Buddy lets you pair up with another player before the round begins, and spawn in on the same team as them. This can let friends play together more easily.
If your server runs EXILED, and not Smod, head over here: https://github.com/PintTheDragon/Buddy/tree/EXILED
To install Buddy, just download the latest release at https://github.com/PintTheDragon/Buddy/releases (make sure to get the SMOD version, not the EXILED version), then stick Buddy.dll in your sm_plugins directory. After you launch your server, you can configure it.
For the most part, Buddy works out of the box, but you may want to configure it. To change the commands and things it says, go to sm_translations and open buddyplugin.txt. From there, you can modify the commands/responses. To configure Buddy, you'll need to add the config options to config_gameplay.txt (or wherever your config goes if you're using MultiAdmin, etc):
Config | Description | Default Value |
buddy_enabled | Enables/disables the plugin. | true |
buddy_force_exact_role | Makes a player the exact role as their buddy. | false |
buddy_disallow_guard_scientist_combo | If true, buddies will never spawn in as a guard and scientist. Only both a guard or both a scientist. | true |
To use buddy plugin, run ".buddy <friend's name>" before the round starts (friend's name does not need to be exact). Then, your friend needs to run ".baccept". That's it! You will both spawn in on the same team.
Great! If you have a github account, please make an issue describing the problem that's occuring. Otherwise, you can contact me on discord at PintTheDragon#9203 and I'll make the issue for you.