diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
index 8441fdb..a35d1a6 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
-title: "[BUG]"
+title: '[BUG]'
labels: bug
assignees: Picorims
**Describe the bug**
@@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- - OS: [e.g. iOS]
- - Browser: [e.g. chrome, safari]
- - Plugin Version: [e.g. v1.0.0]
- - Penpot Version: [e.g. v1.4]
+- OS: [e.g. iOS]
+- Browser: [e.g. chrome, safari]
+- Plugin Version: [e.g. v1.0.0]
+- Penpot Version: [e.g. v1.4]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md
index f2f29df..22e84f4 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/documentation.md
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
name: Documentation
about: For documentation or user information.
-title: "[DOC]"
+title: '[DOC]'
labels: documentation
assignees: Picorims
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
index 5ee0e37..3cf5c5d 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
-title: "[FEAT]"
+title: '[FEAT]'
labels: enhancement
assignees: Picorims
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
index 0128b4e..810e6b3 100644
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
-* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
-* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
-* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
-* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
-* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
+- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
-* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
+- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
-* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
-* Public or private harassment
-* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
+- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+- Public or private harassment
+- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
-* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
-standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ebc4729..da7f5ec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
Install dependencies with `npm install`.
For building and launching a development server, do:
npm run build:dev
Due to building restrictions, hot reloading is **NOT** supported, builds need to be done manually!
## Building
@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ To create a production version of the plugin:
npm run build:prod
Upon push on main, the production build of the plugin will be deployed to github pages.
You can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.
@@ -25,4 +28,4 @@ You can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.
- Penpot plugin styles: https://penpot-plugins-styles.pages.dev/
- Penpot plugin API: https://penpot-plugins-api-doc.pages.dev/
-- Penpot plugin guidelines: https://help.penpot.app/plugins/
\ No newline at end of file
+- Penpot plugin guidelines: https://help.penpot.app/plugins/
diff --git a/docs/_app/env.js b/docs/_app/env.js
index f5427da..1c60631 100644
--- a/docs/_app/env.js
+++ b/docs/_app/env.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export const env={}
\ No newline at end of file
+export const env = {};
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css b/docs/_app/immutable/assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css
index 59a4582..f4f24ac 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css
@@ -1 +1,735 @@
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+ }
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+ z as u,
+ T as v,
+ A as p,
+ h as s,
+ c as o,
+ B as h,
+ C as E
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+ _ = (t & p) !== 0,
+ a,
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+ (u.nodes_end = o), E();
+ return;
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a,o;document.URL!==location.href&&(location.href=location.href),V=e,oe=Lt(e),L=document.documentElement,ge=n,pe=e.nodes[0],Z=e.nodes[1],pe(),Z(),S=(a=history.state)==null?void 0:a[D],T=(o=history.state)==null?void 0:o[M],S||(S=T=Date.now(),history.replaceState({...history.state,[D]:S,[M]:T},""));const r=C[S];r&&(history.scrollRestoration="manual",scrollTo(r.x,r.y)),t?await on(ge,t):rn(location.href,{replaceState:!0}),an()}function Zt(){Xe.length=0,Ae=!1}function et(e){Q.some(n=>n==null?void 0:n.snapshot)&&(H[e]=Q.map(n=>{var t;return(t=n==null?void 0:n.snapshot)==null?void 0:t.capture()}))}function tt(e){var n;(n=H[e])==null||n.forEach((t,r)=>{var a,o;(o=(a=Q[r])==null?void 0:a.snapshot)==null||o.restore(t)})}function Oe(){ve(S),Ue(Ge,C),et(T),Ue(qe,H)}async function nt(e,n,t,r){return Y({type:"goto",url:He(e),keepfocus:n.keepFocus,noscroll:n.noScroll,replace_state:n.replaceState,state:n.state,redirect_count:t,nav_token:r,accept:()=>{n.invalidateAll&&(Ae=!0)}})}async function 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l.universal.load.call(null,g)??null}return{node:l,loader:e,server:o,universal:(h=l.universal)!=null&&h.load?{type:"data",data:i,uses:c}:null,data:i??(o==null?void 0:o.data)??null,slash:((y=l.universal)==null?void 0:y.trailingSlash)??(o==null?void 0:o.slash)}}function je(e,n,t,r,a,o){if(Ae)return!0;if(!a)return!1;if(a.parent&&e||a.route&&n||a.url&&t)return!0;for(const i of a.search_params)if(r.has(i))return!0;for(const i of a.params)if(o[i]!==_.params[i])return!0;for(const i of a.dependencies)if(Xe.some(s=>s(new URL(i))))return!0;return!1}function Se(e,n){return(e==null?void 0:e.type)==="data"?e:(e==null?void 0:e.type)==="skip"?n??null:null}function en(e,n){if(!e)return new Set(n.searchParams.keys());const t=new Set([...e.searchParams.keys(),...n.searchParams.keys()]);for(const r of t){const a=e.searchParams.getAll(r),o=n.searchParams.getAll(r);a.every(i=>o.includes(i))&&o.every(i=>a.includes(i))&&t.delete(r)}return t}function 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ie;if(!m)return;const A=_.branch[v],E=p==null?void 0:p[v];if((!E||E.type==="skip")&&m[1]===(A==null?void 0:A.loader)&&!je(b,y,h,u,(ie=A.universal)==null?void 0:ie.uses,r))return A;if(b=!0,(E==null?void 0:E.type)==="error")throw E;return Ee({loader:m[1],url:t,params:r,route:a,parent:async()=>{var Te;const Ie={};for(let ce=0;ce{});const w=[];for(let m=0;mPromise.resolve({}),server_data_node:Se(o)}),c={node:await Z(),loader:Z,universal:null,server:null,data:null};return ne({url:t,params:a,branch:[s,c],status:e,error:n,route:null})}function Re(e,n){if(!e||re(e,U))return;let t;try{t=V.hooks.reroute({url:new URL(e)})??e.pathname}catch{return}const r=ot(t);for(const a of oe){const o=a.exec(r);if(o)return{id:e.pathname+e.search,invalidating:n,route:a,params:gt(o),url:e}}}function ot(e){return pt(e.slice(U.length)||"/")}function st({url:e,type:n,intent:t,delta:r}){let a=!1;const o=ft(_,t,e,n);r!==void 0&&(o.navigation.delta=r);const i={...o.navigation,cancel:()=>{a=!0,o.reject(new Error("navigation cancelled"))}};return K||Ze.forEach(s=>s(i)),a?null:o}async function Y({type:e,url:n,popped:t,keepfocus:r,noscroll:a,replace_state:o,state:i={},redirect_count:s=0,nav_token:c={},accept:l=Ce,block:d=Ce}){const h=Re(n,!1),y=st({url:n,type:e,delta:t==null?void 0:t.delta,intent:h});if(!y){d();return}const u=S,g=T;l(),K=!0,ee&&P.navigating.set(y.navigation),te=c;let f=h&&await at(h);if(!f){if(re(n,U))return await F(n);f=await it(n,{id:null},await $(new we(404,"Not Found",`Not found: ${n.pathname}`),{url:n,params:{},route:{id:null}}),404)}if(n=(h==null?void 0:h.url)||n,te!==c)return y.reject(new Error("navigation aborted")),!1;if(f.type==="redirect")if(s>=20)f=await se({status:500,error:await $(new Error("Redirect loop"),{url:n,params:{},route:{id:null}}),url:n,route:{id:null}});else return nt(new URL(f.location,n).href,{},s+1,c),!1;else f.props.page.status>=400&&await P.updated.check()&&(await Je(),await F(n));if(Zt(),ve(u),et(g),f.props.page.url.pathname!==n.pathname&&(n.pathname=f.props.page.url.pathname),i=t?t.state:i,!t){const w=o?0:1,m={[D]:S+=w,[M]:T+=w,[Me]:i};(o?history.replaceState:history.pushState).call(history,m,"",n),o||Jt(S,T)}if(R=null,f.props.page.state=i,ee){_=f.state,f.props.page&&(f.props.page.url=n);const w=(await Promise.all(Xt.map(m=>m(y.navigation)))).filter(m=>typeof m=="function");if(w.length>0){let m=function(){j=j.filter(v=>!w.includes(v))};w.push(m),j.push(...w)}ke.$set(f.props),Qe=!0}else rt(f,ge,!1);const{activeElement:p}=document;await dt();const b=t?t.scroll:a?_e():null;if(Ne){const w=n.hash&&document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(n.hash.slice(1)));b?scrollTo(b.x,b.y):w?w.scrollIntoView():scrollTo(0,0)}const k=document.activeElement!==p&&document.activeElement!==document.body;!r&&!k&&sn(),Ne=!0,f.props.page&&(I=f.props.page),K=!1,e==="popstate"&&tt(T),y.fulfil(void 0),j.forEach(w=>w(y.navigation)),P.navigating.set(null)}async function it(e,n,t,r){return e.origin===W&&e.pathname===location.pathname&&!be?await se({status:r,error:t,url:e,route:n}):await F(e)}function nn(){let e;L.addEventListener("mousemove",o=>{const i=o.target;clearTimeout(e),e=setTimeout(()=>{r(i,2)},20)});function n(o){o.defaultPrevented||r(o.composedPath()[0],1)}L.addEventListener("mousedown",n),L.addEventListener("touchstart",n,{passive:!0});const t=new IntersectionObserver(o=>{for(const i of o)i.isIntersecting&&(de(i.target.href),t.unobserve(i.target))},{threshold:0});function r(o,i){const s=We(o,L);if(!s)return;const{url:c,external:l,download:d}=he(s,U);if(l||d)return;const h=J(s),y=c&&_.url.pathname+_.url.search===c.pathname+c.search;if(!h.reload&&!y)if(i<=h.preload_data){const u=Re(c,!1);u&&Qt(u)}else i<=h.preload_code&&de(c.pathname)}function a(){t.disconnect();for(const o of L.querySelectorAll("a")){const{url:i,external:s,download:c}=he(o,U);if(s||c)continue;const l=J(o);l.reload||(l.preload_code===z.viewport&&t.observe(o),l.preload_code===z.eager&&de(i.pathname))}}j.push(a),a()}function $(e,n){if(e instanceof ae)return e.body;const t=X(e),r=Yt(e);return V.hooks.handleError({error:e,event:n,status:t,message:r})??{message:r}}function rn(e,n={}){return e=He(e),e.origin!