notes | most things one should need to change will be here. this section only serves as a shortcut to other sections |
controlActive | also controls the colour of the theme preview in the theme selection menu (see other\theme[Colour]) |
separator | list view separating line |
textSecure | secret chats name /?\ |
textSearchQueryHighlight | section of text that matches query string when searching |
notes | mostly to do with the top (coloured in the default themes) bar |
headerIcon | icons in header - doesn't include all icons, may be a bug? some are just coloured white |
headerTabActive | line underneath active tab |
headerButton[Icon] | floating action button (FAB) in expanded header (profile screen etc.) |
headerRemoveBackground | /?\ |
headerPlaceholder | /?\ |
statusBarContent | content generated by telegram in the statusbar. i.e. not the system icons, but the centred "connected" text etc. |
profileSectionActive[Content] | active media tab [line below/text] in profile screen ("Photos", "Videos" etc.) |
passcode | background of password/pin/pattern for entering the app |
passcode[Icon/Text] | icons and text on password screen. results are inconsistent (e.g. dots are text colour when password, icon colour when pin) |
notification[Player/Secure] | /?\ unknown? not header media player background. maybe calls? |
controlContent | "tick" icon inside control. this is consistent across all [xxx]Content items |
textPlaceholder | prefilled dummy text inside underlined content fields |
inline[Outline/Text/Icon] | inline buttons in non-bubbles view (e.g. instant view, see bubbles\inline[xxx]) |
inlineContentActive | text inside inline buttons when pressed (e.g. instant view, see bubbles\inline[xxx]) |
circleButtonRegular[Icon] | main chat list FAB. for inverted colours when tapped, see other\circleButtonActive |
circleButtonNew[xxx][Icon] | popup buttons from circleButtonRegular |
circleButtonOverlay[Icon] | used in emoji/gif keyboard as backspace/search button |
circleButtonChat[Icon] | "jump to bottom" icon in chats. also "mute" fab in channels |
circleButtonTheme[Icon] | floating theme button when minimised (⋮⇒minimise) |
introSection[Active] | dots underneath app's splash screen when signing in /?\ |
Music Player | |
playerButtonActive | e.g. shuffle item when shuffle mode is enabled |
playerCover[Icon/Placeholder] | cover colours for music with no album art |
avatar_content | icon inside avatar for contacts without profile picture |
avatarArchive | archived chats avatar colour when pinned to top of list |
avatarArchivePinned | archived chats avatar colour when hidden above chats list |
avatarInactive | avatar colour of unavailable (e.g. deleted) accounts |
avatar[Colour] | (randomised) avatar colour for contacts without profile picture |
avatar[Colour]_big | expanded avatar in profile view for contacts without profile picture |
name[Colour] | /?\ |
Media | |
file | play button for audio |
file[Colour] | background of attached files in messages and file list. /¿\ also may be used for links with missing favicon /?\ |
waveform[In]active | foreground/background of voice messages' waveform progressbar |
Attach Menu | |
attach[Type] | background of bottom sheet in attach (paperclip) menu |
attachText | text/icon of attach sheet bottom (opacity reduces when unfocussed) |
fileAttach | file type (gallery, music, etc.) circular icon background in attachFile menu. icon is service\white |
notes | mainly the chats list, but also some properties from chat with bubbles disabled |
chatListAction | status indicator under the chat's contact name (e.g. "typing...") |
chatListIcon | media type icon displayed before message preview |
badgeFailed[Text] | message failed to send warning (i.e. no internet) /?\ |
badgeMuted | unread badge for chats with muted notifications |
chatKeyboard[Button] | /?\ |
unread[Text] | "unread messages" banner, only in no bubbles mode, (see bubbles\unread[Text]) |
messageVerticalLine | used for replies, link previews, etc. (see bubbles\chatVerticalLine) |
messageSelection | background of selected message, see bubbles\messageSelection (channels only by default) |
messageSwipe[Background/Content] | swipe reply/forward bar when bubbles disabled in chats (similar to bubbles\button[Ripple/Text]) |
messageAuthor[Psa] | author of reply quoted message /?\ |
shareSeparator | line separating contacts grid from "open in" text (e.g. in IV sharesheet) |
notes | many properties are prefixed with bubbleIn_ , bubbleOut_ , or bubble_ |
bubble_messageSelection | selection colour behind message, only in bubbles mode (see chats\messageSelection) |
bubble_messageSelectionNoWallpaper | colour of above, when chat wallpaper is disabled. this is consistent across all [xxx]NoWallpaper items /?\ |
