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How to setup

PizzaThatCodes edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 1 revision

To use DailyShop, you need to put the plugin inside your /plugins folder. Once you have done that, either /reload, /restart, or use PlugManX’s /plugman load DailyShop to load the plugin.

When the plugin starts up, it will generate config files then shut down due to improper schemas in config.yml.

To get it running, head to /plugins/DailyShop/config.yml and replace all three schema info from the config to the database your using (For starting purposes, all schemas will have the same information, I don’t see you needing multiple databases for this if your a relatively small server).

Restart the plugin (from step one, but you don’t need to re-add the plugin’s jar), and it should work!

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