Objective C library for Pinoccio
- Download the zip here
- Drag the Pinoccio header and class file into your iOS project, Copy to project directory if needed, and add to your iOS app's target.
- Add the header to whatever class you need to use the API in, like so;
#import "Pinoccio.h"
Initializing library
PinoccioAPI *pinoccioAPI = [[PinoccioAPI alloc] init]; // this also initializes the keychain wrapper
Setting login email and password
[pinoccioAPI setPinoccioEmail:@"foo@bar.com"];
[pinoccioAPI setPinoccioPassword:@"foobarbaz123"];
Logging in (changed API) This uses the set email and password stored in the keychain.
[pinoccioAPI loginWithCompletion:^(NSString *generatedToken, BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK){
token = generatedToken; // token is a NSString
isLoggedIn = YES; // isLoggedIn is global bool and to be checked if already logged in
}else {
NSLog(@"Username or password is incorrect!");
Logging in. Required arguments: email, password (Depredicated)
NSString *token; // This and the bool can be a global variable that can be used anywhere in the class, the example demos this.
BOOL isLoggedIn;
pinoccioAPI loginWithCredentials:@"dylan@pinocc.io" password:@"Password2014" withCompletion:^(NSString *generatedToken, BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK){
token = generatedToken;
isLoggedIn = YES;
}else {
NSLog(@"Username or password is incorrect!");
Logging out. Required arguments: token
[pinoccioAPI logoutWithToken:token withCompletion:^(BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK) {
[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Success!" message:@"You're logged out :D" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok" otherButtonTitles:nil, nil] show];
}else {
// Make sure you're logging out a token that is valid
Get array of troops for account. Required arguments: token
[pinoccioAPI troopWithToken:token withCompletion:^(NSArray *troops, BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK) {
// Do something with troops
}else {
NSLog(@"Data is nil/null, check if user is logged in and token is valid.");
Get array of scouts in troop. Required arguments: TroopID, token
[pinoccioAPI scoutsWithTroopID:1 withToken:token withCompletion:^(NSArray *scoutArray, BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK) {
// Do something with scoutArray
}else {
NSLog(@"Data is nil/null, check if user is logged in and token is valid.");
Toggle led, pass bool true/false for led on/off. Required arguments: ScoutID, TroopID, token
[pinoccioAPI led:YES withScoutID:selectedScout withTroopID:selectedTroop withToken:token withCompletion:^(BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK) {
// If the function reaches here, the LED was toggled.
Send a bitlash command
[pinoccioAPI sendBitlash:@"print temperature.f" withScoutID:selectedScout withTroopID:selectedTroop withToken:token withCompletion:^(NSDictionary *returnedJSON, BOOL isOK) {
if (isOK) {
// Do something with returnedJSON, the reply is the object "reply"