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seqr: MacOSX Development Instance

The steps below can be used to set up a development instance of seqr.


Choose or create a directory where you want to install seqr. In your terminal, set the envirnoment variable:

export SEQR_INSTALL_DIR=[directory where to install seqr]

This variable is only used during the install, but it's good to add it to your ~/.bashrc anyway. That way you can just copy-paste other lines from the instructions below to your ~/.bashrc since they are defined relative to ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}.


NOTE: root access may be required for the brew install commands.

  1. Install homebrew if it's not installed already. To check if it's already installed, run: brew --version.

  2. Create subdirectories:
    mkdir code data data/reference_data data/projects data/reference_data/omim

  3. Download seqr reference data. You may want to download these in the background while proceeding to next steps.

    • cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/data/reference_data
    • wget; tar -xzf seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz
    • wget; wget;
    • wget
    • wget
    • cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/data/reference_data/omim . Then download the genemap2.txt and mim2gene.txt files from OMIM (this may require free registration).

    cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/data/projects
    wget; tar -xzf 1kg_project.tar.gz

  4. Download and install VEP. It's used by seqr to annotate variants. Also, we install tabix as we need it to optimize the VEP cache.
    brew install tabix
    mv ensembl-tools-release-81/scripts/variant_effect_predictor .
    rm -rf ensembl-tools-release-81
    cd variant_effect_predictor
    perl --AUTO acf --CACHEDIR ../vep_cache --SPECIES homo_sapiens --ASSEMBLY GRCh37 --CONVERT

    While it's installing, you may want to proceed with the next steps in a new terminal.

  5. Install MongoDB. This is a NoSQL database that will hold large static datasets such as variants, annotations, etc.
    brew install mongodb
    brew services start mongodb
    mongod --dbpath <directory where you want to store db files> & # start MongoDB in the background

  6. Install MySQL. A MySQL database isn't actually used, but the python mysql library (which is used to access Ensembl) requires MySQL to be installed.
    brew install mysql

  7. Install python v2.7 if it's not installed already:
    brew install python # this should install python 2.7
    easy_install pip # installs the python package installer

  8. Clone the seqr repo from github:
    cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/code
    git clone

    and add these lines to your ~/.bashrc:
    export PYTHONPATH=${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/code/seqr/deploy/mac_osx/xbrowse_settings:$PYTHONPATH

  9. Install python virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. This allows specific versions of python libraries to be installed as needed for seqr without interfering with previously-installed libraries.
    /usr/local/bin/pip install virtualenvwrapper

    and add these lines to your ~/.bashrc:
    export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS='--no-site-packages' # isolate new environments from global site-packages directory
    export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
    source /usr/local/bin/

  10. Create a virtualenv and install all needed python libraries.
    mkvirtualenv seqr
    cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/code/seqr
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Load example data

  1. Switch to the seqr virtualenv.
    cd ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/code/seqr
    workon seqr

  2. Initialize the database. This django command creates the database seqr uses for storing users, projects and other metatada.
    ./ migrate

  3. Load data from ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/data/reference_data into the database.
    ./ load_resources

This will take ~20 minutes (a sequence of progress bars will show).
While it's loading, you may want to proceed with the next steps in a new terminal (but remember to repeat all of step 1).

  1. To load the OMIM data, run:
    ./ load_omim

  2. Create superuser(s). This user will have access to all seqr projects on your development instance.
    ./ createsuperuser # it will ask you to create a username and password

  3. Start the development server:
    ./ runserver 8000

    You can now open http://localhost:8000 in your browser and login using the superuser credentials.

  4. Create the 1kg example project:
    ./ add_project 1kg

    If you now refresh http://localhost:8000, you should see the project appear.

  5. Initialize the project with the example data we downloaded earlier:
    ./ load_project_dir 1kg ${SEQR_INSTALL_DIR}/data/projects/1kg_project

    This adds the file paths to the database, but doesn't actually load the VCF data.

  6. To load the VCF data: ./ load_project 1kg

Load your own data

  1. seqr was designed around the format of VCFs produced by the GATK variant calling tools.

    • the following genotype format is expected: GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL
  2. Before a VCF can be loaded into seqr, it must be annotated with VEP to add a specific set of annotations, including those provided by the dbNSFP and LoFTEE plugins. Once these plugins have been installed, please use the following command to annotate your VCF file (here called my_data.vcf.gz):

    perl ./vep/ensembl-tools-release-81/scripts/variant_effect_predictor/ --everything --vcf --allele_number --no_stats --cache --offline --dir ./vep_cache/ --force_overwrite --cache_version 81 --fasta ./vep_cache/homo_sapiens/81_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa --assembly GRCh37 --tabix --plugin LoF,human_ancestor_fa:./loftee_data/human_ancestor.fa.gz,filter_position:0.05,min_intron_size:15 --plugin dbNSFP,./reference_data/dbNSFP/dbNSFPv2.9.gz,Polyphen2_HVAR_pred,CADD_phred,SIFT_pred,FATHMM_pred,MutationTaster_pred,MetaSVM_pred -i my_data.vcf.gz -o my_data.vep.vcf.gz

    NOTE: VEP tends to run out of memory on large VCFs, so it's best to split the vcf into chuncks with 5000 or fewer variants in each, run VEP on each chunk in parallel, and then recombine. The grabix indexing tool is very helpful for the splitting step because it lets you extract an arbitrary range of lines from the vcf, and these can be piped directly into VEP.

  3. Once you have an annotated file, it can be loaded the same way as steps 6 to 8 in the 'Load example data' section.

Production Environment

  1. Web server: For production, we recommend running either Apache with mod_wsgi, or gunicorn with nginx as a reverse proxy. An example gunicorn and nginx configuration is described here. A good tutorial on the gunicorn+nginx setup can be found here:

  2. It's critical to enable https in the apache or nginx config to prevent login credentials and other sensative information from being sent in plain text.