This module uses Apple's safari-web-extension-converter
to convert a Web Extension (i.e. Chrome Extension) to a Safari Web Extension, and uploads the native bundle to the Apple App Store using Fastlane. Deployment is available for both iOS and macOS platforms. Runs on both macOS and GitHub-hosted macOS runners. This is the Safari implementation for Plasmo Browser Platform Publisher.
Feature includes:
- TypeScript API, with type exports
- Pure ECMAScript module
- Frozen dependencies, updated via renovatebot
- Support for GitHub-hosted macOS runners
- Only supports Manifest V2 extensions (for now)
- This is beta software that may require handholding and knowledge of Xcode and Fastlane
- Xcode (versions 13.2.1 or newer)
xcode-select -s /Applications/
- Xcode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install
- Ruby (versions 2.5 or newer)
brew install ruby
- Bundler
gem install bundler
- Create cert storage with Fastlane Match (reference from any Mac; you won't need to set this up more than once
- Create appIds (bundle identifiers) in App Store Connect manually or with Fastlane Produce
- By default, extension bundle ids will be the same
appended - Developers can optionally create their own extension bundle id and provide it with the
parameter - For Fastlane Produce, install Fastlane to your machine, run
fastlane produce
, and follow the prompts to create a new App through App Store Connect
- By default, extension bundle ids will be the same
- Integrate into your GitHub Actions with Plasmo BPP
- Create App Store page metadata
- Manually submit the build for App Review
key | required | description |
bundleId | true | i.e. com.plasmo.mock |
extensionBundleId | false | i.e. com.plasmo.mock.extension |
appName | true | i.e. Plasmo Mock |
appCategory | true | last component of LSApplicationCategoryType (i.e. business) |
platforms | false | defaults to iOS and macOS |
buildNumber | false | defaults to GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER |
Read about Fastlane Appfile options
key | description |
appleId | Your Apple email address |
appleDevPortalId | Apple Developer Account email address |
teamName | i.e. Plasmo Corp. |
teamId | i.e. Q2CBPJ58CA |
itunesConnectId | App Store Connect Account email address |
itcTeamName | i.e. "Company Name" for Apple IDs in multiple teams |
itcTeamId | i.e. "18742801" for Apple IDs in multiple teams |
If you want to use custom provisioning profiles that weren't generated in the pattern of Fastlane Match provisioning profiles
key | required | description |
provisioningProfiles | false | array of ProvisioningProfiles |
Read about the App Store Connect API
key | required | description |
keyId | true | i.e. "D383SF739" |
key | true | i.e. "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBHknlhdlYdLu\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" |
issuerId | true | i.e. "6053b7fe-68a8-4acb-89be-165aa6465141" |
duration | false | optional (maximum 1200) |
Read about Fastlane Match options
key | description |
matchPassword | shared storage encryption password |
matchStorageMode | defaults to git |
matchGitUrl | for git |
matchGitBranch | for git |
matchGitBasicAuthorization | for git |
matchGitBearerAuthorization | for git |
matchGitPrivateKey | for git |
matchGoogleCloudBucketName | for Google Cloud |
matchGoogleCloudKeysFile | for Google Cloud |
matchGoogleCloudProjectId | for Google Cloud |
matchS3Region | for S3 |
matchS3AccessKey | for S3 |
matchS3SecretAccessKey | for S3 |
matchS3Bucket | for S3 |
key | description |
workspace | non-tmp static directory to generate workspace to (for file system debugging or project exports) |
verbose | toggle more detailed logs |
runs-on: macos-10.15
timeout-minutes: 15
- name: Git - Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3.0.0
ref: ${{ github.ref }}
- name: Setup - Xcode
run: xcode-select -s /Applications/
- name: Setup - Ruby and bundler dependencies
uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1.99.0
bundler-cache: true
- name: Safari Webstore Upload via Browser Platform Publish
uses: PlasmoHQ/bpp@v2
keys: ${{ secrets.BPP_KEYS }}
import { SafariPublisher } from "@PlasmoHQ/safari-publisher"
const client = new SafariPublisher({
"bundleId": "com.plasmo.mock",
"appName": "Plasmo Mock",
"appCategory": "developer-tools",
"platforms": ["ios", "macos"],
"teamName": "Plasmo Corp.",
"matchGitUrl": "YOUR_MATCH_REPO"
await client.submit({
filePath: zip
Adopt XcodeGen to simplify project generation and schema management
We currently manually modify the generated Xcode project to suit our needs, which may be difficult to maintain:
- Recreate user build schemes; mimicking Xcode's behavior upon project open: Xcodeproj.recreate_user_schemes
- Replace pbx bundle identifiers to circumvent generator bug: Xcodeproj.targets.each
- Replacing wrong static bundle ids in generated code text.gsub
- Generate Xcode Workspace (to allow Fastlane to see subdirectory project with xml FileRefs) XML generator
- Add LSApplicationCategoryType to Info.plist xcodeWorkspace.writeKeyToInfoPlists
- Update project team with fastlane run update_project_team
- Update code signing settings fastlane run update_code_signing_settings
- Set/increment build number fastlane run increment_build_number