NodeJS with TypeScript types API Client and bindings for the Pomelo Pay Connect API
Using this Client you can interact with your Pomelo Pay Connect API:
- 💰 Transactions
- 💼 Companies
- 🔐 Tokens
- 💳 Card Payments (If you are certified as a PCI-DSS merchant)
- Requires NodeJS 8 or higher
- For contributing with development of this client: requires TypeScript 4
The recommended way to install pomelopay-connect-node-ts is through NPM:
To get started, just install the package:
$ npm i pomelopay-connect-node-ts
First get your production
or sandbox
API key from your Dashboard.
If you want to get a production
import Client from 'pomelopay-connect-node-ts'
const client = new Client({appId: <your-app-id>, apiKey: <your-api-key>})
If you want to get a sandbox
import Client from 'pomelopay-connect-node-ts'
const client = new Client({appId: <your-app-id>, apiKey: <your-api-key>, sandbox: true})
If you want to get a cardPayments
client (if you are certified as a PCI-DSS merchant and we've enabled this setting foryou):
import Client from 'pomelopay-connect-node-ts'
// production client
const client = new Client({appId: <your-app-id>, apiKey: <your-api-key>, directCardAuthenticationHost: true})
// sandbox client
const client = new Client({appId: <your-app-id>, apiKey: <your-api-key>, directCardAuthenticationHost: true, sandbox: true})
The following exposed API operations from the Pomelo Pay Connect API are available using the API Client.
See below for more details about each resource.
const transaction = await client.transactions.get('<transaction-id>')
The below example includes a lot of optional fields to give an extensive detail on what's possible. As a minimum just currency
and amount
is required.
const transaction = await client.transactions.create({
amount: 1234,
currency: 'USD',
customerReference: `iPhone 13`,
localId: `TX-ID-30483-2023`,
redirectUrl: '',
paymentAttemptFailureUrl: '',
tokenizationDetails: {
tokenize: true,
recurringFrequency: 'AD_HOC',
paymentType: 'UNSCHEDULED'
customer: {
name: 'John Doe',
email: '',
billingAddress1: 'Infinite Loop',
billingAddress2: '1',
billingCity: 'Cupertino',
billingPostCode: '95014',
billingCountry: 'US',
billingEmail: ''
You can then redirect the user to the transaction.url
or transaction.vendorUrl
to complete card payment.
You can also display the QR code image for the users to scan from transaction.qr.url
const company = await client.companies.get()
const tokens = await client.tokens.getList(<customer-id>)
const token = await client.tokens.get(<customer-id>, <token-id>)
For card payment operations your merchant account has to be PCI-DSS certified to be able to send us card PANs and sensitive card data directly.
When using these API's you need to get a directCardAuthenticationHost client that connects to a specific domain at our API that is certified to accept card details.
import Client from 'pomelopay-connect-node-ts'
// production client
const client = new Client({appId: <your-app-id>, apiKey: <your-api-key>, directCardAuthenticationHost: true})
const singlePayment = await client.cardPayments.singlePayment({
cardNumberRaw: "4242424242424242", // this is a test card which can be published with full PAN
cardExpDateRaw: "2312", // YYMM
cardVDRaw: "488",
transactionId: "<transaction-id>",
postalCode: "E15 5AB",
cardHolderName: "John Doe",
customerId: "<customer-id>"
This returns a nextAction
URL that you can redirect to for the customer to complete card authentication with their bank.
const customerInitiated = await client.cardPayments.customerInitiatedStoredCredentialsPayment({
token: "<token>", // you can use the list or get token API to get tokens for a customer
customerId: "<ustomer-id>",
transactionId: "<transaction-id>"
This returns a nextAction
URL that you can redirect to for the customer to complete card authentication with their bank.
const customerInitiated = await client.cardPayments.merchantInitiatedStoredCredentials({
token: "<token>", // you can use the list or get token API to get tokens for a customer
customerId: "<ustomer-id>",
transactionId: "<transaction-id>"
This will immediately charge the card and return an approval auth code if the recurring contract ID is still valid with the cardholder
Thank you for contributing to this client
- Use the same pattern for types and API operations
- Add integration test coverage
- Create an .env file in this project root with the following contents
- Run npm test:integration and verify all test succeeds
- Open a PR describing the changes
⭐ Sign up as a merchant at and start receiving payments in seconds.