bubble_messageCheckOutline | ![]() (the tick itself is influenced by controls\checkActive |
bubble[In/Out]_[xxx] | received/sent message bubbles |
time | sent time inside bubble |
progress | /?\ |
textLink | clickable url link |
textLinkPressHighlight | background colour of links when tapped |
messageAuthor[Psa] | /?\ see chats\messageAuthor |
chatVerticalLine | reply quote line ++. see chats\messageVerticalLine |
inline[Outline/Text/Icon] | inline button, e.g. instant view (see controls\inlineContentActive) /?\ [icon] may not work? |
waveform[In]active | see media\waveform[In]active |
file | /?\ |
outline | outline of message bubbles, disabled by default (bool bubbles\bubbleOutline) |
pressed | /?\ |
separator | /?\ |
bubble_[xxx] | the following values are prefixed with bubble_ |
unread[Text] | ![]() (make sure to also change chats\unread[Text]) |
date[Text] | ![]() also used for service message (e.g. "[contact] joined telegram") |
button[Ripple/Text] | button beside messages when swiping (e.g. reply). /?\ ripple unknown |
mediaReply[Text] | /?\ |
mediaOverlay[Text] | time/ticks overlay indicator on media (photo etc.) messages |
overlay[Text] | /?\ |
notes | most items are prefixed with iv_ . many of these i'm unsure about. many are named after html tags |
pageTitle | title declared in <head> . used as h2 elements as well, maybe more |
textMarked[Background] | <mark> tagged text/background /?\ |
textMarkedLink[Background] | url link inside <mark> tag /?\ |
textReference[xxx] | /?\ <cite> maybe? background is strong by default though |
textCode | <code> /?\ |
caption | image caption text. displayed under image |
header | /?\ unused? see ivHeader and pageTitle |
pullQuote | used for <aside> tagged text. most websites use <blockquote> for a pullquote though |
blockQuote[Line] | <blockquote> quotes /?\ |
[preBlock/textCode]Background | background of inline code, code blocks and ¿<pre> tagged text?. usually behind dimmed monospace font |
textCodeBackgroundPressed | codeblocks allow one to easily copy a whole block–this is the background when tapped |
separator | horizontal line. corresponds to <hr> element |
ivHeaderIcon | applies to both text and icons in header. /!\ no underscore in prefix /!\ |
ivHeader | page titlebar, similar to header section. /!\ no underscore in prefix /!\ |
notes | there are many probably important undocumented colours at the bottom of this section |
theme[Colour] | only previews of theme in settings menu. you shouldn't need to change these |
wpCats[Colour] | /?\ probably unimportant |
sectionedScrollBar[Active/Content] | /?\ i couldn't find any sections scrollbars in the app? |
snackbarUpdate[Action/Text] | /?\ presumably the snackbar prompt to update? |
Unsorted | |
tooltip_[text/textLink/PressHighlight/outline] | ![]() also used for other tooltips, e.g. quizzes |
circleButtonActive[Icon] | when tapping the chats list FAB, it opens a list of sub-FABs and changes to these colours |
notificationLink | /?\ link colour in notifications?? |
message[xxx] | poll/quiz colours in non bubble mode |
NeutralFillingContent | icon of poll answers /!\ colour source may be inlineOutline? |
CorrectFilling[Content] | quiz correct answer responses line |
CorrectChosenFilling[Content] | quiz correct answer line when user chose correctly |
NegativeFilling[Content] | quiz incorrect answer line |
confetti[Colour] | confetti burst when getting a quiz answer correct |
bubbleOut_chat[xxx]: | poll/quiz colours in bubble mode |
NeutralFillingContent | icon of poll answers /!\ colour source may be inlineOutline? |
CorrectFilling[Content] | quiz correct answer responses line |
CorrectChosenFilling[Content] | quiz correct answer line when user chose correctly |
NegativeFilling[Content] | quiz incorrect answer line |
iv_icon | /?\ unknown, presumably instant view related |
iv_chatLink[Overlay]Background | /?\ unknown, presumably instant view related |
caption_textLink[PressHighlight] | /?\ maybe should be link when viewing an image, but doesn't seem to apply |
videoSlider[In]active | progress bar (scrubber) [foreground/background] of video players |
white | an annoyingly generic property, covering (buggy?) expanded header icon buttons, name in sidebar, text at the top of images, shutter icon for camera, and more… |
black | /?\ unknown, but is the background of "caption_" colours in settings. maybe also accessibility? |
transparentEditor | background of caption text over images, image editor. must be transparent as it covers some of the image when editing |
photoHighlightTint[№] | /?\ |
led[Colour] | radio button for choosing led colour in settings [ztodo: does this affect actual led colour?] |