Releases: Plushtoast/dsa5-foundryVTT
2.0.1 Foundry 0.8.6
Foundry v0.8.x Compatibility
TDE/DSA is now compatible with Foundry 0.8.x! TDE for 0.7.x will not receive upgrades anymore and thus future updates will only be available for 0.8.x.
ATTENTION: The two versions are NOT compatible with one another and once you upgraded to 0.8.x. you CANNOT go back to an 0.7.x. version!
Video Changelog
Tsaath started a YouTube Video series on changes in TDE for Foundry VTT in german:
New Content
- Aventurian Magic 2 (GERMAN) available
- Bestiary 2 (GERMAN) available
- Die Drachenritter Einsteigerbox (GERMAN) available
- English Translation for the Core Module available in the Ulisses US and DE store. The Core Module language can be switched!
Important new features
Character migration
You can now update your characters with the updated modules' contents. This mostly includes effects for spells and abilities. You have to do this manually on a character by character basis, as we wanted this to be a deliberate action because it might override manual changes you have made during gameplay! Find the migration on the link button in the top right corner of your actor sheets. It's generally a good practice to update the characters when you updated module content. We plan to expand the migration capabilities from time to time.
Equipment marked as "bag" and wearable can now be used as container. Drag and Drop items onto the container to add them. You can expand and collapse the container in your inventory. The default state is collapsed. Dropping bags with content in a container results in extracting the one bag and putting all content in the parent container. Nested containers or moving containers between actors is currently not supported. The weight of the container and it's content is only applied to the actor if the item is worn. This way you can simulate carrying mules or dropping the bag to the ground.
You can now enchant artifacts! Drag and drop spells on the item's sheet to enchant. To use an enchantment open the item's sheet and press the die button next to the enchantment. Future upgrades might also include help for the calculation of modifiers and AsP/AE cost of enchantments.
Ability Sounds
All abilities and items can now play a short sound on usage, depending on the action taken (successful/failed usage f.e.). This will require a configuration file. We will provide an optional module with this configuration for TDE soon. The configuration file(s) will be a fan project and will require the help of volunteers.
Fan Project
On selecting a single token on the battlemap a tiny hotbar will appear. This hotbar contains different buttons depending on the context. At the moment this is either combat or out of combat. In combat the bar shows attacks, combat spells and important default skills for the combat like perception or feat of strength. Out of combat it'll show some default skills (like perception) and up to ten skills with the highest talent value of the selected actor sorted in descending order. This should vastly improve the access to common skills for gamemasters. No need to crawl the actor's sheet anymore. We hope to make this bar somehow more clever with each iteration.
- Fatepoint Special Abilites do now show up as an option in the context menu of chat messages for rolls
- Spells can now have an actor link for the spell effect, so you can quickly conjure or shapeshift into creatures with a simple drag and drop
- Consumables can now have effects equal to spells. So you could "on consumption" (right click on the item in the inventory) add a strength bonus for the strength potion or execute a macro.
- Spells with enhancements now have a small indicator
- The combat tracker now shows the number of defenses an actor has left in the current round with a reset each round. The combat dialog prefills the number of defenses with this value.
- Combat Techniques do now apply their defense modifier (f.e. ranged wepaons -4 on defense). Make sure to update your characters Combat Techniques with the new migration!
- The /w command in chat shows players you want to whisper to (TDE/DSA is incompatible with modules doing that)
- Items posted from compendiums now have a drag and drop button to bring them to your character
- Loot sheets can now be locked
- Condition prone now also affects dodge
- Improved the adventure point calculation of career/culture/species abilities
- Some roll modifiers for spells were not applied properly
And special thanks to our voluntary helpers!
1.4.3 Hotfix
Minor fixes for compatibility with Foundry 0.7.10
See Release 1.4.0 for recent changes
1.4.2 Hotfix
- Fixed adding of cultures
- Fixed schips/fatepoints for dodge
See Release 1.4.0 for recent changes
1.4.1 Hotfix for new modules
Fixed some minor issues for the release of the new modules.
See Release 1.4.0 for recent changes
1.4.0 Effects and Magic for everything
Foundry v0.8.x Compatibility
DSA/TDE is not compatible at this time with Foundry v0.8. You will break your world if you update now. The system will be compatible once Foundry has released a stable release (probably June). Make sure to backup your world data before migrating.
