This project aims to create an CNC based drawing robot that can produce highly precise artworks from digital designs through a combination of hardware and software components.
- 3D printed the designs, such as the drawing arm, carriage, etc, using PLA filament (Ultimaker Cura Software).
- Hardware Required: Arduino UNO, CNC shield, Nema 17 motors, Stepper Drivers - A4988/DRV8825/L298N, Servo Motor - sg90, 12V/1.5A power adaptor, axial rods etc.
- Software Required: Arduino IDE, GRBL, Universal Gcode Sender Software, Inkscape.
- Open the digital artwork/design in Inkscape
- Select the “Path” pull down and then “Object to Path”
- Select the “Extensions” pull down and then “MI GRBL Z Axis Servo Controller”, then “MI GRBL Z Axis Servo Controller"
- Save the gcode file with appropriate settings
- Load your file into the Universal G-Code Sender (UGS)
- Connect the arduino of the DrawBot to the selected port of the computer and press Run
- Improper model-to-bed adhesion and excess leakage of PLA filament from extruder. Final printed parts were not of proper dimensions and had to be grinded.
- Motor drivers overheated in short durations.
- Unavailability of necessary nuts, bolts, screws, and washers.
- Compatibility issues emerged between different parts due to Version mismatches in various software components
DrawBot Assembly Manual Link