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The Portal 2 Source Engine plugin used to run the 2.2.x+ versions of the Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod.


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Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod Plugin

Created by Nanoman2525 & NULLderef. Maintained by Orsell.

The Portal 2 Source Engine server plugin used to run the 2.2+ versions of the Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod.

This plugin currently only works for Windows. Only designed to work with Portal 2. Portal 2 based mods may work but haven't been tested.

This plugin has been put into a separate repository due to the nature of the development and compiling environment of Source Engine plugins. The plugin alone can not make the Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod work. If you are looking to play the Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod itself, please look at this repository instead:

The purpose of this plugin is to patch Portal 2 to make the mod work as well as fix some bugs that impact multiplayer sessions. The plugin also provides access to features of the Source Engine directly that can be interfaced with by VScript. The added VScript functions are used to access Source Engine interfaces and ConVars. The interfaced game event VScript functions are called by plugin and can be used to do certain things based on those game events. portal2allgameevents.res in the main repository ( also lists what game events Portal 2 has and which ones the plugin interfaces. When game events are called, the plugins operations take priority over the interfaced VScript calls.

GEClientCommand is the only exception of not being a game event being the plugin's ClientCommand function being interfaced to VScript.

VScript Functions Added By C++ Plugin To Interface With The Engine:

void        printlP2MM(int level, bool dev, const char* pMsgFormat); | "Logging for the P2MM VScript. The log message must be passed as a string or it will error."
const char* GetPlayerName(int index);                                | "Gets player username by index."
int         GetSteamID(int index);                                   | "Gets the account ID component of player SteamID by index."
int         int GetPlayerIndex(int userid);                          | "Gets player entity index by userid."
bool        IsMapValid(const char* map);                             | "Returns true is the supplied string is a valid map name."
int         GetDeveloperLevelP2MM();                                 | "Returns the value of ConVar p2mm_developer."
void        SetPhysTypeConvar(int newval);                           | "Sets 'player_held_object_use_view_model' to the supplied integer value."
void        SetMaxPortalSeparationConvar(int newval);                | "Sets 'portal_max_separation_force' to the supplied integer value."
bool        IsDedicatedServer();                                     | "Returns true if this is a dedicated server."
void        InitializeEntity(HSCRIPT ent);                           | "Initializes an entity."
void        SendToChat(const char* msg, int index);                  | "Sends a raw message to the chat HUD."
const char* GetGameDirectory();                                      | "Returns the game directory."
const char* GetLastMap();                                            | "Returns the last map recorded by the launcher's Last Map system."
bool        FirstRunState();                                         | "Get or set the state of whether the first map was run or not. Set false/true = 0/1 | -1 to get state."

Game Events Interfaced To Squirrel VScript Functions:

Note: While represented in C++, below functions are for Squirrel. const char* type is translated to string type, and byte, short, and long types are translated to integer type in Squirrel. void types are simply the function type in Squirrel.

void GEClientCommand(short userid, int entindex, const char* pcmd, const char* fargs); | "Called when a client inputs a console command."
void GEClientActive(short userid, int entindex);                                       | "Called when a player is 'activated' in the server, meaning fully loaded, not fully connect which happens before that."
void GEGameFrame(bool simulating);                                                     | "Called every server frame, used for the VScript loop. Warning: Don't do too intensive tasks with this!"
void GEPlayerPing(short userid, float ping_x, float ping_y, float ping_z);             | "Called whenever a player pings. Game event: 'portal_player_ping'"
void GEPlayerPortaled(bool portal2);                                                   | "Called whenever a player goes through a portal. `portal2` is false when portal1/blue portal is entered. Game event: 'portal_player_portaled'"
void GETurretHitTurret();                                                              | "Called whenever a turret hits another turret. Game event: 'turret_hit_turret'"
void GECamDetach();                                                                    | "Called whenever a camera is detached from a surface. Game event: 'security_camera_detached'"
void GEPlayerLanded(short userid);                                                     | "Called whenever a player lands on the ground. Game event: 'player_landed'"
void GEPlayerConnect(const char* name, int index, short userid, const char* xuid, 
                const char* networkid, const char* address, bool bot, int entindex);   | "Called where a player connects to the server. 'index' is the entity index minus 1. Game event: 'player_connect'"
void GEPlayerInfo(const char* name, int index, short userid, const char* networkid,
                 const char* address, bool bot, int entindex);                         | "Called when a player changes their name."

void GEPlayerSay(short userid, const char* text, int entindex);                        | "Called whenever a player inputs a chat message. Game event: 'player_say'"


The Portal 2 Source Engine plugin used to run the 2.2.x+ versions of the Portal 2: Multiplayer Mod.







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