==W?Promise.reject(new Error("goto: invalid URL")):nt(e,n,0)}function an(){var n;history.scrollRestoration="manual",addEventListener("beforeunload",t=>{let r=!1;if(Oe(),!K){const a=ft(_,void 0,null,"leave"),o={...a.navigation,cancel:()=>{r=!0,a.reject(new Error("navigation cancelled"))}};Ze.forEach(i=>i(o))}r?(t.preventDefault(),t.returnValue=""):history.scrollRestoration="auto"}),addEventListener("visibilitychange",()=>{document.visibilityState==="hidden"&&Oe()}),(n=navigator.connection)!=null&&n.saveData||nn(),L.addEventListener("click",async t=>{if(t.button||t.which!==1||t.metaKey||t.ctrlKey||t.shiftKey||t.altKey||t.defaultPrevented)return;const r=We(t.composedPath()[0],L);if(!r)return;const{url:a,external:o,target:i,download:s}=he(r,U);if(!a)return;if(i==="_parent"||i==="_top"){if(window.parent!==window)return}else if(i&&i!=="_self")return;const c=J(r);if(!(r instanceof SVGAElement)&&a.protocol!==location.protocol&&!(a.protocol==="https:"||a.protocol==="http:")||s)return;const[d,h]=a.href.split("#"),y=d===fe(location);if(o||c.reload&&(!y||!h)){st({url:a,type:"link"})?K=!0:t.preventDefault();return}if(h!==void 0&&y){const[,u]=_.url.href.split("#");if(u===h){if(t.preventDefault(),h===""||h==="top"&&r.ownerDocument.getElementById("top")===null)window.scrollTo({top:0});else{const g=r.ownerDocument.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(h));g&&(g.scrollIntoView(),g.focus())}return}if(B=!0,ve(S),e(a),!c.replace_state)return;B=!1}t.preventDefault(),await new Promise(u=>{requestAnimationFrame(()=>{setTimeout(u,0)}),setTimeout(u,100)}),Y({type:"link",url:a,keepfocus:c.keepfocus,noscroll:c.noscroll,replace_state:c.replace_state??a.href===location.href})}),L.addEventListener("submit",t=>{if(t.defaultPrevented)return;const r=HTMLFormElement.prototype.cloneNode.call(t.target),a=t.submitter;if(((a==null?void 0:a.formTarget)||r.target)==="_blank"||((a==null?void 0:a.formMethod)||r.method)!=="get")return;const s=new URL((a==null?void 0:a.hasAttribute("formaction"))&&(a==null?void 0:a.formAction)||r.action);if(re(s,U))return;const c=t.target,l=J(c);if(l.reload)return;t.preventDefault(),t.stopPropagation();const d=new FormData(c),h=a==null?void 0:a.getAttribute("name");h&&d.append(h,(a==null?void 0:a.getAttribute("value"))??""),s.search=new URLSearchParams(d).toString(),Y({type:"form",url:s,keepfocus:l.keepfocus,noscroll:l.noscroll,replace_state:l.replace_state??s.href===location.href})}),addEventListener("popstate",async t=>{var r;if((r=t.state)!=null&&r[D]){const a=t.state[D];if(te={},a===S)return;const o=C[a],i=t.state[Me]??{},s=new URL(t.state[Ct]??location.href),c=t.state[M],l=fe(location)===fe(_.url);if(c===T&&(Qe||l)){e(s),C[S]=_e(),o&&scrollTo(o.x,o.y),i!==I.state&&(I={...I,state:i},ke.$set({page:I})),S=a;return}const h=a-S;await Y({type:"popstate",url:s,popped:{state:i,scroll:o,delta:h},accept:()=>{S=a,T=c},block:()=>{history.go(-h)},nav_token:te})}else if(!B){const a=new URL(location.href);e(a)}}),addEventListener("hashchange",()=>{B&&(B=!1,history.replaceState({...history.state,[D]:++S,[M]:T},"",location.href))});for(const t of document.querySelectorAll("link"))zt.has(t.rel)&&(t.href=t.href);addEventListener("pageshow",t=>{t.persisted&&P.navigating.set(null)});function e(t){_.url=t,P.page.set({...I,url:t}),P.page.notify()}}async function on(e,{status:n=200,error:t,node_ids:r,params:a,route:o,data:i,form:s}){be=!0;const c=new URL(location.href);({params:a={},route:o={id:null}}=Re(c,!1)||{});let l,d=!0;try{const h=r.map(async(g,f)=>{const p=i[f];return p!=null&&p.uses&&(p.uses=lt(p.uses)),Ee({loader:V.nodes[g],url:c,params:a,route:o,parent:async()=>{const b={};for(let k=0;kg===o.id);if(u){const g=u.layouts;for(let f=0;fo?"1":"0").join(""));const r=await Ve(t.href);if(!r.ok){let o;throw(a=r.headers.get("content-type"))!=null&&a.includes("application/json")?o=await r.json():r.status===404?o="Not Found":r.status===500&&(o="Internal Error"),new ae(r.status,o)}return new Promise(async o=>{var h;const i=new Map,s=r.body.getReader(),c=new TextDecoder;function l(y){return Gt(y,{Promise:u=>new Promise((g,f)=>{i.set(u,{fulfil:g,reject:f})})})}let d="";for(;;){const{done:y,value:u}=await s.read();if(y&&!d)break;for(d+=!u&&d?`
-`:c.decode(u,{stream:!0});;){const g=d.indexOf(`
-`);if(g===-1)break;const f=JSON.parse(d.slice(0,g));if(d=d.slice(g+1),f.type==="redirect")return o(f);if(f.type==="data")(h=f.nodes)==null||h.forEach(p=>{(p==null?void 0:p.type)==="data"&&(p.uses=lt(p.uses),p.data=l(p.data))}),o(f);else if(f.type==="chunk"){const{id:p,data:b,error:k}=f,w=i.get(p);i.delete(p),k?w.reject(l(k)):w.fulfil(l(b))}}}})}function lt(e){return{dependencies:new Set((e==null?void 0:e.dependencies)??[]),params:new Set((e==null?void 0:e.params)??[]),parent:!!(e!=null&&e.parent),route:!!(e!=null&&e.route),url:!!(e!=null&&e.url),search_params:new Set((e==null?void 0:e.search_params)??[])}}function sn(){const e=document.querySelector("[autofocus]");if(e)e.focus();else{const n=document.body,t=n.getAttribute("tabindex");n.tabIndex=-1,n.focus({preventScroll:!0,focusVisible:!1}),t!==null?n.setAttribute("tabindex",t):n.removeAttribute("tabindex");const r=getSelection();if(r&&r.type!=="None"){const a=[];for(let o=0;o{if(r.rangeCount===a.length){for(let o=0;o{a=d,o=h});return i.catch(()=>{}),{navigation:{from:{params:e.params,route:{id:((c=e.route)==null?void 0:c.id)??null},url:e.url},to:t&&{params:(n==null?void 0:n.params)??null,route:{id:((l=n==null?void 0:n.route)==null?void 0:l.id)??null},url:t},willUnload:!n,type:r,complete:i},fulfil:a,reject:o}}export{ln as a,P as s};
+import { n as le, aE as ut, ad as dt } from './runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+new URL('sveltekit-internal://');
+function ht(e, n) {
+ return e === '/' || n === 'ignore'
+ ? e
+ : n === 'never'
+ ? e.endsWith('/')
+ ? e.slice(0, -1)
+ : e
+ : n === 'always' && !e.endsWith('/')
+ ? e + '/'
+ : e;
+function pt(e) {
+ return e.split('%25').map(decodeURI).join('%25');
+function gt(e) {
+ for (const n in e) e[n] = decodeURIComponent(e[n]);
+ return e;
+function fe({ href: e }) {
+ return e.split('#')[0];
+const mt = ['href', 'pathname', 'search', 'toString', 'toJSON'];
+function yt(e, n, t) {
+ const r = new URL(e);
+ Object.defineProperty(r, 'searchParams', {
+ value: new Proxy(r.searchParams, {
+ get(a, o) {
+ if (o === 'get' || o === 'getAll' || o === 'has') return (s) => (t(s), a[o](s));
+ n();
+ const i = Reflect.get(a, o);
+ return typeof i == 'function' ? i.bind(a) : i;
+ }
+ }),
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ });
+ for (const a of mt)
+ Object.defineProperty(r, a, {
+ get() {
+ return n(), e[a];
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0
+ });
+ return r;
+const _t = '/__data.json',
+ wt = '.html__data.json';
+function vt(e) {
+ return e.endsWith('.html') ? e.replace(/\.html$/, wt) : e.replace(/\/$/, '') + _t;
+function bt(...e) {
+ let n = 5381;
+ for (const t of e)
+ if (typeof t == 'string') {
+ let r = t.length;
+ for (; r; ) n = (n * 33) ^ t.charCodeAt(--r);
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) {
+ const r = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength);
+ let a = r.length;
+ for (; a; ) n = (n * 33) ^ r[--a];
+ } else throw new TypeError('value must be a string or TypedArray');
+ return (n >>> 0).toString(36);
+function At(e) {
+ const n = atob(e),
+ t = new Uint8Array(n.length);
+ for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) t[r] = n.charCodeAt(r);
+ return t.buffer;
+const Ve = window.fetch;
+window.fetch = (e, n) => (
+ (e instanceof Request ? e.method : (n == null ? void 0 : n.method) || 'GET') !== 'GET' &&
+ q.delete(me(e)),
+ Ve(e, n)
+const q = new Map();
+function kt(e, n) {
+ const t = me(e, n),
+ r = document.querySelector(t);
+ if (r != null && r.textContent) {
+ let { body: a, ...o } = JSON.parse(r.textContent);
+ const i = r.getAttribute('data-ttl');
+ return (
+ i && q.set(t, { body: a, init: o, ttl: 1e3 * Number(i) }),
+ r.getAttribute('data-b64') !== null && (a = At(a)),
+ Promise.resolve(new Response(a, o))
+ );
+ }
+ return window.fetch(e, n);
+function Et(e, n, t) {
+ if (q.size > 0) {
+ const r = me(e, t),
+ a = q.get(r);
+ if (a) {
+ if (
+ performance.now() < a.ttl &&
+ ['default', 'force-cache', 'only-if-cached', void 0].includes(t == null ? void 0 : t.cache)
+ )
+ return new Response(a.body, a.init);
+ q.delete(r);
+ }
+ }
+ return window.fetch(n, t);
+function me(e, n) {
+ let r = `script[data-sveltekit-fetched][data-url=${JSON.stringify(e instanceof Request ? e.url : e)}]`;
+ if ((n != null && n.headers) || (n != null && n.body)) {
+ const a = [];
+ n.headers && a.push([...new Headers(n.headers)].join(',')),
+ n.body && (typeof n.body == 'string' || ArrayBuffer.isView(n.body)) && a.push(n.body),
+ (r += `[data-hash="${bt(...a)}"]`);
+ }
+ return r;
+const St = /^(\[)?(\.\.\.)?(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?(\])?$/;
+function Rt(e) {
+ const n = [];
+ return {
+ pattern:
+ e === '/'
+ ? /^\/$/
+ : new RegExp(
+ `^${Tt(e)
+ .map((r) => {
+ const a = /^\[\.\.\.(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?\]$/.exec(r);
+ if (a)
+ return (
+ n.push({ name: a[1], matcher: a[2], optional: !1, rest: !0, chained: !0 }),
+ '(?:/(.*))?'
+ );
+ const o = /^\[\[(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?\]\]$/.exec(r);
+ if (o)
+ return (
+ n.push({ name: o[1], matcher: o[2], optional: !0, rest: !1, chained: !0 }),
+ '(?:/([^/]+))?'
+ );
+ if (!r) return;
+ const i = r.split(/\[(.+?)\](?!\])/);
+ return (
+ '/' +
+ i
+ .map((c, l) => {
+ if (l % 2) {
+ if (c.startsWith('x+'))
+ return ue(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(2), 16)));
+ if (c.startsWith('u+'))
+ return ue(
+ String.fromCharCode(
+ ...c
+ .slice(2)
+ .split('-')
+ .map((f) => parseInt(f, 16))
+ )
+ );
+ const d = St.exec(c),
+ [, h, y, u, g] = d;
+ return (
+ n.push({
+ name: u,
+ matcher: g,
+ optional: !!h,
+ rest: !!y,
+ chained: y ? l === 1 && i[0] === '' : !1
+ }),
+ y ? '(.*?)' : h ? '([^/]*)?' : '([^/]+?)'
