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Lua Examples (Authoritative LUA records)

Peter van Dijk edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 6 revisions

Using Lua to simulate CNAME-like behaviour on the zone apex

If you cannot use ALIAS records because you depend on the DNSSEC live signing feature, you can use LUA-records as an alternative. The example below utilizes a CNAME record ( inside the zone to point the actual target and provides an A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) record.     3600 IN LUA   A ";local r=resolve('', pdns.A) local t={} for _,v in ipairs(r) do table.insert(t, v:toString()) end return t"     3600 IN LUA   AAAA ";local r=resolve('', pdns.AAAA) local t={} for _,v in ipairs(r) do table.insert(t, v:toString()) end return t" 3600 IN CNAME

The basics:

  • Hello world:  60 IN LUA TXT ";pdnslog('Hello world'); return 'Hello world TXT record'"
  • Debugging the inputs and outputs of a function (note: pickclosest() needs the city-level Maxmind database, not country-level): 60 IN LUA A ";pdnslog('bestwho=' .. (bestwho:toString()) .. ' countryCode=' .. countryCode() .. ' latlon=' .. latlon()); local vpn=pickclosest({'','',''}); pdnslog('vpn=' .. vpn); return vpn"
  • Creating an object, generating a debug trace, converting an object to a string: 60 IN LUA TXT ";local x=newDN('');pdnslog(debug.traceback());return x:toString()"
  • Generating a random number (without math.randomseed or enable-lua-records=shared, it's always the same. os.time() isn't cryptographically strong, but it's something): 60 IN LUA TXT ";math.randomseed(os.time());return math.random(10000)"
  • Running a command to get a random seed: better randomness, but slower:     60      IN      LUA     TXT ";math.randomseed(io.popen('od -An -tu4 -N 4 /dev/urandom'):read()); return math.random()"
  • Reading a file:     60      IN      LUA     TXT ";local'/dev/urandom'):read(4); local v=string.format('%d,%d,%d,%d',r:byte(1,4)); return v"

Note: The default log level is 5, but 6 is required to see errors in LUA records:


Note2: See the appropriate Lua manual for the version of Lua linked to pdns_server (ldd /usr/sbin/pdns_server | grep liblua):

Note3: PowerDNS uses the Lua JIT library, which has additional backported features described here