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184 lines (165 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (165 loc) · 12.3 KB

Telegram X


notes most things one should need to change will be here. this section only serves as a shortcut to other sections
controlActive also controls the colour of the theme preview in the theme selection menu (see other\theme[Colour])


separator list view separating line
textSecure secret chats name /?\
textSearchQueryHighlight section of text that matches query string when searching


notes mostly to do with the top (coloured in the default themes) bar
headerIcon icons in header - doesn't include all icons, may be a bug? some are just coloured white
headerTabActive line underneath active tab
headerButton[Icon] floating action button (FAB) in expanded header (profile screen etc.)
headerRemoveBackground /?\
headerPlaceholder /?\
statusBarContent content generated by telegram in the statusbar. i.e. not the system icons, but the centred "connected" text etc.
profileSectionActive[Content] active media tab [line below/text] in profile screen ("Photos", "Videos" etc.)
passcode background of password/pin/pattern for entering the app
passcode[Icon/Text] icons and text on password screen. results are inconsistent (e.g. dots are text colour when password, icon colour when pin)
notification[Player/Secure] /?\ unknown? not header media player background. maybe calls?


controlContent "tick" icon inside control. this is consistent across all [xxx]Content items
textPlaceholder prefilled dummy text inside underlined content fields
inline[Outline/Text/Icon] inline buttons in non-bubbles view (e.g. instant view, see bubbles\inline[xxx])
inlineContentActive text inside inline buttons when pressed (e.g. instant view, see bubbles\inline[xxx])
circleButtonRegular[Icon] main chat list FAB. for inverted colours when tapped, see other\circleButtonActive
circleButtonNew[xxx][Icon] popup buttons from circleButtonRegular
circleButtonOverlay[Icon] used in emoji/gif keyboard as backspace/search button
circleButtonChat[Icon] "jump to bottom" icon in chats. also "mute" fab in channels
circleButtonTheme[Icon] floating theme button when minimised (⋮⇒minimise)
introSection[Active] dots underneath app's splash screen when signing in /?\
Music Player
playerButtonActive e.g. shuffle item when shuffle mode is enabled
playerCover[Icon/Placeholder] cover colours for music with no album art


avatar_content icon inside avatar for contacts without profile picture
avatarArchive archived chats avatar colour when pinned to top of list
avatarArchivePinned archived chats avatar colour when hidden above chats list
avatarInactive avatar colour of unavailable (e.g. deleted) accounts
avatar[Colour] (randomised) avatar colour for contacts without profile picture
avatar[Colour]_big expanded avatar in profile view for contacts without profile picture
name[Colour] /?\
file play button for audio
file[Colour] background of attached files in messages and file list. /¿\ also may be used for links with missing favicon /?\
waveform[In]active foreground/background of voice messages' waveform progressbar
Attach Menu
attach[Type] background of bottom sheet in attach (paperclip) menu
attachText text/icon of attach sheet bottom (opacity reduces when unfocussed)
fileAttach file type (gallery, music, etc.) circular icon background in attachFile menu. icon is service\white


notes mainly the chats list, but also some properties from chat with bubbles disabled
chatListAction status indicator under the chat's contact name (e.g. "typing...")
chatListIcon media type icon displayed before message preview
badgeFailed[Text] message failed to send warning (i.e. no internet) /?\
badgeMuted unread badge for chats with muted notifications
chatKeyboard[Button] /?\
unread[Text] "unread messages" banner, only in no bubbles mode, (see bubbles\unread[Text])
messageVerticalLine used for replies, link previews, etc. (see bubbles\chatVerticalLine)
messageSelection background of selected message, see bubbles\messageSelection (channels only by default)
messageSwipe[Background/Content] swipe reply/forward bar when bubbles disabled in chats (similar to bubbles\button[Ripple/Text])
messageAuthor[Psa] author of reply quoted message /?\
shareSeparator line separating contacts grid from "open in" text (e.g. in IV sharesheet)


