An improvement to the bruteforce method can be done with the backtracking method where a guess (1-9) is performed for the first cell. If the guess is valid (does not violate sudoku-condition (same number is already in row, column and box)) then the function calls itself recursively with the remaining unsolved cells. This method can solve all solvable sudokus but often requires a lot of wrong tries before reaching the correct solution.
To improve accuracy for the backtracking method, an improvement of the order it solves empty cells can be made. Instead of going from top-left to bottom-right, the backtracking method (easiest first) orders empty cells based on number of candidates. With this, cells with most possibilites (and with that risk of guessing wrong) are saved to last. This method is >50% faster than the traditionally backtracking method by improving accuracy (avg tries per empty cells) from 2.9 to 1.9.
The candidate checking method for solving sudokus involve writing down all possible values for each empty cell. For each cell where there is only one possible value (naked single), that value must be the correct value and is inserted, and the rest of the empty cells are then updated. The advantage of this method is that it only inserts correct numbers but finding naked singles can be difficult and it is not guaranteed that it will reach a solution.
The place finding method iterate through each unsolved cell and try to find cells where the guess can only occur in that cell (naked singles). This means that the guess only can occur in one place in the specific row, column or box. If the guess has only one possible location in its row, column or box that must be the correct position and the guess is inserted.
Crook's algorithm is a pen and paper algorithm for solving sudokus. Crook's algorithm is an extension of the place-finding method, not only looking for naked singles but preemtive sets with m>2. Preemtive sets are cells with m numbers (between 2 and 8) that fill up m cells. Since these number must fill up the m cells they can be ruled out as possible values for other cells in row/column/box. Preemtive sets are also refered to as Naked Pairs (m=2), Naked Triplets (m=3) etc.
Algorithms and code languages are tested on a various of parameters:
- Speed (average time to solve a sudoku)
- Accuracy (average number of tries to solve an empty cell)
- Solving ability (% of sudoku's solved)
The average time to solve a sudoku with each of the algorithms were as followed:
The algorithms are tested by solving 100 random sudokus each iteration and the times for python were as followed:
Exact times both in Python and C:
Algorithm | Python | C |
Bruteforce | - | - |
Backtracking | 14.9 ms | 0.033 ms |
Backtracking (easiest first) | 6.6 ms | |
Candidate-checking | 23.3 ms | 0.054 ms |
Place-finding | 82.3 ms | 0.071 ms |
Crook's Algorithm | 4.3 ms | 0.149 ms |
Bruteforce is considerable slower than the other algorithms, and can't be tested in a reasonable time.
Average number of tries per empty cell:
Algorithm | Avg. tries |
Bruteforce | 8.9 |
Backtracking | 2.9 |
Backtracking (easiest first) | 1.9 |
Candidate-checking | 1.0 |
Place-finding | 1.0 |
Crook's Algorithm | 1.0 |
Percentage of sudokus solved:
Algorithm | Sudokus solved |
Bruteforce | 100.00% |
Backtracking | 100.00% |
Backtracking (easiest first) | 100.00% |
Candidate-checking | 99.96% |
Place-finding | 58.85% |
Crook's Algorithm | 100.00% |
This is equivalent to candidate checking not being able to solve 337 out of the 1.000.000 sudokus in the Kaggle-dataset.
Algorithms are tested on 1 million Sudoku games accessible on Kaggle (