According to American Institute for Stress at the most basic level, stress is our body's response to pressures from a situation or life event. What contributes to stress can vary hugely from person to person and differs according to our social and economic circumstances, the environment we live in and our genetic makeup. Some common features of things that can make us feel stress include experiencing something new or unexpected, something that threatens your feeling of self, or feeling you have little control over a situation.
When we encounter stress, our body is stimulated to produce stress hormones that trigger a 'flight or fight' response and activate our immune system. This response helps us to respond quickly to dangerous situations.
2.1.1Problem Statement
These days more peoples are having mental health issues like stress, social problems etc. Most victims of stress are found in job sector, where there are factors like workload, job security. Our primary goal is to make a game that will lower the stress of person. We are also focused about how our product will increase brain usage and concentration power.
Meditation : Meditation and mindful prayer help the mind and body to relax and focus. Mindfulness can help people see new perspectives, develop self-compassion and forgiveness.
Get social support: Call a friend, send an email. When you share your concerns or feelings with another person, it does help relieve stress. But it's important that the person whom you talk to is someone whom you trust and whom you feel can understand and validate you.
Smile and laugh: Our brains are interconnected with our emotions and facial expressions. When people are stressed, they often hold a lot of the stress in their face. So laughs or smiles can help relieve some of that tension and improve the situation.
Exercise** :** The research keeps growing - exercise benefits your mind just as well as your body. We keep hearing about the long-term benefits of a regular exercise routine. But even a 20-minute walk, run, swim or dance session in the midst of a stressful time can give an immediate effect that can last for several hours.
2.2.2 Solution No.2:
From recent studies it is proved that playing games even violent games reduces stress. One study examined players as they played either competitive or cooperative games. As predicted, there was a difference in stress levels after playing, and those who played cooperatively experienced a greater decrease in stress levels, but the difference was slight—both groups experienced decreases in stress by playing the game. In addition, both groups retained positive feelings toward the other players, though there was a slightly higher regard for those who were cooperative. This is another way in which video games can provide positive social experiences and a decrease in stress.
Our project is based on this solution.
This chapter describes the design of the basic architecture of the project work, data or diagrams, or charts, sequence diagram.
3 System Design
3.1 System Architecture
Figure 3.1: System Architecture
Figure 3.1 above figure 3.1 describes the architecture of proposed system. There are three main components of the system such as engine, game and actor. The actor uses application for playing multiple levels of the game. The renderer and audio performs at the backend.
3.2 Modules
This module provides a container for your reusable code, which can use as dependency in other projects.
Window Library - This type of library provides all file types supported for Window project.
Unity Library – This type of library contains source code resources and manifest files.
In this module the levels are distributed, when user win a level he eventually goes to next level.
Levels are arranged in ascending order with respect to difficulty level.
In this module game is exported on different platforms like window, mac, Android, WebGL, Etc.
As we provide the platform it can be run on it.
Figure 3.2.1: Data Flow Diagram
4 Sequence Diagram
Figure 3.4.1: Sequence Diagram
The figure 3.4.1 figure 3.4.1 describes the sequence of the proposed system. In this sequence of events are determined.
This chapter describes the experimental setup along with the details of the installation of software required for development of the project and the results achieved from the project work.
4.1.1. Unity 3D
Unity is a cross-platform real-time engine developed by Unity Technologies,first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as an OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine has been extended to support 27 platforms.The engine can be used to create both three-dimensional and two-dimensional games as well as simulations for its many platforms. Several major versions of Unity have been released since its launch, with the latest stable version being Unity 2018.3.9.
4.1.2. Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silver light. It can produce both native code and managed code
- We installed the Unity 3D and Microsoft Visual Studio
- Unity 3D and Microsoft Visual Studio installation steps:
Download and install the Unity 3D.
Download and Install the Microsoft Visual Studio
4.3 Result
4.3.1 Welcome Page
Figure 4.3.1: Welcome Page
As shown in figure 4.3.2, the user can see the welcome page at start. By clicking on Start user can start new game. When game starts first level will be displayed.
1. Game Running
Figure 4.3.2: Game Running
As shown in figure 4.3.2 once the first level starts, he/she can play that level. Each level contains obstacles. If collision occurs level starts again. Score is displayed on score board.
Rules for the game: -
- If cube collides with obstacle the game will be over and the current level will restart.
- If the cube goes out of bounds of play area, level will be restarted.
- After successful completion of level, next level starts.
4.3.3 Game Credits
Figure 4.3.3: Game Credits & Quit
As shown in figure 4.3.2, after completing the entire levels user can exit from game.
This chapter describes the conclusion obtained from the proposed system and also describes the future work that can be done in the proposed system. It also describes the various applications of the project.
To develop this system we have chosen Game development domain and for that we used Unity and Microsoft Visual Studio technology. Unity is good game development tool so we chose it. Using Unity 3D we developed Game Development for Stress Reduction. In this user can be able to play different levels. By using this System the stress of users will be reduced.
We are going to add more difficulty levels in this game. We are also going to add some extra graphics features in it to make this game more attractive. Also we are trying to improve UX as much as possible.
- In Stress management centers
Department of Computer Science and Engineering 13