New Content
- Aventurian Magic 2 (GERMAN) available soon
- Bestiary 2 (GERMAN) available soon
- Die Drachenritter Einsteigerbox (GERMAN) our first adventure for Foundry soon
Important new features
Journal browser
The journal tab now contains a new button which opens the journal browser. This tool faciliates the usage of rules from all modules and also improves the performance. Journals don't have to be imported anymore and can be used directly from the compendium. Once all updates are rolled out you may delete already imported journals from your world to improve performance and reduce clutter.
Also the journal browser assists on adventure modules with included functions for map setup and quick access to all information. Make sure to have a look.
Any effect
All abilities and items can now have ActiveEffects and modify the wielding actor accordingly. You can now create magic rings and abilities modifying anything on your character data. Keep in mind that Foundry v0.7.x does not allow to edit embedded items in embedded items. So you can not add effects in compendium items or in actor's items. You have to do this manually in the item folder. This will be supported with Foundry v0.8.x.
Spell improvements
Spells/rituals/ceremonies/liturgical chants can now apply effects to the target on a successfull cast. This includes attribute modifiers coming from a spell like Axxeleratus as well as Conditions (Horriphobus) or even macros. The effect modifiers get automatically calculated depending on the QS/QL of the spell. Also the duration is calculated automatically.
All official modules get their spells updated soon to accomodate for those changes where possible. Unfortunately you have to replace spells on existing characters with the new ones manually at the moment.
If you use modules like "about time" or "times-up" those effects even decay automatically once the duration has been exceeded.
Also spells and liturgical chants with an effect formula now behave like a ranged attack and can be dodged.
Again: Version 0.7 of foundry does not support changing ActiveEffects on items owned by actors. Only items not on an actor can be modified (v0.8 is going to allow that)
- Spells/Liturgical Chants with an effect formula behave now like a ranged attack and can be dodged
- Default creature token sizes and token bar configurations can now be overwritten
- The system can now handle both FP/SP and FW/SR modifiers. FP/SP only gets applied on a successful roll.
- Fate rerolls now show the previous and current roll
- The request roll feature (rq) covers now also attribute and regeneration rolls
- Special Abilities can now be posted to the chat during the combat roll dialog
- The pay button should now vanish once clicked
- Regeneration roll can now only be applied once
- Creatures can now have a trait "Immun gegen Schmerzen"/"Immune to pain" and not get pain through damage anymore (other sources still possible)
- Opportunity attacks can neither botch nor crit anymore
- Items and abilites can now modify parts (one of the attributes involved) of a roll
- Weapons dropped on an actor sheet while the combat tab is enabled will now be automatically equipped
- Professions now contain a multiplier for the ressources generated through the primary attribute (mage bards only half AE/AsP)
- Merchants and Loot can now be hidden in the actors directory. Make sure to give permissions only after setting the flag.
- The damage roll should not be shown accidentally too early anymore
- Chatlogs could grow very big and crash systems with low memory. This should be fixed now.
- Not finishing opposed roles could leave stale data on an actor causing problems. This should now be more flexible.
- Wrong configured items should not break the actor sheet anymore
- Offhand attack and defense modifiers can now be negative too
- Roman number for ability levels didn't show everywhere
Module updates follow the system update in due time and will not yet be available at the release of this patch.
TDE/DSA Core Rules - 1.1.1
- Spells have been improved to do some automation which is now possible through the new system update
- Liturgies have been improved to do some automation which is now possible through the new system update
- Journals moved to new journal browser (see system updates)
- Creatures are now immune to pain where applicable
- Fixed some minor issues with items
Aventurisches Götterwirken 1 - v1.0.2
- Liturgies have been improved to do some automation which is now possible through the new system update
- Journals moved to new journal browser (see system updates)
- Creatures are now immune to pain where applicable
- Fixed some modifiers of Combat Special Abilites
- Improved shapeshifting a little
Aventurische Magie 1 - v1.0.2
- Spells have been improved to do some automation which is now possible through the new system update
- Journals moved to new journal browser (see system updates)
- Creatures are now immune to pain where applicable
- Improved professions to properly modify the primary attribute (f.e. bards)
- Fixed some minor bugs on Special Abilites
- Improved shapeshifting a little
Bestiarium - v1.0.1
- We added creatures from the Almanach to the bestiary! Including well known monsters like Trolls, Orks, Goblins and more.
