EarthMover is a gomoku (five in a row) AI program.
The strategy currently adapted by EarthMover is Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). We are also expirementing with different methods.
EarthMover's architecture is based on the client-server model. The client is a webpage displayed on a browser. Requests made by the client (browser) are transmitted via HTTP to the server, which runs the MCTS process and then replys the client with its decisions.
- A computer or virtual machine running POSIX compatible operating systems. (Since we're using POSIX sockets & pthreads)
- GNU make.
- A version of GNU g++ compiler that supports c++11.
- Clone or download the repository.
- cd into the project directory and run
on terminal - Run
./EM <port-number>
on terminal. Port-number should be larger than 1024. You should see the messsageListening on port <port-number>
on success. - Open your favorite browser and navigate to localhost:
- Voila ! You can now challenge EarthMover.
- compare/ : Contains a python script that can compare the strength of two different versions of EM.
- server/ : HTTP Server related code.
- neuralnetwork/ : Expiremental. Using neural networks to train EM.
- gomoku/ : Contains the evaluate function & other game-specific code.
- src/ : front end code & resources.
- filenames related to 'evaluator' : evaluates the score of the given chesstype.
- filenames related to 'typetree" : classify the chess type (whether it's a live 3 or dead 4, etc.)
- lib/ : Third party libraries.
- networkmain.cpp : The enrty point (
function). - ai.h, ai.cpp : A high level interface to gametree's MCTS process.
- gametree.h, gametree.cpp : Performs the MCTS process.
- node.h, node.cpp : The component of MCTS tree.
- Some other files...