Enhance understanding effortlessly with customized reading passages and questions
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This project requires two API keys:
- Google API key: Required for accessing the GEMINI 1.5 Pro model.
- LangChain API key: Required for LangSmith tracking.
LangSmith facilitates usage tracking and provides valuable insights into user behavior through seamless integration. The screenshot below illustrates a sample view of CompreHive usage data within the LangSmith platform.
Ensure that you obtain these API keys before running the project.
Clone this GitHub repository
(base)$: git clone https://github.com/Pramit726/CompreHive.git
Go to the project directory
(base)$: cd CompreHive
Configure environment
- Create the conda environment
(base)$: conda create -p venv python==3.10 -y
- Activate the environment
(base)$: conda activate venv
- Install the required dependencies
(venv)$: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run it
(venv)$: streamlit run app.py
As soon as you run the script, a local Streamlit server will spin up, and your app will open in a new tab in your default web browser.
Or you can navigate to http://localhost:8501.
Step 1
First login to the AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/console/
Step 2
Search about EC2 in the services section.
Step 3
Configure the Ubuntu machine.
Step 4
Launch the instance.
Step 5
Do the port mapping to this port: 8501
Step 6
Run the following commands.
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install git curl unzip tar make sudo vim wget -y
git clone https://github.com/Pramit726/CompreHive.git
cd CompreHive
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you want to add the API keys
Create .env file in the AWS server using touch .env
Next write vi .env
Press i
Copy API keys and paste it
Press : , then wq! and hit enter
Step 7
#Temporary running
python3 -m streamlit run app.py
#Permanent running
nohup python3 -m streamlit run app.py
- langchain
- langchain-core
- langchain-google-genai
- python-dotenv
- reportlab
- streamlit
Pramit De
pramitde726@gmail.com / pramit.de.cse.2021@tint.edu.in
- Department of CSE, Techno International New Town, West Bengal, India
Β© 2024 CompreHive by Pramit De