- Journals moved to new journal browser (see system updates)
- Creatures are now immune to pain where applicable
- Fixed some minor issues for the Morfu
Aventurische Rüstkammer - v1.0.1
- Journals moved to new journal browser (see system updates)
- Fixed some minor issues with items
1.3.2 Botched Patch Hotfix
- Parry should work properly again
- Fixed descriptor of some modifiers in active effects dropdown default menu
- Advance buttons for attributes should be visible again
- Groupcheck should now also be available to players instead of only the GM
- Melee sight modifier lucky hit should now be a factor
- Special Ability Modifier VM/DM should now work without an additional AT modifier
- Equipment should now be able to apply talent modifiers and stat modifiers at the same time
- Active Effects can now apply a defense malus on the opposing token
1.3.1 Minor Bugfix & Enhancement
1.3.1 Bugfix & Minor Enhancements
New features
- Active Effects now have a dropdown with the most common character modifiers.
- New base character modifiers via status effect available (see wiki)
- Combat special abilities can now modify the opposing token's defense (German VM = Verteidigungsmalus, English DM = defense malus)
- Cancelling of blood rush now adds stunned condition.
- Sight modifiers for melee attacks added.
- Library should now load more than 60 items with an endless scroll.
- If you want to let status effects run out by themselves automatically, check the modules "times-up" and "about-time".
- Super long item names should now fit the item sheet.
- Any equipment can now be marked as wearable. Only worn equipment applies modifiers to the character.
- The combat tracker now houses a button on the actor with the current turn, which shows its basic attacks (similar to the reaction button).
- Basic groupcheck is now available via /gc in the chat or @gc[Betören 1] in journals.
- Attributes for rolls can now be changed for a single roll on the roll dialog.
- Library button also added to creature sheet.
- Advantageous position is now a modifier on the combat dialog.
Bug Fixes
- Rapture/Entrückung should now properly modify liturgies and combat techniques.
- Aptitude/Begabung now also covers liturgies, ceremonies, rituals and spells.
- English client should now have proper map grid scale label.
- Damage calculation after usage of fate poinst should now be correct.
- The merchant should now calculate the price for consumables properly.
- Attribute modifiers through gear should now work again.
- Professions with special abilities as requirement should now handle those properly.
- NPCs and creatures now show fate point special abilities
1.3.0 Merchants, Active Effects, New Content
New Content
- English Core Module available from April 1st
- Gods of Aventuria (GERMAN version) available from April 1st
- Aventurian Magic (GERMAN version) available from April 1st
Both Gods of Aventuria and Aventurian Magic include shapeshifting. To use that, drop the relevant creature onto your character to enact the change. This requires the permission to create actors, so it might have to be done by your gamemaster. For more details see Shapeshifting in the wiki and a future tutorial video.
Important new features
- You can now add any custom effect to actors, which can alter the actor’s base stats.
This is an important upgrade for future improvements regarding spell automation and effects of items. Unfortunately, this requires some understanding of the base data scheme of actors. We will work on further facilitating improvements and on tutorials on how to do that. Also, we plan to incorporate those effects into spells and items to be applied automatically.
This feature will also allow you to track the duration of effects. For now, you can create those effects manually only:
Find the Status tab on your character and search for the + button inside the ‘Add Effect’ menu. To create an effect for Armatrutz, for example, edit the status and add a new entry with attribute key "data.totalArmor" and effect value depending on the level of Armatrutz to the Effects tab. You can then enable this effect whenever you cast Armatrutz. For details check the wiki: Active Effects - A Merchant is now available to sell stuff with varying price modifiers.
To create one add a new NPC and change his actor sheet to Merchant (Top right corner on the character sheet). Be sure to leave the default value as is. You can then add equipment for sale or also change the sheet to a loot sheet. Players can trade with the merchant once they gain the permission "limited" for that npc. We will also provide a video tutorial for this in the future. For performance reasons it is not recommended to create a single merchant with all available gear. - You can now enable manual rolls in the settings.
