Punishment awaits naughty Minecraft players. Punish players that you think are being inappropriate or misbehaving towards other players. Before you punish the targeted player, you must first specify a reason why this punishment was imposed on the targeted player. Secondly, you must select a punishment type. This can be a kick, a temporary ban, or a ban. Select the most appropriate punishment you think the player should receive. UUID is what is tied to your Minecraft account, and it can be seen on the punishment GUI. This is the targeted player's UUID, or universally unique identifier. You can also see the targeted player's name. After a thorough review of everything, you can click on the selected punishment you will impose on the targeted player.
Free download: https://builtbybit.com/resources/punish.50069 (This download may not be up to date with the latest version)
With this plugin, you do not have to reload the whole server just to reload the plugin in order for the changes from the configuration files to come in. Just simply do /punish reload <file_type> and you are good to go.
With this plugin, after you have punished a player, the player's UUID will be recorded down in the configuration file. You will be able to see the information in a nicely formatted style.
With this plugin, you can change a way that a feature look by changing some configuration settings in the configuration files.