+ );
+ }
+ return ue(c);
+ })
+ .join('')
+ );
+ })
+ .join('')}/?$`
+ ),
+ params: n
+ };
+function It(e) {
+ return !/^\([^)]+\)$/.test(e);
+function Tt(e) {
+ return e.slice(1).split('/').filter(It);
+function Ut(e, n, t) {
+ const r = {},
+ a = e.slice(1),
+ o = a.filter((s) => s !== void 0);
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s += 1) {
+ const c = n[s];
+ let l = a[s - i];
+ if (
+ (c.chained &&
+ c.rest &&
+ i &&
+ ((l = a
+ .slice(s - i, s + 1)
+ .filter((d) => d)
+ .join('/')),
+ (i = 0)),
+ l === void 0)
+ ) {
+ c.rest && (r[c.name] = '');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!c.matcher || t[c.matcher](l)) {
+ r[c.name] = l;
+ const d = n[s + 1],
+ h = a[s + 1];
+ d && !d.rest && d.optional && h && c.chained && (i = 0),
+ !d && !h && Object.keys(r).length === o.length && (i = 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c.optional && c.chained) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!i) return r;
+function ue(e) {
+ return e
+ .normalize()
+ .replace(/[[\]]/g, '\\$&')
+ .replace(/%/g, '%25')
+ .replace(/\//g, '%2[Ff]')
+ .replace(/\?/g, '%3[Ff]')
+ .replace(/#/g, '%23')
+ .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|\\]/g, '\\$&');
+function Lt({ nodes: e, server_loads: n, dictionary: t, matchers: r }) {
+ const a = new Set(n);
+ return Object.entries(t).map(([s, [c, l, d]]) => {
+ const { pattern: h, params: y } = Rt(s),
+ u = {
+ id: s,
+ exec: (g) => {
+ const f = h.exec(g);
+ if (f) return Ut(f, y, r);
+ },
+ errors: [1, ...(d || [])].map((g) => e[g]),
+ layouts: [0, ...(l || [])].map(i),
+ leaf: o(c)
+ };
+ return (u.errors.length = u.layouts.length = Math.max(u.errors.length, u.layouts.length)), u;
+ });
+ function o(s) {
+ const c = s < 0;
+ return c && (s = ~s), [c, e[s]];
+ }
+ function i(s) {
+ return s === void 0 ? s : [a.has(s), e[s]];
+ }
+function Be(e, n = JSON.parse) {
+ try {
+ return n(sessionStorage[e]);
+ } catch {}
+function Ue(e, n, t = JSON.stringify) {
+ const r = t(n);
+ try {
+ sessionStorage[e] = r;
+ } catch {}
+const N = [];
+function ye(e, n = le) {
+ let t = null;
+ const r = new Set();
+ function a(s) {
+ if (ut(e, s) && ((e = s), t)) {
+ const c = !N.length;
+ for (const l of r) l[1](), N.push(l, e);
+ if (c) {
+ for (let l = 0; l < N.length; l += 2) N[l][0](N[l + 1]);
+ N.length = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function o(s) {
+ a(s(e));
+ }
+ function i(s, c = le) {
+ const l = [s, c];
+ return (
+ r.add(l),
+ r.size === 1 && (t = n(a, o) || le),
+ s(e),
+ () => {
+ r.delete(l), r.size === 0 && t && (t(), (t = null));
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return { set: a, update: o, subscribe: i };
+var $e;
+const U = (($e = globalThis.__sveltekit_18ojnr2) == null ? void 0 : $e.base) ?? '';
+var Fe;
+const Pt = ((Fe = globalThis.__sveltekit_18ojnr2) == null ? void 0 : Fe.assets) ?? U,
+ xt = '1734294154162',
+ qe = 'sveltekit:snapshot',
+ Ge = 'sveltekit:scroll',
+ Me = 'sveltekit:states',
+ Ct = 'sveltekit:pageurl',
+ D = 'sveltekit:history',
+ M = 'sveltekit:navigation',
+ z = { tap: 1, hover: 2, viewport: 3, eager: 4, off: -1, false: -1 },
+ W = location.origin;
+function He(e) {
+ if (e instanceof URL) return e;
+ let n = document.baseURI;
+ if (!n) {
+ const t = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
+ n = t.length ? t[0].href : document.URL;
+ }
+ return new URL(e, n);
+function _e() {
+ return { x: pageXOffset, y: pageYOffset };
+function O(e, n) {
+ return e.getAttribute(`data-sveltekit-${n}`);
+const Le = { ...z, '': z.hover };
+function Ke(e) {
+ let n = e.assignedSlot ?? e.parentNode;
+ return (n == null ? void 0 : n.nodeType) === 11 && (n = n.host), n;
+function We(e, n) {
+ for (; e && e !== n; ) {
+ if (e.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'A' && e.hasAttribute('href')) return e;
+ e = Ke(e);
+ }
+function he(e, n) {
+ let t;
+ try {
+ t = new URL(e instanceof SVGAElement ? e.href.baseVal : e.href, document.baseURI);
+ } catch {}
+ const r = e instanceof SVGAElement ? e.target.baseVal : e.target,
+ a = !t || !!r || re(t, n) || (e.getAttribute('rel') || '').split(/\s+/).includes('external'),
+ o = (t == null ? void 0 : t.origin) === W && e.hasAttribute('download');
+ return { url: t, external: a, target: r, download: o };
+function J(e) {
+ let n = null,
+ t = null,
+ r = null,
+ a = null,
+ o = null,
+ i = null,
+ s = e;
+ for (; s && s !== document.documentElement; )
+ r === null && (r = O(s, 'preload-code')),
+ a === null && (a = O(s, 'preload-data')),
+ n === null && (n = O(s, 'keepfocus')),
+ t === null && (t = O(s, 'noscroll')),
+ o === null && (o = O(s, 'reload')),
+ i === null && (i = O(s, 'replacestate')),
+ (s = Ke(s));
+ function c(l) {
+ switch (l) {
+ case '':
+ case 'true':
+ return !0;
+ case 'off':
+ case 'false':
+ return !1;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ preload_code: Le[r ?? 'off'],
+ preload_data: Le[a ?? 'off'],
+ keepfocus: c(n),
+ noscroll: c(t),
+ reload: c(o),
+ replace_state: c(i)
+ };
+function Pe(e) {
+ const n = ye(e);
+ let t = !0;
+ function r() {
+ (t = !0), n.update((i) => i);
+ }
+ function a(i) {
+ (t = !1), n.set(i);
+ }
+ function o(i) {
+ let s;
+ return n.subscribe((c) => {
+ (s === void 0 || (t && c !== s)) && i((s = c));
+ });
+ }
+ return { notify: r, set: a, subscribe: o };
+function Nt() {
+ const { set: e, subscribe: n } = ye(!1);
+ let t;
+ async function r() {
+ clearTimeout(t);
+ try {
+ const a = await fetch(`${Pt}/_app/version.json`, {
+ headers: { pragma: 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache' }
+ });
+ if (!a.ok) return !1;
+ const i = (await a.json()).version !== xt;
+ return i && (e(!0), clearTimeout(t)), i;
+ } catch {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ }
+ return { subscribe: n, check: r };
+function re(e, n) {
+ return e.origin !== W || !e.pathname.startsWith(n);
+function xe(e) {
+ const n = jt(e),
+ t = new ArrayBuffer(n.length),
+ r = new DataView(t);
+ for (let a = 0; a < t.byteLength; a++) r.setUint8(a, n.charCodeAt(a));
+ return t;
+const Ot = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
+function jt(e) {
+ e.length % 4 === 0 && (e = e.replace(/==?$/, ''));
+ let n = '',
+ t = 0,
+ r = 0;
+ for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
+ (t <<= 6),
+ (t |= Ot.indexOf(e[a])),
+ (r += 6),
+ r === 24 &&
+ ((n += String.fromCharCode((t & 16711680) >> 16)),
+ (n += String.fromCharCode((t & 65280) >> 8)),
+ (n += String.fromCharCode(t & 255)),
+ (t = r = 0));
+ return (
+ r === 12
+ ? ((t >>= 4), (n += String.fromCharCode(t)))
+ : r === 18 &&
+ ((t >>= 2),
+ (n += String.fromCharCode((t & 65280) >> 8)),
+ (n += String.fromCharCode(t & 255))),
+ n
+ );
+const Dt = -1,
+ $t = -2,
+ Ft = -3,
+ Vt = -4,
+ Bt = -5,
+ qt = -6;
+function Gt(e, n) {
+ if (typeof e == 'number') return a(e, !0);
+ if (!Array.isArray(e) || e.length === 0) throw new Error('Invalid input');
+ const t = e,
+ r = Array(t.length);
+ function a(o, i = !1) {
+ if (o === Dt) return;
+ if (o === Ft) return NaN;
+ if (o === Vt) return 1 / 0;
+ if (o === Bt) return -1 / 0;
+ if (o === qt) return -0;
+ if (i) throw new Error('Invalid input');
+ if (o in r) return r[o];
+ const s = t[o];
+ if (!s || typeof s != 'object') r[o] = s;
+ else if (Array.isArray(s))
+ if (typeof s[0] == 'string') {
+ const c = s[0],
+ l = n == null ? void 0 : n[c];
+ if (l) return (r[o] = l(a(s[1])));
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'Date':
+ r[o] = new Date(s[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'Set':
+ const d = new Set();
+ r[o] = d;
+ for (let u = 1; u < s.length; u += 1) d.add(a(s[u]));
+ break;
+ case 'Map':
+ const h = new Map();
+ r[o] = h;
+ for (let u = 1; u < s.length; u += 2) h.set(a(s[u]), a(s[u + 1]));
+ break;
+ case 'RegExp':
+ r[o] = new RegExp(s[1], s[2]);
+ break;
+ case 'Object':
+ r[o] = Object(s[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'BigInt':
+ r[o] = BigInt(s[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'null':
+ const y = Object.create(null);
+ r[o] = y;
+ for (let u = 1; u < s.length; u += 2) y[s[u]] = a(s[u + 1]);
+ break;
+ case 'Int8Array':
+ case 'Uint8Array':
+ case 'Uint8ClampedArray':
+ case 'Int16Array':
+ case 'Uint16Array':
+ case 'Int32Array':
+ case 'Uint32Array':
+ case 'Float32Array':
+ case 'Float64Array':
+ case 'BigInt64Array':
+ case 'BigUint64Array': {
+ const u = globalThis[c],
+ g = s[1],
+ f = xe(g),
+ p = new u(f);
+ r[o] = p;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'ArrayBuffer': {
+ const u = s[1],
+ g = xe(u);
+ r[o] = g;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown type ${c}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const c = new Array(s.length);
+ r[o] = c;
+ for (let l = 0; l < s.length; l += 1) {
+ const d = s[l];
+ d !== $t && (c[l] = a(d));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const c = {};
+ r[o] = c;
+ for (const l in s) {
+ const d = s[l];
+ c[l] = a(d);
+ }
+ }
+ return r[o];
+ }
+ return a(0);
+const Ye = new Set(['load', 'prerender', 'csr', 'ssr', 'trailingSlash', 'config']);
+const Mt = new Set([...Ye]);
+function Ht(e) {
+ return e.filter((n) => n != null);
+class ae {
+ constructor(n, t) {
+ (this.status = n),
+ typeof t == 'string'
+ ? (this.body = { message: t })
+ : t
+ ? (this.body = t)
+ : (this.body = { message: `Error: ${n}` });
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.body);
+ }
+class ze {
+ constructor(n, t) {
+ (this.status = n), (this.location = t);
+ }
+class we extends Error {
+ constructor(n, t, r) {