This will allow to manually enter the value of rolled dice from outside Foundry. The dialog window will then show an input field for roll results for any roll. This input is also prefilled with random rolls, so you can choose to take those instead of your physical dice at any time.
- You can now choose via the settings, whether a target should be cleared after an attack or not.
- You can now choose to hide damage rolls from an attack to players via the settings. Right-clicking on the chat message allows to show the result publicly afterwards again.
- The defense roll can now be done via a button in the chat. We also recommend a look at the module "T is for target".
- The game master can now do 3d20 checks from the chat window by typing /ch. A base value of 12 is assumed for all attributes. You can alter those with the modifiers on the dialog popup. This is very helpful for encounters with people that don't have their own token or actor like some random person on the street or a merchant.
- The encumbrance modifier is not automatically applied for spell rolls anymore
- Damage rolls only appear after a successful attack. This helps to prevent meta gaming like ‘I only defend if it hurts badly and save my defense action for later’.
- The RQ journal/chat helper can now be used inside a macro
- Bloodrush condition improved.
- Ausweichen/Dodge is now allowed for special abilities in combat (PA modifier)
- You can now look at the artworks by right-clicking on the image inside character and item sheets and the library.
- Creature traits can now parry too.
- There is now a factor for the primary attribute KA/AE gain (f.e. for Zauberbarden)
- Advance buttons are now hidden on actors not owned.
- Important patch notes will now be shown in your world after every update.
Bug Fixes
- Damage calculation after manual edits should now work correctly.
- Aptitude now automatically takes the better result out of the previous or newly rolled die.
- Full text search for journals is now working properly.
- Ceremonial special abilities now properly show on the character sheet.
- Familiar attribute changes are now also applied.
Thanks to Gunthgard and Tsaath for contributing.
1.2.1 Minor Fixes and Enhancements
- Specialabilities, Advantages, Disadvantages and Items can now provide ability points for spell/liturgy/ceremony/ritual checks (see Fertigkeitsspezialisierung as example)
- Damage roll of attack can now be modified f.e. with 1d6 or a flat number (damage roll itself still waiting for upgrade)
- Checks now allow a modifier for Quality levels, the modifier will only be applied if the check is successfull
- Blessings/Cantrips can now be "rolled" resulting in a chat message and an automatic deduction of the cost of 1 AE/KP
- Actors can now have modified initiative dice
- The confirmation roll for single dice can now be deactivated in the settings menu
- Regeneration roll should now show advanced or decreased regeneration special abilities
- Ceremonial items are now a extra special ability category
- Fixed application of regeneration via context menu on chatcard
- Journals can now contain multiple rq buttons
- Journal rq buttons shouldn't create multiple chat messages anymore
1.2.0 English + New Functions
Important new Features
- DSA/TDE now supports English as language (The introductory adventure is available in English too)
- The library has been improved a lot. It'll now create a search index for stuff, journals and actors which is rather fast. Also journals now have a full text search.
- Status Effects are now drag and droppable from everywhere and incorporate most of their modifiers into the system
New Features
- Improvements to combat special abilities and their usage during a roll dialogue
- Spells can now have a variable cost (e.g. Armatrutz)
- NPCs and Creatures can now have Fatepoints/Schicksalspunkte. Unfortunately, previously existing creatures are all blessed by the fate and do now have fatepoints too (module updates will remove this again soon)!
- Regeneration Rolls can now be applied via the Context Menu on the Chat Card (right click)
- Damage can now be applied without armor
- Initiative rolls now contain the base initiative value as fraction for better sorting
- Poison and disease resistances are now a modifier for poison/disease rolls. Make sure to select the target first!
- Journal entries can now include request roll buttons. Type f.e. @Rq[Kraftakt 2] to create a button that requests a roll for Kraftakt.
- Equipment can now be transferred from actor sheets by holding the alt key during the drag and drop. This will remove the item from the source actor.
- Usage of spell extensions should now be reasonable
Bug Fixes
- Talent rolls with a modifier do not use the modifier as FP modifier as well anymore
- Professions with attribute requirements now calculate their cost correcly
- Weapons with broken combat skills don't block the character sheet anymore
- Advance buttons now lock the sheet until they get a response from the server. Prevents wrong calculation of AP cost.
- NPCs can now adjust the level of their advantages/disadvantages