This comment module wich it run under Ribs-framework all version. It can be used with any ribs module which run over Ribs
You can install it with composer with this command :
$ composer create-project piou-piou/ribs-module-comment comment
Before install it, you must be in modules folder of your ribs project
In the controller of any module, before to create $arr value wich will be used in twig initialise getting of the comments. To do this it's very simple, you have to do inly those two lines :
$comment = new \modules\comment\app\controller\Comment();
$comments = ["name_of_array" => $comment->getComments("name_of_table", id_number)];
- name_of_array : define the name of the array wich will be used for twig call in template
- name_of_table : the name of the table to associate comment to a page or a specific module
- id_number : the id in the table name to associate comment to a specific page, article, ...
For exemple you have the blog module activated on your website, to add comment on articles you have to change controller that get an article
$article = new \modules\blog\app\controller\Article();
$category = new \modules\blog\app\controller\Category();
$arr = \modules\blog\app\controller\Blog::getValues();
\core\App::setTitle(" ".$arr["blog"]["article"]["title"]);
\core\App::setDescription("". $arr["blog"]["article"]["title"]);
$article = new \modules\blog\app\controller\Article();
$category = new \modules\blog\app\controller\Category();
$comment = new \modules\comment\app\controller\Comment();
$comments = ["comments" => $comment->getComments("_blog_article", 1)];
$arr = array_merge(\modules\blog\app\controller\Blog::getValues(), $comments);
\core\App::setTitle(" ".$arr["blog"]["article"]["title"]);
\core\App::setDescription("". $arr["blog"]["article"]["title"]);
In views parts you just have to add a simple line of code where you want to display all comments wich were added to twig var before. Where you want to display comments you have to do this :
{{ name_of_array|raw }}
and that's all, enjoy :)