+ super(r), (this.status = n), (this.text = t);
+ }
+const Kt = 'x-sveltekit-invalidated',
+ Wt = 'x-sveltekit-trailing-slash';
+function X(e) {
+ return e instanceof ae || e instanceof we ? e.status : 500;
+function Yt(e) {
+ return e instanceof we ? e.text : 'Internal Error';
+const zt = new Set(['icon', 'shortcut icon', 'apple-touch-icon']),
+ C = Be(Ge) ?? {},
+ H = Be(qe) ?? {},
+ P = { url: Pe({}), page: Pe({}), navigating: ye(null), updated: Nt() };
+function ve(e) {
+ C[e] = _e();
+function Jt(e, n) {
+ let t = e + 1;
+ for (; C[t]; ) delete C[t], (t += 1);
+ for (t = n + 1; H[t]; ) delete H[t], (t += 1);
+function F(e) {
+ return (location.href = e.href), new Promise(() => {});
+async function Je() {
+ if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
+ const e = await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration(U || '/');
+ e && (await e.update());
+ }
+function Ce() {}
+let oe, pe, Z, L, ge, V;
+const Xe = [],
+ Q = [];
+let R = null;
+const Ze = [],
+ Xt = [];
+let j = [],
+ _ = { branch: [], error: null, url: null },
+ be = !1,
+ ee = !1,
+ Ne = !0,
+ K = !1,
+ B = !1,
+ Qe = !1,
+ Ae = !1,
+ ke,
+ S,
+ T,
+ I,
+ te;
+const G = new Set();
+async function ln(e, n, t) {
+ var a, o;
+ document.URL !== location.href && (location.href = location.href),
+ (V = e),
+ (oe = Lt(e)),
+ (L = document.documentElement),
+ (ge = n),
+ (pe = e.nodes[0]),
+ (Z = e.nodes[1]),
+ pe(),
+ Z(),
+ (S = (a = history.state) == null ? void 0 : a[D]),
+ (T = (o = history.state) == null ? void 0 : o[M]),
+ S || ((S = T = Date.now()), history.replaceState({ ...history.state, [D]: S, [M]: T }, ''));
+ const r = C[S];
+ r && ((history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'), scrollTo(r.x, r.y)),
+ t ? await on(ge, t) : rn(location.href, { replaceState: !0 }),
+ an();
+function Zt() {
+ (Xe.length = 0), (Ae = !1);
+function et(e) {
+ Q.some((n) => (n == null ? void 0 : n.snapshot)) &&
+ (H[e] = Q.map((n) => {
+ var t;
+ return (t = n == null ? void 0 : n.snapshot) == null ? void 0 : t.capture();
+ }));
+function tt(e) {
+ var n;
+ (n = H[e]) == null ||
+ n.forEach((t, r) => {
+ var a, o;
+ (o = (a = Q[r]) == null ? void 0 : a.snapshot) == null || o.restore(t);
+ });
+function Oe() {
+ ve(S), Ue(Ge, C), et(T), Ue(qe, H);
+async function nt(e, n, t, r) {
+ return Y({
+ type: 'goto',
+ url: He(e),
+ keepfocus: n.keepFocus,
+ noscroll: n.noScroll,
+ replace_state: n.replaceState,
+ state: n.state,
+ redirect_count: t,
+ nav_token: r,
+ accept: () => {
+ n.invalidateAll && (Ae = !0);
+ }
+ });
+async function Qt(e) {
+ if (e.id !== (R == null ? void 0 : R.id)) {
+ const n = {};
+ G.add(n),
+ (R = {
+ id: e.id,
+ token: n,
+ promise: at({ ...e, preload: n }).then(
+ (t) => (G.delete(n), t.type === 'loaded' && t.state.error && (R = null), t)
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ return R.promise;
+async function de(e) {
+ const n = oe.find((t) => t.exec(ot(e)));
+ n && (await Promise.all([...n.layouts, n.leaf].map((t) => (t == null ? void 0 : t[1]()))));
+function rt(e, n, t) {
+ var o;
+ _ = e.state;
+ const r = document.querySelector('style[data-sveltekit]');
+ r && r.remove(),
+ (I = e.props.page),
+ (ke = new V.root({
+ target: n,
+ props: { ...e.props, stores: P, components: Q },
+ hydrate: t,
+ sync: !1
+ })),
+ tt(T);
+ const a = {
+ from: null,
+ to: {
+ params: _.params,
+ route: { id: ((o = _.route) == null ? void 0 : o.id) ?? null },
+ url: new URL(location.href)
+ },
+ willUnload: !1,
+ type: 'enter',
+ complete: Promise.resolve()
+ };
+ j.forEach((i) => i(a)), (ee = !0);
+function ne({ url: e, params: n, branch: t, status: r, error: a, route: o, form: i }) {
+ let s = 'never';
+ if (U && (e.pathname === U || e.pathname === U + '/')) s = 'always';
+ else for (const u of t) (u == null ? void 0 : u.slash) !== void 0 && (s = u.slash);
+ (e.pathname = ht(e.pathname, s)), (e.search = e.search);
+ const c = {
+ type: 'loaded',
+ state: { url: e, params: n, branch: t, error: a, route: o },
+ props: { constructors: Ht(t).map((u) => u.node.component), page: I }
+ };
+ i !== void 0 && (c.props.form = i);
+ let l = {},
+ d = !I,
+ h = 0;
+ for (let u = 0; u < Math.max(t.length, _.branch.length); u += 1) {
+ const g = t[u],
+ f = _.branch[u];
+ (g == null ? void 0 : g.data) !== (f == null ? void 0 : f.data) && (d = !0),
+ g && ((l = { ...l, ...g.data }), d && (c.props[`data_${h}`] = l), (h += 1));
+ }
+ return (
+ (!_.url || e.href !== _.url.href || _.error !== a || (i !== void 0 && i !== I.form) || d) &&
+ (c.props.page = {
+ error: a,
+ params: n,
+ route: { id: (o == null ? void 0 : o.id) ?? null },
+ state: {},
+ status: r,
+ url: new URL(e),
+ form: i ?? null,
+ data: d ? l : I.data
+ }),
+ c
+ );
+async function Ee({ loader: e, parent: n, url: t, params: r, route: a, server_data_node: o }) {
+ var d, h, y;
+ let i = null,
+ s = !0;
+ const c = {
+ dependencies: new Set(),
+ params: new Set(),
+ parent: !1,
+ route: !1,
+ url: !1,
+ search_params: new Set()
+ },
+ l = await e();
+ if ((d = l.universal) != null && d.load) {
+ let u = function (...f) {
+ for (const p of f) {
+ const { href: b } = new URL(p, t);
+ c.dependencies.add(b);
+ }
+ };
+ const g = {
+ route: new Proxy(a, { get: (f, p) => (s && (c.route = !0), f[p]) }),
+ params: new Proxy(r, { get: (f, p) => (s && c.params.add(p), f[p]) }),
+ data: (o == null ? void 0 : o.data) ?? null,
+ url: yt(
+ t,
+ () => {
+ s && (c.url = !0);
+ },
+ (f) => {
+ s && c.search_params.add(f);
+ }
+ ),
+ async fetch(f, p) {
+ let b;
+ f instanceof Request
+ ? ((b = f.url),
+ (p = {
+ body: f.method === 'GET' || f.method === 'HEAD' ? void 0 : await f.blob(),
+ cache: f.cache,
+ credentials: f.credentials,
+ headers: [...f.headers].length ? f.headers : void 0,
+ integrity: f.integrity,
+ keepalive: f.keepalive,
+ method: f.method,
+ mode: f.mode,
+ redirect: f.redirect,
+ referrer: f.referrer,
+ referrerPolicy: f.referrerPolicy,
+ signal: f.signal,
+ ...p
+ }))
+ : (b = f);
+ const k = new URL(b, t);
+ return (
+ s && u(k.href),
+ k.origin === t.origin && (b = k.href.slice(t.origin.length)),
+ ee ? Et(b, k.href, p) : kt(b, p)
+ );
+ },
+ setHeaders: () => {},
+ depends: u,
+ parent() {
+ return s && (c.parent = !0), n();
+ },
+ untrack(f) {
+ s = !1;
+ try {
+ return f();
+ } finally {
+ s = !0;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ i = (await l.universal.load.call(null, g)) ?? null;
+ }
+ return {
+ node: l,
+ loader: e,
+ server: o,
+ universal: (h = l.universal) != null && h.load ? { type: 'data', data: i, uses: c } : null,
+ data: i ?? (o == null ? void 0 : o.data) ?? null,
+ slash: ((y = l.universal) == null ? void 0 : y.trailingSlash) ?? (o == null ? void 0 : o.slash)
+ };
+function je(e, n, t, r, a, o) {
+ if (Ae) return !0;
+ if (!a) return !1;
+ if ((a.parent && e) || (a.route && n) || (a.url && t)) return !0;
+ for (const i of a.search_params) if (r.has(i)) return !0;
+ for (const i of a.params) if (o[i] !== _.params[i]) return !0;
+ for (const i of a.dependencies) if (Xe.some((s) => s(new URL(i)))) return !0;
+ return !1;
+function Se(e, n) {
+ return (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) === 'data'
+ ? e
+ : (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) === 'skip'
+ ? (n ?? null)
+ : null;
+function en(e, n) {
+ if (!e) return new Set(n.searchParams.keys());
+ const t = new Set([...e.searchParams.keys(), ...n.searchParams.keys()]);
+ for (const r of t) {
+ const a = e.searchParams.getAll(r),
+ o = n.searchParams.getAll(r);
+ a.every((i) => o.includes(i)) && o.every((i) => a.includes(i)) && t.delete(r);
+ }
+ return t;
+function De({ error: e, url: n, route: t, params: r }) {
+ return {
+ type: 'loaded',
+ state: { error: e, url: n, route: t, params: r, branch: [] },
+ props: { page: I, constructors: [] }
+ };
+async function at({ id: e, invalidating: n, url: t, params: r, route: a, preload: o }) {
+ if ((R == null ? void 0 : R.id) === e) return G.delete(R.token), R.promise;
+ const { errors: i, layouts: s, leaf: c } = a,
+ l = [...s, c];
+ i.forEach((m) => (m == null ? void 0 : m().catch(() => {}))),
+ l.forEach((m) => (m == null ? void 0 : m[1]().catch(() => {})));
+ let d = null;
+ const h = _.url ? e !== _.url.pathname + _.url.search : !1,
+ y = _.route ? a.id !== _.route.id : !1,
+ u = en(_.url, t);
+ let g = !1;
+ const f = l.map((m, v) => {
+ var x;
+ const A = _.branch[v],
+ E =
+ !!(m != null && m[0]) &&
+ ((A == null ? void 0 : A.loader) !== m[1] ||
+ je(g, y, h, u, (x = A.server) == null ? void 0 : x.uses, r));
+ return E && (g = !0), E;
+ });
+ if (f.some(Boolean)) {
+ try {
+ d = await ct(t, f);
+ } catch (m) {
+ const v = await $(m, { url: t, params: r, route: { id: e } });
+ return G.has(o)
+ ? De({ error: v, url: t, params: r, route: a })
+ : se({ status: X(m), error: v, url: t, route: a });
+ }
+ if (d.type === 'redirect') return d;
+ }
+ const p = d == null ? void 0 : d.nodes;
+ let b = !1;
+ const k = l.map(async (m, v) => {
+ var ie;
+ if (!m) return;
+ const A = _.branch[v],
+ E = p == null ? void 0 : p[v];
+ if (
+ (!E || E.type === 'skip') &&
+ m[1] === (A == null ? void 0 : A.loader) &&
+ !je(b, y, h, u, (ie = A.universal) == null ? void 0 : ie.uses, r)
+ )
+ return A;
+ if (((b = !0), (E == null ? void 0 : E.type) === 'error')) throw E;
+ return Ee({
+ loader: m[1],
+ url: t,
+ params: r,
+ route: a,
+ parent: async () => {
+ var Te;
+ const Ie = {};
+ for (let ce = 0; ce < v; ce += 1)
+ Object.assign(Ie, (Te = await k[ce]) == null ? void 0 : Te.data);
+ return Ie;
+ },
+ server_data_node: Se(
+ E === void 0 && m[0] ? { type: 'skip' } : (E ?? null),
