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PizzaThatCodes edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Here are some commonly asked questions:

Why is there 3 schemas? And what does each of them do?

I have designed three schemas for DailyShop to efficiently handle its extensive data. Given the substantial volume of information, the decision to incorporate three schemas was driven by the need to manage the storage of various data elements, including the details of each added item, the tracking of player purchases, and the randomization of items.

Here's an overview of the functionality of each schema:

Schema 1: This schema exclusively stores item data. Every created item is saved here. Note that switching to a different schema will not automatically transfer your items; manual transfer is required.

Schema 2: Designed to store player data, Schema 2 records the quantities of items bought and sold by players. This information is reset whenever the shop resets, aiming to optimize storage and reset the relevant values.

Schema 3: This schema is dedicated to saving the randomization details for items. Upon each shop reset, it assigns a random number to each item from Schema 1 based on its category. The randomized data can be utilized in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Schema 3 is expected to be approximately half the size of Schema 1, enhancing efficiency in data storage.

Why is it closed-source:

I made this closed source since it's a paid plugin, but don't worry! DailyShop will become open source once I stop maintaining the project to allow others to build on this! (As all software should do).

How do I get support?

You can get support on my discord server The Pizza Hut, here is the invite link:

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