A Rogue clone written in Visual Basic.
The purpose of this project is as a learning device to...
- learn fundamental programming techniques.
- write a game.
- use Visual Basic.
- work as a team (OSS).
- and do so using http://github.com.
This project is for those with little to no knowledge of programming, for those who have tons of experience and everyone in between. The idea is to have fun while both learning and lending knowledge along the way.
Some of this collaboration is taking place in-person through http://basicsig.com monthly meetings while other interactions will be completely over the web.
NOTE: The purpose of this project is not to create a "rogue-like"; rather, we are using the original Rogue for inspiration and as a target design to build a project for the purposes of learning. Once we have a "finished product"; where it goes from there is anyones guess... until then, we have a target that can be held steady. ;-)
- Documents - Contains reference materials for writing a rogue clone.
- Prototyping - Contains various prototypes that serve to experiment with ideas/techniques that can be leveraged to write the actual game.
- Rogue-likes - Contains several examples I've come across that demonstrate a "rogue-like" experience; including these examples for information purposes.
Please file any issues at https://github.com/DualBrain/VbRogue/issues.
We will do our best to attempt to adhere to the guidelines as defined:
If you see that we've strayed, please feel free to create an issue.
- Visual Studio 2017
To develop do the following:
- Press F5 to debug
To test do the following: TBD
We follow the same contribution process that corefx is using.
To discuss topics in "realtime", join our http://basicsig.slack.com group by visiting http://basicsig.com. Once you are a member of the group, be sure to join the #oss-vbrogue channel.
The source code is available on https://github.com/DualBrain/VbRogue and licensed under the MIT license.
This project is inspired/influenced in part by:
- Rogue (Epyx) circa mid-1980's
Technology references:
Logo by TBD.