+ m[0] ? (A == null ? void 0 : A.server) : void 0
+ )
+ });
+ });
+ for (const m of k) m.catch(() => {});
+ const w = [];
+ for (let m = 0; m < l.length; m += 1)
+ if (l[m])
+ try {
+ w.push(await k[m]);
+ } catch (v) {
+ if (v instanceof ze) return { type: 'redirect', location: v.location };
+ if (G.has(o))
+ return De({
+ error: await $(v, { params: r, url: t, route: { id: a.id } }),
+ url: t,
+ params: r,
+ route: a
+ });
+ let A = X(v),
+ E;
+ if (p != null && p.includes(v)) (A = v.status ?? A), (E = v.error);
+ else if (v instanceof ae) E = v.body;
+ else {
+ if (await P.updated.check()) return await Je(), await F(t);
+ E = await $(v, { params: r, url: t, route: { id: a.id } });
+ }
+ const x = await tn(m, w, i);
+ return x
+ ? ne({
+ url: t,
+ params: r,
+ branch: w.slice(0, x.idx).concat(x.node),
+ status: A,
+ error: E,
+ route: a
+ })
+ : await it(t, { id: a.id }, E, A);
+ }
+ else w.push(void 0);
+ return ne({
+ url: t,
+ params: r,
+ branch: w,
+ status: 200,
+ error: null,
+ route: a,
+ form: n ? void 0 : null
+ });
+async function tn(e, n, t) {
+ for (; e--; )
+ if (t[e]) {
+ let r = e;
+ for (; !n[r]; ) r -= 1;
+ try {
+ return {
+ idx: r + 1,
+ node: { node: await t[e](), loader: t[e], data: {}, server: null, universal: null }
+ };
+ } catch {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+async function se({ status: e, error: n, url: t, route: r }) {
+ const a = {};
+ let o = null;
+ if (V.server_loads[0] === 0)
+ try {
+ const l = await ct(t, [!0]);
+ if (l.type !== 'data' || (l.nodes[0] && l.nodes[0].type !== 'data')) throw 0;
+ o = l.nodes[0] ?? null;
+ } catch {
+ (t.origin !== W || t.pathname !== location.pathname || be) && (await F(t));
+ }
+ const s = await Ee({
+ loader: pe,
+ url: t,
+ params: a,
+ route: r,
+ parent: () => Promise.resolve({}),
+ server_data_node: Se(o)
+ }),
+ c = { node: await Z(), loader: Z, universal: null, server: null, data: null };
+ return ne({ url: t, params: a, branch: [s, c], status: e, error: n, route: null });
+function Re(e, n) {
+ if (!e || re(e, U)) return;
+ let t;
+ try {
+ t = V.hooks.reroute({ url: new URL(e) }) ?? e.pathname;
+ } catch {
+ return;
+ }
+ const r = ot(t);
+ for (const a of oe) {
+ const o = a.exec(r);
+ if (o) return { id: e.pathname + e.search, invalidating: n, route: a, params: gt(o), url: e };
+ }
+function ot(e) {
+ return pt(e.slice(U.length) || '/');
+function st({ url: e, type: n, intent: t, delta: r }) {
+ let a = !1;
+ const o = ft(_, t, e, n);
+ r !== void 0 && (o.navigation.delta = r);
+ const i = {
+ ...o.navigation,
+ cancel: () => {
+ (a = !0), o.reject(new Error('navigation cancelled'));
+ }
+ };
+ return K || Ze.forEach((s) => s(i)), a ? null : o;
+async function Y({
+ type: e,
+ url: n,
+ popped: t,
+ keepfocus: r,
+ noscroll: a,
+ replace_state: o,
+ state: i = {},
+ redirect_count: s = 0,
+ nav_token: c = {},
+ accept: l = Ce,
+ block: d = Ce
+}) {
+ const h = Re(n, !1),
+ y = st({ url: n, type: e, delta: t == null ? void 0 : t.delta, intent: h });
+ if (!y) {
+ d();
+ return;
+ }
+ const u = S,
+ g = T;
+ l(), (K = !0), ee && P.navigating.set(y.navigation), (te = c);
+ let f = h && (await at(h));
+ if (!f) {
+ if (re(n, U)) return await F(n);
+ f = await it(
+ n,
+ { id: null },
+ await $(new we(404, 'Not Found', `Not found: ${n.pathname}`), {
+ url: n,
+ params: {},
+ route: { id: null }
+ }),
+ 404
+ );
+ }
+ if (((n = (h == null ? void 0 : h.url) || n), te !== c))
+ return y.reject(new Error('navigation aborted')), !1;
+ if (f.type === 'redirect')
+ if (s >= 20)
+ f = await se({
+ status: 500,
+ error: await $(new Error('Redirect loop'), { url: n, params: {}, route: { id: null } }),
+ url: n,
+ route: { id: null }
+ });
+ else return nt(new URL(f.location, n).href, {}, s + 1, c), !1;
+ else f.props.page.status >= 400 && (await P.updated.check()) && (await Je(), await F(n));
+ if (
+ (Zt(),
+ ve(u),
+ et(g),
+ f.props.page.url.pathname !== n.pathname && (n.pathname = f.props.page.url.pathname),
+ (i = t ? t.state : i),
+ !t)
+ ) {
+ const w = o ? 0 : 1,
+ m = { [D]: (S += w), [M]: (T += w), [Me]: i };
+ (o ? history.replaceState : history.pushState).call(history, m, '', n), o || Jt(S, T);
+ }
+ if (((R = null), (f.props.page.state = i), ee)) {
+ (_ = f.state), f.props.page && (f.props.page.url = n);
+ const w = (await Promise.all(Xt.map((m) => m(y.navigation)))).filter(
+ (m) => typeof m == 'function'
+ );
+ if (w.length > 0) {
+ let m = function () {
+ j = j.filter((v) => !w.includes(v));
+ };
+ w.push(m), j.push(...w);
+ }
+ ke.$set(f.props), (Qe = !0);
+ } else rt(f, ge, !1);
+ const { activeElement: p } = document;
+ await dt();
+ const b = t ? t.scroll : a ? _e() : null;
+ if (Ne) {
+ const w = n.hash && document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(n.hash.slice(1)));
+ b ? scrollTo(b.x, b.y) : w ? w.scrollIntoView() : scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ const k = document.activeElement !== p && document.activeElement !== document.body;
+ !r && !k && sn(),
+ (Ne = !0),
+ f.props.page && (I = f.props.page),
+ (K = !1),
+ e === 'popstate' && tt(T),
+ y.fulfil(void 0),
+ j.forEach((w) => w(y.navigation)),
+ P.navigating.set(null);
+async function it(e, n, t, r) {
+ return e.origin === W && e.pathname === location.pathname && !be
+ ? await se({ status: r, error: t, url: e, route: n })
+ : await F(e);
+function nn() {
+ let e;
+ L.addEventListener('mousemove', (o) => {
+ const i = o.target;
+ clearTimeout(e),
+ (e = setTimeout(() => {
+ r(i, 2);
+ }, 20));
+ });
+ function n(o) {
+ o.defaultPrevented || r(o.composedPath()[0], 1);
+ }
+ L.addEventListener('mousedown', n), L.addEventListener('touchstart', n, { passive: !0 });
+ const t = new IntersectionObserver(
+ (o) => {
+ for (const i of o) i.isIntersecting && (de(i.target.href), t.unobserve(i.target));
+ },
+ { threshold: 0 }
+ );
+ function r(o, i) {
+ const s = We(o, L);
+ if (!s) return;
+ const { url: c, external: l, download: d } = he(s, U);
+ if (l || d) return;
+ const h = J(s),
+ y = c && _.url.pathname + _.url.search === c.pathname + c.search;
+ if (!h.reload && !y)
+ if (i <= h.preload_data) {
+ const u = Re(c, !1);
+ u && Qt(u);
+ } else i <= h.preload_code && de(c.pathname);
+ }
+ function a() {
+ t.disconnect();
+ for (const o of L.querySelectorAll('a')) {
+ const { url: i, external: s, download: c } = he(o, U);
+ if (s || c) continue;
+ const l = J(o);
+ l.reload ||
+ (l.preload_code === z.viewport && t.observe(o),
+ l.preload_code === z.eager && de(i.pathname));
+ }
+ }
+ j.push(a), a();
+function $(e, n) {
+ if (e instanceof ae) return e.body;
+ const t = X(e),
+ r = Yt(e);
+ return V.hooks.handleError({ error: e, event: n, status: t, message: r }) ?? { message: r };
+function rn(e, n = {}) {
+ return (e = He(e)), e.origin !== W ? Promise.reject(new Error('goto: invalid URL')) : nt(e, n, 0);
+function an() {
+ var n;
+ (history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'),
+ addEventListener('beforeunload', (t) => {
+ let r = !1;
+ if ((Oe(), !K)) {
+ const a = ft(_, void 0, null, 'leave'),
+ o = {
+ ...a.navigation,
+ cancel: () => {
+ (r = !0), a.reject(new Error('navigation cancelled'));
+ }
+ };
+ Ze.forEach((i) => i(o));
+ }
+ r ? (t.preventDefault(), (t.returnValue = '')) : (history.scrollRestoration = 'auto');
+ }),
+ addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => {
+ document.visibilityState === 'hidden' && Oe();
+ }),
+ ((n = navigator.connection) != null && n.saveData) || nn(),
+ L.addEventListener('click', async (t) => {
+ if (
+ t.button ||
+ t.which !== 1 ||
+ t.metaKey ||
+ t.ctrlKey ||
+ t.shiftKey ||
+ t.altKey ||
+ t.defaultPrevented
+ )
+ return;
+ const r = We(t.composedPath()[0], L);
+ if (!r) return;
+ const { url: a, external: o, target: i, download: s } = he(r, U);
+ if (!a) return;
+ if (i === '_parent' || i === '_top') {
+ if (window.parent !== window) return;
+ } else if (i && i !== '_self') return;
+ const c = J(r);
+ if (
+ (!(r instanceof SVGAElement) &&
+ a.protocol !== location.protocol &&
+ !(a.protocol === 'https:' || a.protocol === 'http:')) ||
+ s
+ )
+ return;
+ const [d, h] = a.href.split('#'),
+ y = d === fe(location);
+ if (o || (c.reload && (!y || !h))) {
+ st({ url: a, type: 'link' }) ? (K = !0) : t.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (h !== void 0 && y) {
+ const [, u] = _.url.href.split('#');
+ if (u === h) {
+ if (
+ (t.preventDefault(),
+ h === '' || (h === 'top' && r.ownerDocument.getElementById('top') === null))
+ )
+ window.scrollTo({ top: 0 });
+ else {
+ const g = r.ownerDocument.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(h));
+ g && (g.scrollIntoView(), g.focus());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((B = !0), ve(S), e(a), !c.replace_state)) return;
+ B = !1;
+ }
+ t.preventDefault(),
+ await new Promise((u) => {
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ setTimeout(u, 0);
+ }),
+ setTimeout(u, 100);
+ }),
+ Y({
+ type: 'link',
+ url: a,
+ keepfocus: c.keepfocus,
+ noscroll: c.noscroll,
+ replace_state: c.replace_state ?? a.href === location.href
+ });
+ }),
+ L.addEventListener('submit', (t) => {
+ if (t.defaultPrevented) return;
+ const r = HTMLFormElement.prototype.cloneNode.call(t.target),
+ a = t.submitter;
+ if (
+ ((a == null ? void 0 : a.formTarget) || r.target) === '_blank' ||
+ ((a == null ? void 0 : a.formMethod) || r.method) !== 'get'
+ )
+ return;
+ const s = new URL(
+ ((a == null ? void 0 : a.hasAttribute('formaction')) &&
+ (a == null ? void 0 : a.formAction)) ||
+ r.action
+ );
+ if (re(s, U)) return;
