This is our attempt to create a game like minecraft in ursina engine.
Note: This version will also have so unique changes which are not present in minecraft.
- Tree Genaration
- Breaking and placing blocks
- Full screen mode
- Hotbar
-keys in our games till now -W = forward -A = left -S = back -D = right -F = full screen on and off -E = inventory open and inventory close -TAB = first person and 3rd person mode -1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = block switching
- Add villages
- Optamizing
- Chunk mesh (PRIORITY)
- Auto genarated tree's leaves
- Add daylight cycle
- Inventory
- Block cound
- Auto load saves
- Commands
- Mobs
- (UnPlanned)
- Shaders (rtx type if possible refer this video > )