notes many properties are prefixed with bubbleIn_, bubbleOut_, or bubble_
bubble_messageSelection selection colour behind message, only in bubbles mode (see chats\messageSelection)
bubble_messageSelectionNoWallpaper colour of above, when chat wallpaper is disabled. this is consistent across all [xxx]NoWallpaper items /?\
bubble_messageCheckOutline circle around message selection ticked circle icon
(the tick itself is influenced by controls\checkActive
bubble[In/Out]_[xxx] received/sent message bubbles
time sent time inside bubble
progress /?\
textLink clickable url link
textLinkPressHighlight background colour of links when tapped
messageAuthor[Psa] /?\ see chats\messageAuthor
chatVerticalLine reply quote line ++. see chats\messageVerticalLine
inline[Outline/Text/Icon] inline button, e.g. instant view (see controls\inlineContentActive) /?\ [icon] may not work?
waveform[In]active see media\waveform[In]active
file /?\
outline outline of message bubbles, disabled by default (bool bubbles\bubbleOutline)
pressed /?\
separator /?\
bubble_[xxx] the following values are prefixed with bubble_
unread[Text] "unread messages" banner [text]
(make sure to also change chats\unread[Text])
date[Text] floating date bubble [text].
also used for service message (e.g. "[contact] joined telegram")
button[Ripple/Text] button beside messages when swiping (e.g. reply). /?\ ripple unknown
mediaReply[Text] /?\
mediaOverlay[Text] time/ticks overlay indicator on media (photo etc.) messages
overlay[Text] /?\

Instant View

notes most items are prefixed with iv_. many of these i'm unsure about. many are named after html tags
pageTitle title declared in <head>. used as h2 elements as well, maybe more
textMarked[Background] <mark> tagged text/background /?\
textMarkedLink[Background] url link inside <mark> tag /?\
textReference[xxx] /?\ <cite> maybe? background is strong by default though
textCode <code> /?\
caption image caption text. displayed under image
header /?\ unused? see ivHeader and pageTitle
pullQuote used for <aside> tagged text. most websites use <blockquote> for a pullquote though
blockQuote[Line] <blockquote> quotes /?\
[preBlock/textCode]Background background of inline code, code blocks and ¿<pre> tagged text?. usually behind dimmed monospace font
textCodeBackgroundPressed codeblocks allow one to easily copy a whole block–this is the background when tapped
separator horizontal line. corresponds to <hr> element
ivHeaderIcon applies to both text and icons in header. /!\ no underscore in prefix /!\
ivHeader page titlebar, similar to header section. /!\ no underscore in prefix /!\


notes there are many probably important undocumented colours at the bottom of this section
theme[Colour] only previews of theme in settings menu. you shouldn't need to change these
wpCats[Colour] /?\ probably unimportant
sectionedScrollBar[Active/Content] /?\ i couldn't find any sections scrollbars in the app?
snackbarUpdate[Action/Text] /?\ presumably the snackbar prompt to update?
tooltip_[text/textLink/PressHighlight/outline] popup tutorial tooltip
also used for other tooltips, e.g. quizzes
circleButtonActive[Icon] when tapping the chats list FAB, it opens a list of sub-FABs and changes to these colours
notificationLink /?\ link colour in notifications??
message[xxx] poll/quiz colours in non bubble mode
NeutralFillingContent icon of poll answers /!\ colour source may be inlineOutline?
CorrectFilling[Content] quiz correct answer responses line
CorrectChosenFilling[Content] quiz correct answer line when user chose correctly
NegativeFilling[Content] quiz incorrect answer line
confetti[Colour] confetti burst when getting a quiz answer correct
bubbleOut_chat[xxx]: poll/quiz colours in bubble mode
NeutralFillingContent icon of poll answers /!\ colour source may be inlineOutline?
CorrectFilling[Content] quiz correct answer responses line
CorrectChosenFilling[Content] quiz correct answer line when user chose correctly
NegativeFilling[Content] quiz incorrect answer line
iv_icon /?\ unknown, presumably instant view related
iv_chatLink[Overlay]Background /?\ unknown, presumably instant view related


caption_textLink[PressHighlight] /?\ maybe should be link when viewing an image, but doesn't seem to apply
videoSlider[In]active progress bar (scrubber) [foreground/background] of video players
white an annoyingly generic property, covering (buggy?) expanded header icon buttons, name in sidebar, text at the top of images, shutter icon for camera, and more…
black /?\ unknown, but is the background of "caption_" colours in settings. maybe also accessibility?
transparentEditor background of caption text over images, image editor. must be transparent as it covers some of the image when editing
photoHighlightTint[№] /?\
led[Colour] radio button for choosing led colour in settings [ztodo: does this affect actual led colour?]