+ const c = t.target,
+ l = J(c);
+ if (l.reload) return;
+ t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation();
+ const d = new FormData(c),
+ h = a == null ? void 0 : a.getAttribute('name');
+ h && d.append(h, (a == null ? void 0 : a.getAttribute('value')) ?? ''),
+ (s.search = new URLSearchParams(d).toString()),
+ Y({
+ type: 'form',
+ url: s,
+ keepfocus: l.keepfocus,
+ noscroll: l.noscroll,
+ replace_state: l.replace_state ?? s.href === location.href
+ });
+ }),
+ addEventListener('popstate', async (t) => {
+ var r;
+ if ((r = t.state) != null && r[D]) {
+ const a = t.state[D];
+ if (((te = {}), a === S)) return;
+ const o = C[a],
+ i = t.state[Me] ?? {},
+ s = new URL(t.state[Ct] ?? location.href),
+ c = t.state[M],
+ l = fe(location) === fe(_.url);
+ if (c === T && (Qe || l)) {
+ e(s),
+ (C[S] = _e()),
+ o && scrollTo(o.x, o.y),
+ i !== I.state && ((I = { ...I, state: i }), ke.$set({ page: I })),
+ (S = a);
+ return;
+ }
+ const h = a - S;
+ await Y({
+ type: 'popstate',
+ url: s,
+ popped: { state: i, scroll: o, delta: h },
+ accept: () => {
+ (S = a), (T = c);
+ },
+ block: () => {
+ history.go(-h);
+ },
+ nav_token: te
+ });
+ } else if (!B) {
+ const a = new URL(location.href);
+ e(a);
+ }
+ }),
+ addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
+ B &&
+ ((B = !1), history.replaceState({ ...history.state, [D]: ++S, [M]: T }, '', location.href));
+ });
+ for (const t of document.querySelectorAll('link')) zt.has(t.rel) && (t.href = t.href);
+ addEventListener('pageshow', (t) => {
+ t.persisted && P.navigating.set(null);
+ });
+ function e(t) {
+ (_.url = t), P.page.set({ ...I, url: t }), P.page.notify();
+ }
+async function on(
+ e,
+ { status: n = 200, error: t, node_ids: r, params: a, route: o, data: i, form: s }
+) {
+ be = !0;
+ const c = new URL(location.href);
+ ({ params: a = {}, route: o = { id: null } } = Re(c, !1) || {});
+ let l,
+ d = !0;
+ try {
+ const h = r.map(async (g, f) => {
+ const p = i[f];
+ return (
+ p != null && p.uses && (p.uses = lt(p.uses)),
+ Ee({
+ loader: V.nodes[g],
+ url: c,
+ params: a,
+ route: o,
+ parent: async () => {
+ const b = {};
+ for (let k = 0; k < f; k += 1) Object.assign(b, (await h[k]).data);
+ return b;
+ },
+ server_data_node: Se(p)
+ })
+ );
+ }),
+ y = await Promise.all(h),
+ u = oe.find(({ id: g }) => g === o.id);
+ if (u) {
+ const g = u.layouts;
+ for (let f = 0; f < g.length; f++) g[f] || y.splice(f, 0, void 0);
+ }
+ l = ne({ url: c, params: a, branch: y, status: n, error: t, form: s, route: u ?? null });
+ } catch (h) {
+ if (h instanceof ze) {
+ await F(new URL(h.location, location.href));
+ return;
+ }
+ (l = await se({
+ status: X(h),
+ error: await $(h, { url: c, params: a, route: o }),
+ url: c,
+ route: o
+ })),
+ (e.textContent = ''),
+ (d = !1);
+ }
+ l.props.page && (l.props.page.state = {}), rt(l, e, d);
+async function ct(e, n) {
+ var a;
+ const t = new URL(e);
+ (t.pathname = vt(e.pathname)),
+ e.pathname.endsWith('/') && t.searchParams.append(Wt, '1'),
+ t.searchParams.append(Kt, n.map((o) => (o ? '1' : '0')).join(''));
+ const r = await Ve(t.href);
+ if (!r.ok) {
+ let o;
+ throw (
+ ((a = r.headers.get('content-type')) != null && a.includes('application/json')
+ ? (o = await r.json())
+ : r.status === 404
+ ? (o = 'Not Found')
+ : r.status === 500 && (o = 'Internal Error'),
+ new ae(r.status, o))
+ );
+ }
+ return new Promise(async (o) => {
+ var h;
+ const i = new Map(),
+ s = r.body.getReader(),
+ c = new TextDecoder();
+ function l(y) {
+ return Gt(y, {
+ Promise: (u) =>
+ new Promise((g, f) => {
+ i.set(u, { fulfil: g, reject: f });
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ let d = '';
+ for (;;) {
+ const { done: y, value: u } = await s.read();
+ if (y && !d) break;
+ for (
+ d +=
+ !u && d
+ ? `
+ : c.decode(u, { stream: !0 });
+ ;
+ ) {
+ const g = d.indexOf(`
+ if (g === -1) break;
+ const f = JSON.parse(d.slice(0, g));
+ if (((d = d.slice(g + 1)), f.type === 'redirect')) return o(f);
+ if (f.type === 'data')
+ (h = f.nodes) == null ||
+ h.forEach((p) => {
+ (p == null ? void 0 : p.type) === 'data' &&
+ ((p.uses = lt(p.uses)), (p.data = l(p.data)));
+ }),
+ o(f);
+ else if (f.type === 'chunk') {
+ const { id: p, data: b, error: k } = f,
+ w = i.get(p);
+ i.delete(p), k ? w.reject(l(k)) : w.fulfil(l(b));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function lt(e) {
+ return {
+ dependencies: new Set((e == null ? void 0 : e.dependencies) ?? []),
+ params: new Set((e == null ? void 0 : e.params) ?? []),
+ parent: !!(e != null && e.parent),
+ route: !!(e != null && e.route),
+ url: !!(e != null && e.url),
+ search_params: new Set((e == null ? void 0 : e.search_params) ?? [])
+ };
+function sn() {
+ const e = document.querySelector('[autofocus]');
+ if (e) e.focus();
+ else {
+ const n = document.body,
+ t = n.getAttribute('tabindex');
+ (n.tabIndex = -1),
+ n.focus({ preventScroll: !0, focusVisible: !1 }),
+ t !== null ? n.setAttribute('tabindex', t) : n.removeAttribute('tabindex');
+ const r = getSelection();
+ if (r && r.type !== 'None') {
+ const a = [];
+ for (let o = 0; o < r.rangeCount; o += 1) a.push(r.getRangeAt(o));
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (r.rangeCount === a.length) {
+ for (let o = 0; o < r.rangeCount; o += 1) {
+ const i = a[o],
+ s = r.getRangeAt(o);
+ if (
+ i.commonAncestorContainer !== s.commonAncestorContainer ||
+ i.startContainer !== s.startContainer ||
+ i.endContainer !== s.endContainer ||
+ i.startOffset !== s.startOffset ||
+ i.endOffset !== s.endOffset
+ )
+ return;
+ }
+ r.removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+function ft(e, n, t, r) {
+ var c, l;
+ let a, o;
+ const i = new Promise((d, h) => {
+ (a = d), (o = h);
+ });
+ return (
+ i.catch(() => {}),
+ {
+ navigation: {
+ from: {
+ params: e.params,
+ route: { id: ((c = e.route) == null ? void 0 : c.id) ?? null },
+ url: e.url
+ },
+ to: t && {
+ params: (n == null ? void 0 : n.params) ?? null,
+ route: { id: ((l = n == null ? void 0 : n.route) == null ? void 0 : l.id) ?? null },
+ url: t
+ },
+ willUnload: !n,
+ type: r,
+ complete: i
+ },
+ fulfil: a,
+ reject: o
+ }
+ );
+export { ln as a, P as s };
//# sourceMappingURL=entry.Dy2RczJU.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js
index a8f3453..9866f49 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js
@@ -1,2 +1,304 @@
-import{S as m,D as J,F as Q,G as E,H as W,I as h,J as N,U as o,k as P,z as q,K as X,L as p,M as ee,b as re,N as Y,a as j,O as U,h as C,C as ae,E as te,P as ne,Q as ie,B as fe,R as G,c as se,V as ue,W as le,j as D,X as _e,Y as ce,Z as de,_ as ve,$ as oe,a0 as ye,a1 as be,a2 as H,a3 as ge,a4 as k,a5 as he,a6 as Pe,a7 as Ee,o as K,a8 as Re,a9 as me,aa as we,i as F,g as Ie}from"./runtime.C33mUz_z.js";import{c as Se}from"./store.Cu2WRErR.js";function S(e,t=null,c){if(typeof e!="object"||e===null||m in e)return e;const b=p(e);if(b!==J&&b!==Q)return e;var f=new Map,u=ee(e),d=E(0);u&&f.set("length",E(e.length));var v;return new Proxy(e,{defineProperty(s,r,a){(!("value"in a)||a.configurable===!1||a.enumerable===!1||a.writable===!1)&&W();var n=f.get(r);return n===void 0?(n=E(a.value),f.set(r,n)):h(n,S(a.value,v)),!0},deleteProperty(s,r){var a=f.get(r);if(a===void 0)r in s&&f.set(r,E(o));else{if(u&&typeof r=="string"){var n=f.get("length"),i=Number(r);Number.isInteger(i)&&i=O.v&&h(O,T+1)}Z(d)}return!0},ownKeys(s){P(d);var r=Reflect.ownKeys(s).filter(i=>{var l=f.get(i);return l===void 0||l.v!==o});for(var[a,n]of f)n.v!==o&&!(a in s)&&r.push(a);return r},setPrototypeOf(){X()}})}function Z(e,t=1){h(e,e.v+t)}function $(e){return e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&m in e?e[m]:e}function De(e,t){return Object.is($(e),$(t))}function Oe(e){throw new Error("lifecycle_outside_component")}function xe(e,t,c,b=null,f=!1){C&&ae();var u=e,d=null,v=null,s=null,r=f?te:0;re(()=>{if(s===(s=!!t()))return;let a=!1;if(C){const n=u.data===ne;s===n&&(u=ie(),fe(u),G(!1),a=!0)}s?(d?Y(d):d=j(()=>c(u)),v&&U(v,()=>{v=null})):(v?Y(v):b&&(v=j(()=>b(u))),d&&U(d,()=>{d=null})),a&&G(!0)},r),C&&(u=se)}function z(e,t){return e===t||(e==null?void 0:e[m])===t}function Le(e={},t,c,b){return ue(()=>{var f,u;return le(()=>{f=u,u=[],D(()=>{e!==c(...u)&&(t(e,...u),f&&z(c(...f),e)&&t(null,...f))})}),()=>{_e(()=>{u&&z(c(...u),e)&&t(null,...u)})}}),e}function V(e){for(var t=q,c=q;t!==null&&!(t.f&(ye|be));)t=t.parent;try{return H(t),e()}finally{H(c)}}function Ce(e,t,c,b){var M;var f=(c&ge)!==0,u=!k||(c&he)!==0,d=(c&Pe)!==0,v=(c&me)!==0,s=!1,r;d?[r,s]=Se(()=>e[t]):r=e[t];var a=m in e||Ee in e,n=((M=N(e,t))==null?void 0:M.set)??(a&&d&&t in e?_=>e[t]=_:void 0),i=b,l=!0,y=!1,R=()=>(y=!0,l&&(l=!1,v?i=D(b):i=b),i);r===void 0&&b!==void 0&&(n&&u&&ce(),r=R(),n&&n(r));var g;if(u)g=()=>{var _=e[t];return _===void 0?R():(l=!0,y=!1,_)};else{var O=V(()=>(f?K:Re)(()=>e[t]));O.f|=de,g=()=>{var _=P(O);return _!==void 0&&(i=void 0),_===void 0?i:_}}if(!(c&ve))return g;if(n){var T=e.$$legacy;return function(_,I){return arguments.length>0?((!u||!I||T||s)&&n(I?g():_),_):g()}}var w=!1,B=!1,x=we(r),A=V(()=>K(()=>{var _=g(),I=P(x);return w?(w=!1,B=!0,I):(B=!1,x.v=_)}));return f||(A.equals=oe),function(_,I){if(arguments.length>0){const L=I?P(A):u&&d?S(_):_;return A.equals(L)||(w=!0,h(x,L),y&&i!==void 0&&(i=L),D(()=>P(A))),_}return P(A)}}function Fe(e){F===null&&Oe(),k&&F.l!==null?Te(F).m.push(e):Ie(()=>{const t=D(e);if(typeof t=="function")return t})}function Te(e){var t=e.l;return t.u??(t.u={a:[],b:[],m:[]})}export{S as a,Le as b,De as c,xe as i,Fe as o,Ce as p};
+import {
+ S as m,
+ D as J,
+ F as Q,
