Youtube video tutorial here -
This is a starter template that pre-includes the Pinegrow Vite Plugin, Pinegrow Tailwind CSS Plugin and other goodies for Vue Designer.
Laravel Jetstream - This template is one of the Jetstream starter-kit that uses TailwindCSS and Inertiajs.
- Jetstream provides the implementation for your application's login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team management features.
- The application is designed to provide a smooth and interactive user experience.
- This SPA offers an all-in-one solution for managing users and roles, featuring an easy-to-use dashboard for administrators.
- Refer to the official documentation to learn about all the features.
This template has the PHP application server configured (instead of Vite which is used as a middleware) in Pinegrow Vite Plugin, to enable live-designing of Vue components of this laravel/inertia project. It also configures the custom folder setup & the default start-up page of the app.
//... existing config parameters
devServerUrls: {
local: "",
dirs: {
src: 'resources/js/',
layouts: 'resources/js/Layouts',
pages: 'resources/js/Pages',
components: 'resources/js/Components',
startupPage: '@/Pages/Welcome.vue',
A desktop visual editor for Vue apps supporting Mac, Windows, and Linux by Pinegrow. Take it for a free trial at Vue Designer!
It lets you visually design 🎨 your Vue single file components and boosts your productivity and creativity while building your component-based Vue apps.
It smartly integrates with your ⚡️ Vite based CLI and provides an amazing developer experience with its powerful visual controls and features.
Clean code 😃, No lock-in - You are in control of your projects and development workflow ❤️
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history
npx giget@latest gh:pinegrow/pg-laravel-tailwindcss my-laravel-tailwindcss-app #project-name
cd my-laravel-tailwindcss-app
npm install #or use pnpm
Then, follow these steps
composer install | composer update | composer install --ignore-platform-req=ext-iconv #install/update composer
cp .env.example .env # setup envn variables, update db password and other details as required
php artisan key:generate # generate an app key
php artisan migrate # configure the database
Open your project in Vue Designer and follow the instructions displayed in the Config Panel (that should pop out automatically). Config Panel ⚙️ displays the key packages and the various links to their individual ecosystems and communities.
npm run dev #in first terminal
php artisan serve #in second terminal
npm run build
Uncomment the rollup-plugin-visualizer
usage in your config file and execute the build
command. This command will generate stats.html
. Open stats.html
in your browser to analyze bundle sizes.
npm run build # open stats.html to analyze bundle sizes
npm run unlighthouse # Uses npx unlighthouse from to run lighthouse on entire site (all pages)
Laravel - Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
- Simple, fast routing engine.
- Powerful dependency injection container.
- Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
- Expressive, intuitive database ORM.
- Database agnostic schema migrations.
- Robust background job processing.
- Real-time event broadcasting.
- Learn Laravel from the official documentation, Laravel Bootcamp, Laracasts
Laravel Jetstream - This template is one of the Jetstream starter-kit that uses TailwindCSS and Inertiajs.
- Jetstream provides the implementation for your application's login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team management features.
- Refer to the official documentation to learn about all the features.
- Tailwind CSS - The amazing utility-first CSS framework.
- UnoCSS Preset Icons - use over 100,000 open-source Iconify icons. Uses the unocss format for icon names, for example,
- Pinegrow Vite Plugin - enables you to live-design your Vue single-file components visually in Vue Designer.
- Pinegrow Tailwind CSS Plugin - via Design Panel, enables visual controls customization (automatic) and theme customization (optional).
- 📲 unplugin-vue-components - On-demand components auto importing for Vue.
- 📲 unplugin-auto-import - Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack and Rollup.
- VueUse - collection of essential Vue composition utilities.
- 🍍 Pinia stores for global state management. Its light-weight, type-safe, extensible, modular with vue-devtools support.
- VeeValidate takes care of value tracking, validation, errors, submissions and more.
- Vite Devtools - A Vite plugin for Vue that enhances your DX (developer experience) with an amazing set of in-app features. This is an in-app alternative to browser-based/standalone Vue Devtools.
- Vue Devtools - Official devtools that can be used as a standalone app alongside Vue Designer. It's conditionally configured in
(only during development).- ACTION REQUIRED: Currently deactivated. In
, uncomment the top devtools related snippet to activate.
- ACTION REQUIRED: Currently deactivated. In
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint with eslint-plugin-vue - official set of linting rules.
- Prettier with @vue/eslint-config-prettier - format without conflicting with eslint rules.
This project allows JS, and strict mode is turned off. Update tsconfig.ts
as required.
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"strict": false,
"allowJs": true