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AutotTrash is a versatile and customizable Automatic Trash system for Minecraft 1.14 to 1.20.4 servers. It provides a simple to use approuch to permission based item removal!


  • Custom Item Support: Since the plugin encodes the itemstack into Base64, any custom items will work and all it's data is saved. Making any custom item work!
  • Permission Based: AutoTrash uses permissions to handle which items are deleted, making it extremely easy to prepare toggle's for it.
  • Low Performance Usage: Due to how simple AutoTrash is, it doesn't affect the server's performance as other plugins would.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to set up and configure.
  • Folia Support: Can use this plugin with Folia! (Barely Tested)

Getting Started


  • Minecraft server running version 1.14 to 1.20.4
  • Permission System


  1. Download the Plugin: Download the latest version of AutoTrash from the Releases page.

  2. Install the Plugin: Place the downloaded AutoTrash.jar file in your server's plugins directory.

  3. Restart the Server: Restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.


AutoTrash provides a configuration file to customize the AFK modules and rewards.

  1. Locate the Configuration File: After the first start, the configuration file will be generated in the plugins/AutoTrash directory.

  2. Edit the Configuration File: Open the config.yml file with a text editor and configure the settings to your preference.

Below is an example configuration of messages.yml:

prefix: "&7[&6&lAutoTrash&7]&r"
  console-cannot-use-command: "{prefix} &cYou cannot use this command from the console."
  no-permission: "{prefix} &cYou do not have permission to use this command."

      success: "{prefix} &aSuccessfully reloaded the AutoTrash configuration."
    - "{prefix} &7AutoTrash Commands:"
    - "{prefix} &7- &6/autotrash add <permission>&7- Add the item in your hand to the AutoTrash list."
    - "{prefix} &7- &6/autotrash list &7- List all items in the AutoTrash list."
    - "{prefix} &7- &6/autotrash reload &7- Reload the AutoTrash configuration."
    console-cannot-use-command: "{prefix} &cYou cannot use this command from the console."
    no-item-in-hand: "{prefix} &cYou must be holding an item to add it to the AutoTrash list."
    success: "{prefix} &aSuccessfully added item to the AutoTrash list."
    usage: "{prefix} &cUsage: /autotrash add <permission>"

Below is an example configuration of config.yml:

    permission: 'autotrash.admin'

  confirm-delete: true

Commands and Permissions

  • /autotrash <list:add:reload> <permission> - Add and/or list the items & reload the plugin configuration.
    • Permission: autotrash.admin

Default Permissions

  • autotrash.admin - Allows players to add|list items, & reload the config, you are able to change this in config.yml.


We welcome contributions from the community! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch with your feature or bugfix.
  3. Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the CC0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For support and inquiries, please join my Discord server or open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you for using AutoTrash! I hope it enhances your Minecraft server experience.