+ G as E,
+ H as W,
+ I as h,
+ J as N,
+ U as o,
+ k as P,
+ z as q,
+ K as X,
+ L as p,
+ M as ee,
+ b as re,
+ N as Y,
+ a as j,
+ O as U,
+ h as C,
+ C as ae,
+ E as te,
+ P as ne,
+ Q as ie,
+ B as fe,
+ R as G,
+ c as se,
+ V as ue,
+ W as le,
+ j as D,
+ X as _e,
+ Y as ce,
+ Z as de,
+ _ as ve,
+ $ as oe,
+ a0 as ye,
+ a1 as be,
+ a2 as H,
+ a3 as ge,
+ a4 as k,
+ a5 as he,
+ a6 as Pe,
+ a7 as Ee,
+ o as K,
+ a8 as Re,
+ a9 as me,
+ aa as we,
+ i as F,
+ g as Ie
+} from './runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+import { c as Se } from './store.Cu2WRErR.js';
+function S(e, t = null, c) {
+ if (typeof e != 'object' || e === null || m in e) return e;
+ const b = p(e);
+ if (b !== J && b !== Q) return e;
+ var f = new Map(),
+ u = ee(e),
+ d = E(0);
+ u && f.set('length', E(e.length));
+ var v;
+ return new Proxy(e, {
+ defineProperty(s, r, a) {
+ (!('value' in a) || a.configurable === !1 || a.enumerable === !1 || a.writable === !1) && W();
+ var n = f.get(r);
+ return n === void 0 ? ((n = E(a.value)), f.set(r, n)) : h(n, S(a.value, v)), !0;
+ },
+ deleteProperty(s, r) {
+ var a = f.get(r);
+ if (a === void 0) r in s && f.set(r, E(o));
+ else {
+ if (u && typeof r == 'string') {
+ var n = f.get('length'),
+ i = Number(r);
+ Number.isInteger(i) && i < n.v && h(n, i);
+ }
+ h(a, o), Z(d);
+ }
+ return !0;
+ },
+ get(s, r, a) {
+ var y;
+ if (r === m) return e;
+ var n = f.get(r),
+ i = r in s;
+ if (
+ (n === void 0 &&
+ (!i || ((y = N(s, r)) != null && y.writable)) &&
+ ((n = E(S(i ? s[r] : o, v))), f.set(r, n)),
+ n !== void 0)
+ ) {
+ var l = P(n);
+ return l === o ? void 0 : l;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(s, r, a);
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, r) {
+ var a = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, r);
+ if (a && 'value' in a) {
+ var n = f.get(r);
+ n && (a.value = P(n));
+ } else if (a === void 0) {
+ var i = f.get(r),
+ l = i == null ? void 0 : i.v;
+ if (i !== void 0 && l !== o)
+ return { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, value: l, writable: !0 };
+ }
+ return a;
+ },
+ has(s, r) {
+ var l;
+ if (r === m) return !0;
+ var a = f.get(r),
+ n = (a !== void 0 && a.v !== o) || Reflect.has(s, r);
+ if (a !== void 0 || (q !== null && (!n || ((l = N(s, r)) != null && l.writable)))) {
+ a === void 0 && ((a = E(n ? S(s[r], v) : o)), f.set(r, a));
+ var i = P(a);
+ if (i === o) return !1;
+ }
+ return n;
+ },
+ set(s, r, a, n) {
+ var w;
+ var i = f.get(r),
+ l = r in s;
+ if (u && r === 'length')
+ for (var y = a; y < i.v; y += 1) {
+ var R = f.get(y + '');
+ R !== void 0 ? h(R, o) : y in s && ((R = E(o)), f.set(y + '', R));
+ }
+ i === void 0
+ ? (!l || ((w = N(s, r)) != null && w.writable)) &&
+ ((i = E(void 0)), h(i, S(a, v)), f.set(r, i))
+ : ((l = i.v !== o), h(i, S(a, v)));
+ var g = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, r);
+ if ((g != null && g.set && g.set.call(n, a), !l)) {
+ if (u && typeof r == 'string') {
+ var O = f.get('length'),
+ T = Number(r);
+ Number.isInteger(T) && T >= O.v && h(O, T + 1);
+ }
+ Z(d);
+ }
+ return !0;
+ },
+ ownKeys(s) {
+ P(d);
+ var r = Reflect.ownKeys(s).filter((i) => {
+ var l = f.get(i);
+ return l === void 0 || l.v !== o;
+ });
+ for (var [a, n] of f) n.v !== o && !(a in s) && r.push(a);
+ return r;
+ },
+ setPrototypeOf() {
+ X();
+ }
+ });
+function Z(e, t = 1) {
+ h(e, e.v + t);
+function $(e) {
+ return e !== null && typeof e == 'object' && m in e ? e[m] : e;
+function De(e, t) {
+ return Object.is($(e), $(t));
+function Oe(e) {
+ throw new Error('lifecycle_outside_component');
+function xe(e, t, c, b = null, f = !1) {
+ C && ae();
+ var u = e,
+ d = null,
+ v = null,
+ s = null,
+ r = f ? te : 0;
+ re(() => {
+ if (s === (s = !!t())) return;
+ let a = !1;
+ if (C) {
+ const n = u.data === ne;
+ s === n && ((u = ie()), fe(u), G(!1), (a = !0));
+ }
+ s
+ ? (d ? Y(d) : (d = j(() => c(u))),
+ v &&
+ U(v, () => {
+ v = null;
+ }))
+ : (v ? Y(v) : b && (v = j(() => b(u))),
+ d &&
+ U(d, () => {
+ d = null;
+ })),
+ a && G(!0);
+ }, r),
+ C && (u = se);
+function z(e, t) {
+ return e === t || (e == null ? void 0 : e[m]) === t;
+function Le(e = {}, t, c, b) {
+ return (
+ ue(() => {
+ var f, u;
+ return (
+ le(() => {
+ (f = u),
+ (u = []),
+ D(() => {
+ e !== c(...u) && (t(e, ...u), f && z(c(...f), e) && t(null, ...f));
+ });
+ }),
+ () => {
+ _e(() => {
+ u && z(c(...u), e) && t(null, ...u);
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+function V(e) {
+ for (var t = q, c = q; t !== null && !(t.f & (ye | be)); ) t = t.parent;
+ try {
+ return H(t), e();
+ } finally {
+ H(c);
+ }
+function Ce(e, t, c, b) {
+ var M;
+ var f = (c & ge) !== 0,
+ u = !k || (c & he) !== 0,
+ d = (c & Pe) !== 0,
+ v = (c & me) !== 0,
+ s = !1,
+ r;
+ d ? ([r, s] = Se(() => e[t])) : (r = e[t]);
+ var a = m in e || Ee in e,
+ n = ((M = N(e, t)) == null ? void 0 : M.set) ?? (a && d && t in e ? (_) => (e[t] = _) : void 0),
+ i = b,
+ l = !0,
+ y = !1,
+ R = () => ((y = !0), l && ((l = !1), v ? (i = D(b)) : (i = b)), i);
+ r === void 0 && b !== void 0 && (n && u && ce(), (r = R()), n && n(r));
+ var g;
+ if (u)
+ g = () => {
+ var _ = e[t];
+ return _ === void 0 ? R() : ((l = !0), (y = !1), _);
+ };
+ else {
+ var O = V(() => (f ? K : Re)(() => e[t]));
+ (O.f |= de),
+ (g = () => {
+ var _ = P(O);
+ return _ !== void 0 && (i = void 0), _ === void 0 ? i : _;
+ });
+ }
+ if (!(c & ve)) return g;
+ if (n) {
+ var T = e.$$legacy;
+ return function (_, I) {
+ return arguments.length > 0 ? ((!u || !I || T || s) && n(I ? g() : _), _) : g();
+ };
+ }
+ var w = !1,
+ B = !1,
+ x = we(r),
+ A = V(() =>
+ K(() => {
+ var _ = g(),
+ I = P(x);
+ return w ? ((w = !1), (B = !0), I) : ((B = !1), (x.v = _));
+ })
+ );
+ return (
+ f || (A.equals = oe),
+ function (_, I) {
+ if (arguments.length > 0) {
+ const L = I ? P(A) : u && d ? S(_) : _;
+ return A.equals(L) || ((w = !0), h(x, L), y && i !== void 0 && (i = L), D(() => P(A))), _;
+ }
+ return P(A);
+ }
+ );
+function Fe(e) {
+ F === null && Oe(),
+ k && F.l !== null
+ ? Te(F).m.push(e)
+ : Ie(() => {
+ const t = D(e);
+ if (typeof t == 'function') return t;
+ });
+function Te(e) {
+ var t = e.l;
+ return t.u ?? (t.u = { a: [], b: [], m: [] });
+export { S as a, Le as b, De as c, xe as i, Fe as o, Ce as p };
//# sourceMappingURL=index-client.DkFXpaO1.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js
index 9f740fc..7e921aa 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js
@@ -1,2 +1,978 @@
-var Ot=Array.isArray,Ct=Array.from,Nt=Object.defineProperty,vn=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Wn=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,bt=Object.prototype,qt=Array.prototype,Xn=Object.getPrototypeOf;const Pt=()=>{};function Ft(n){return n()}function yn(n){for(var t=0;t{P(t)}}function bn(n){return q(wn,n,!1)}function ht(n){return q(Y,n,!0)}function Tr(n){return dt(n)}function dt(n,t=0){return q(Y|ln|t,n,!0)}function mr(n,t=!0){return q(Y|m,n,!0,t)}function qn(n){var t=n.teardown;if(t!==null){const r=on,e=o;En(!0),$(null);try{t.call(null)}finally{En(r),$(e)}}}function Pn(n){var t=n.deriveds;if(t!==null){n.deriveds=null;for(var r=0;r{P(n),t&&t()})}function yt(n,t){var r=n.length;if(r>0){var e=()=>--r||t();for(var s of n)s.out(e)}else t()}function Mn(n,t,r){if(!(n.f&N)){if(n.f^=N,n.transitions!==null)for(const a of n.transitions)(a.is_global||r)&&t.push(a);for(var e=n.first;e!==null;){var s=e.next,l=(e.f&Tn)!==0||(e.f&m)!==0;Mn(e,t,l?r:!1),e=s}}}function gr(n){Yn(n,!0)}function Yn(n,t){if(n.f&N){H(n)&&X(n),n.f^=N;for(var r=n.first;r!==null;){var e=r.next,s=(r.f&Tn)!==0||(r.f&m)!==0;Yn(r,s?t:!1),r=e}if(n.transitions!==null)for(const l of n.transitions)(l.is_global||t)&&l.in()}}const wt=typeof requestIdleCallback>"u"?n=>setTimeout(n,1):requestIdleCallback;let G=!1,K=!1,rn=[],en=[];function jn(){G=!1;const n=rn.slice();rn=[],yn(n)}function Hn(){K=!1;const n=en.slice();en=[],yn(n)}function kr(n){G||(G=!0,queueMicrotask(jn)),rn.push(n)}function Rr(n){K||(K=!0,wt(Hn)),en.push(n)}function Tt(){G&&jn(),K&&Hn()}const Bn=0,mt=1;let B=!1,U=Bn,L=!1,O=!1,on=!1;function dn(n){O=n}function En(n){on=n}let R=[],C=0;let o=null;function $(n){o=n}let u=null;function Z(n){u=n}let T=null;function At(n){T=n}let v=null,E=0,g=null;function gt(n){g=n}let Un=0,I=!1,f=null;function Vn(){return++Un}function fn(){return!W||f!==null&&f.l===null}function H(n){var a,i;var t=n.f;if(t&k)return!0;if(t&j){var r=n.deps,e=(t&S)!==0;if(r!==null){var s;if(t&V){for(s=0;sn.version)return!0}}e||A(n,h)}return!1}function kt(n,t){for(var r=t;r!==null;){if(r.f&Q)try{r.fn(n);return}catch{r.f^=Q}r=r.parent}throw B=!1,n}function Rt(n){return(n.f&b)===0&&(n.parent===null||(n.parent.f&Q)===0)}function _n(n,t,r,e){if(B){if(r===null&&(B=!1),Rt(t))throw n;return}r!==null&&(B=!0);{kt(n,t);return}}function Gn(n){var cn;var t=v,r=E,e=g,s=o,l=I,a=T,i=f,p=n.f;v=null,E=0,g=null,o=p&(m|z)?null:n,I=!O&&(p&S)!==0,T=null,f=n.ctx;try{var d=(0,n.fn)(),_=n.deps;if(v!==null){var c;if(M(n,E),_!==null&&E>0)for(_.length=E+v.length,c=0;c1e3&&(C=0,st()),C++}function $n(n){var t=n.length;if(t!==0){Kn();var r=O;O=!0;try{for(var e=0;e1001)return;const n=R;R=[],$n(n),L||(C=0)}function J(n){U===Bn&&(L||(L=!0,queueMicrotask(Dt)));for(var t=n;t.parent!==null;){t=t.parent;var r=t.f;if(r&(z|m)){if(!(r&h))return;t.f^=h}}R.push(t)}function Zn(n,t){var r=n.first,e=[];n:for(;r!==null;){var s=r.f,l=(s&m)!==0,a=l&&(s&h)!==0,i=r.next;if(!a&&!(s&N))if(s&Y){if(l)r.f^=h;else try{H(r)&&X(r)}catch(c){_n(c,r,null,r.ctx)}var p=r.first;if(p!==null){r=p;continue}}else s&wn&&e.push(r);if(i===null){let c=r.parent;for(;c!==null;){if(n===c)break n;var d=c.next;if(d!==null){r=d;continue n}c=c.parent}}r=i}for(var _=0;_0||s.length>0)&&zn(),C=0,e}finally{U=t,R=r}}async function xr(){await Promise.resolve(),zn()}function Sr(n){var _;var t=n.f,r=(t&y)!==0;if(r&&t&b){var e=On(n);return un(n),e}if(o!==null){T!==null&&T.includes(n)&<();var s=o.deps;v===null&&s!==null&&s[E]===n?E++:v===null?v=[n]:v.push(n),g!==null&&u!==null&&u.f&h&&!(u.f&m)&&g.includes(n)&&(A(u,k),J(u))}else if(r&&n.deps===null)for(var l=n,a=l.parent,i=l;a!==null;)if(a.f&y){var p=a;i=p,a=p.parent}else{var d=a;(_=d.deriveds)!=null&&_.includes(i)||(d.deriveds??(d.deriveds=[])).push(i);break}return r&&(l=n,H(l)&&Cn(l)),n.v}function Dr(n){const t=o;try{return o=null,n()}finally{o=t}}const It=~(k|j|h);function A(n,t){n.f=n.f&It|t}function Ir(n,t=!1,r){f={p:f,c:null,e:null,m:!1,s:n,x:null,l:null},W&&!t&&(f.l={s:null,u:null,r1:[],r2:an(!1)})}function Or(n){const t=f;if(t!==null){const a=t.e;if(a!==null){var r=u,e=o;t.e=null;try{for(var s=0;s {};
