Team Team's CS 180 Project
Pranay Sarveiya, Justin Lyu, Tommy Chhur, Chandler Mahkorn
Dataset: US Accidents (2016 - 2021)
If you just want to run the server using this repo, follow this instruction
Download the repo to a directory.
Check if you have django installed using
\> py -m django --version
Then run
\> py runserver
There many be some unapplied migrations; ignore those.
Then in your browswer, go to this link:
Instructions for setting up yourself
Python libraries used:
Django (To use as a web server)
plotly (To make real-time graphs)
BeautifulSoup4 (To extract HTML divs from plotly figures)
mpld3 (To make a heat map)
multipledispatch (For multiple dispatch decorator)
If pip is not installed, follow instructions here
pip can automatically download the needed libaries using the following command:
\> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Following this loosely, check for more details
First have django installed, check installation using:
\> py -m django --version
cd to directory you want to store your code, then run:
\> django-admin startproject mysite
this will create a mysite directory.
Then run the dev server using:
\> py runserver
Ignore the warnings about unapplied database migrations.
Now visit on your web browser.
We can add apps using this command in the same directory as the
\> py startapp hello
this is the directory that will house your application. Check the instruction link for more details and examples.
From this point, keep following the instructions from the above link using 'hello' instead of 'polls.'
We modified hello/, added and modified hello/, and modified mysite/
After that, we can get a dummy output by going to http://localhost:8000/hello/search
Calling Search Function:
Then follow instructions on screen