+function Ft(n) {
+ return n();
+function yn(n) {
+ for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) n[t]();
+const y = 2,
+ wn = 4,
+ Y = 8,
+ ln = 16,
+ m = 32,
+ z = 64,
+ Q = 128,
+ S = 256,
+ V = 512,
+ h = 1024,
+ k = 2048,
+ j = 4096,
+ N = 8192,
+ b = 16384,
+ Jn = 32768,
+ Tn = 65536,
+ Lt = 1 << 17,
+ Qn = 1 << 19,
+ mn = 1 << 20,
+ pn = Symbol('$state'),
+ Mt = Symbol('legacy props'),
+ Yt = Symbol('');
+function An(n) {
+ return n === this.v;
+function nt(n, t) {
+ return n != n
+ ? t == t
+ : n !== t || (n !== null && typeof n == 'object') || typeof n == 'function';
+function gn(n) {
+ return !nt(n, this.v);
+function tt(n) {
+ throw new Error('effect_in_teardown');
+function rt() {
+ throw new Error('effect_in_unowned_derived');
+function et(n) {
+ throw new Error('effect_orphan');
+function st() {
+ throw new Error('effect_update_depth_exceeded');
+function jt() {
+ throw new Error('hydration_failed');
+function Ht(n) {
+ throw new Error('props_invalid_value');
+function Bt() {
+ throw new Error('state_descriptors_fixed');
+function Ut() {
+ throw new Error('state_prototype_fixed');
+function lt() {
+ throw new Error('state_unsafe_local_read');
+function at() {
+ throw new Error('state_unsafe_mutation');
+let W = !1;
+function Vt() {
+ W = !0;
+function an(n) {
+ return { f: 0, v: n, reactions: null, equals: An, version: 0 };
+function Gt(n) {
+ return ut(an(n));
+function Kt(n, t = !1) {
+ var e;
+ const r = an(n);
+ return (
+ t || (r.equals = gn), W && f !== null && f.l !== null && ((e = f.l).s ?? (e.s = [])).push(r), r
+ );
+function ut(n) {
+ return o !== null && o.f & y && (T === null ? At([n]) : T.push(n)), n;
+function $t(n, t) {
+ return o !== null && fn() && o.f & (y | ln) && (T === null || !T.includes(n)) && at(), ot(n, t);
+function ot(n, t) {
+ return (
+ n.equals(t) ||
+ ((n.v = t),
+ (n.version = Vn()),
+ kn(n, k),
+ fn() &&
+ u !== null &&
+ u.f & h &&
+ !(u.f & m) &&
+ (v !== null && v.includes(n) ? (A(u, k), J(u)) : g === null ? gt([n]) : g.push(n))),
+ t
+ );
+function kn(n, t) {
+ var r = n.reactions;
+ if (r !== null)
+ for (var e = fn(), s = r.length, l = 0; l < s; l++) {
+ var a = r[l],
+ i = a.f;
+ i & k || (!e && a === u) || (A(a, t), i & (h | S) && (i & y ? kn(a, j) : J(a)));
+ }
+const Zt = 1,
+ zt = 2,
+ Wt = 16,
+ Xt = 1,
+ Jt = 2,
+ Qt = 4,
+ nr = 8,
+ tr = 16,
+ rr = 1,
+ er = 2,
+ it = '[',
+ ft = '[!',
+ _t = ']',
+ Rn = {},
+ sr = Symbol();
+function xn(n) {
+ console.warn('hydration_mismatch');
+let x = !1;
+function lr(n) {
+ x = n;
+let w;
+function F(n) {
+ if (n === null) throw (xn(), Rn);
+ return (w = n);
+function ar() {
+ return F(D(w));
+function ur(n) {
+ if (x) {
+ if (D(w) !== null) throw (xn(), Rn);
+ w = n;
+ }
+function or(n = 1) {
+ if (x) {
+ for (var t = n, r = w; t--; ) r = D(r);
+ w = r;
+ }
+function ir() {
+ for (var n = 0, t = w; ; ) {
+ if (t.nodeType === 8) {
+ var r = t.data;
+ if (r === _t) {
+ if (n === 0) return t;
+ n -= 1;
+ } else (r === it || r === ft) && (n += 1);
+ }
+ var e = D(t);
+ t.remove(), (t = e);
+ }
+var hn, Sn, Dn;
+function fr() {
+ if (hn === void 0) {
+ hn = window;
+ var n = Element.prototype,
+ t = Node.prototype;
+ (Sn = vn(t, 'firstChild').get),
+ (Dn = vn(t, 'nextSibling').get),
+ (n.__click = void 0),
+ (n.__className = ''),
+ (n.__attributes = null),
+ (n.__styles = null),
+ (n.__e = void 0),
+ (Text.prototype.__t = void 0);
+ }
+function nn(n = '') {
+ return document.createTextNode(n);
+function tn(n) {
+ return Sn.call(n);
+function D(n) {
+ return Dn.call(n);
+function _r(n, t) {
+ if (!x) return tn(n);
+ var r = tn(w);
+ if (r === null) r = w.appendChild(nn());
+ else if (t && r.nodeType !== 3) {
+ var e = nn();
+ return r == null || r.before(e), F(e), e;
+ }
+ return F(r), r;
+function cr(n, t) {
+ if (!x) {
+ var r = tn(n);
+ return r instanceof Comment && r.data === '' ? D(r) : r;
+ }
+ return w;
+function vr(n, t = 1, r = !1) {
+ let e = x ? w : n;
+ for (var s; t--; ) (s = e), (e = D(e));
+ if (!x) return e;
+ var l = e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeType;
+ if (r && l !== 3) {
+ var a = nn();
+ return e === null ? s == null || s.after(a) : e.before(a), F(a), a;
+ }
+ return F(e), e;
+function pr(n) {
+ n.textContent = '';
+function ct(n) {
+ var t = y | k;
+ u === null ? (t |= S) : (u.f |= mn);
+ var r = o !== null && o.f & y ? o : null;
+ const e = {
+ children: null,
+ ctx: f,
+ deps: null,
+ equals: An,
+ f: t,
+ fn: n,
+ reactions: null,
+ v: null,
+ version: 0,
+ parent: r ?? u
+ };
+ return r !== null && (r.children ?? (r.children = [])).push(e), e;
+function hr(n) {
+ const t = ct(n);
+ return (t.equals = gn), t;
+function In(n) {
+ var t = n.children;
+ if (t !== null) {
+ n.children = null;
+ for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r += 1) {
+ var e = t[r];
+ e.f & y ? un(e) : P(e);
+ }
+ }
+function vt(n) {
+ for (var t = n.parent; t !== null; ) {
+ if (!(t.f & y)) return t;
+ t = t.parent;
+ }
+ return null;
+function On(n) {
+ var t,
+ r = u;
+ Z(vt(n));
+ try {
+ In(n), (t = Gn(n));
+ } finally {
+ Z(r);
+ }
+ return t;
+function Cn(n) {
+ var t = On(n),
+ r = (I || n.f & S) && n.deps !== null ? j : h;
+ A(n, r), n.equals(t) || ((n.v = t), (n.version = Vn()));
+function un(n) {
+ In(n), M(n, 0), A(n, b), (n.v = n.children = n.deps = n.ctx = n.reactions = null);
+function Nn(n) {
+ u === null && o === null && et(), o !== null && o.f & S && rt(), on && tt();
+function pt(n, t) {
+ var r = t.last;
+ r === null ? (t.last = t.first = n) : ((r.next = n), (n.prev = r), (t.last = n));
+function q(n, t, r, e = !0) {
+ var s = (n & z) !== 0,
+ l = u,
+ a = {
+ ctx: f,
+ deps: null,
+ deriveds: null,
+ nodes_start: null,
+ nodes_end: null,
+ f: n | k,
+ first: null,
+ fn: t,
+ last: null,
+ next: null,
+ parent: s ? null : l,
+ prev: null,
+ teardown: null,
+ transitions: null,
+ version: 0
+ };
+ if (r) {
+ var i = O;
+ try {
+ dn(!0), X(a), (a.f |= Jn);
+ } catch (_) {
+ throw (P(a), _);
+ } finally {
+ dn(i);
+ }
+ } else t !== null && J(a);
+ var p =
+ r &&
+ a.deps === null &&
+ a.first === null &&
+ a.nodes_start === null &&
+ a.teardown === null &&
+ (a.f & mn) === 0;
+ if (!p && !s && e && (l !== null && pt(a, l), o !== null && o.f & y)) {
+ var d = o;
+ (d.children ?? (d.children = [])).push(a);
+ }
+ return a;
+function dr(n) {
+ const t = q(Y, null, !1);
+ return A(t, h), (t.teardown = n), t;
+function Er(n) {
+ Nn();
+ var t = u !== null && (u.f & m) !== 0 && f !== null && !f.m;
+ if (t) {
+ var r = f;
+ (r.e ?? (r.e = [])).push({ fn: n, effect: u, reaction: o });
+ } else {
+ var e = bn(n);
+ return e;
+ }
+function yr(n) {
+ return Nn(), ht(n);
+function wr(n) {
+ const t = q(z, n, !0);
+ return () => {
+ P(t);
+ };
+function bn(n) {
+ return q(wn, n, !1);
+function ht(n) {
+ return q(Y, n, !0);
+function Tr(n) {
+ return dt(n);
+function dt(n, t = 0) {
+ return q(Y | ln | t, n, !0);
+function mr(n, t = !0) {
+ return q(Y | m, n, !0, t);
+function qn(n) {
+ var t = n.teardown;
+ if (t !== null) {
+ const r = on,
+ e = o;
+ En(!0), $(null);
+ try {
+ t.call(null);
+ } finally {
+ En(r), $(e);
+ }
+ }
+function Pn(n) {
+ var t = n.deriveds;
+ if (t !== null) {
+ n.deriveds = null;
+ for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r += 1) un(t[r]);
+ }
+function Fn(n, t = !1) {
+ var r = n.first;
+ for (n.first = n.last = null; r !== null; ) {
+ var e = r.next;
+ P(r, t), (r = e);
+ }
+function Et(n) {
+ for (var t = n.first; t !== null; ) {
+ var r = t.next;
+ t.f & m || P(t), (t = r);
+ }
+function P(n, t = !0) {
+ var r = !1;
+ if ((t || n.f & Qn) && n.nodes_start !== null) {
+ for (var e = n.nodes_start, s = n.nodes_end; e !== null; ) {
+ var l = e === s ? null : D(e);
+ e.remove(), (e = l);
+ }
+ r = !0;
+ }
+ Fn(n, t && !r), Pn(n), M(n, 0), A(n, b);
+ var a = n.transitions;
+ if (a !== null) for (const p of a) p.stop();
+ qn(n);
+ var i = n.parent;
+ i !== null && i.first !== null && Ln(n),
+ (n.next = n.prev = n.teardown = n.ctx = n.deps = n.fn = n.nodes_start = n.nodes_end = null);
+function Ln(n) {
+ var t = n.parent,
+ r = n.prev,
+ e = n.next;
+ r !== null && (r.next = e),
+ e !== null && (e.prev = r),
+ t !== null && (t.first === n && (t.first = e), t.last === n && (t.last = r));
+function Ar(n, t) {
+ var r = [];
+ Mn(n, r, !0),
+ yt(r, () => {
+ P(n), t && t();
+ });
+function yt(n, t) {
+ var r = n.length;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ var e = () => --r || t();
+ for (var s of n) s.out(e);
+ } else t();
+function Mn(n, t, r) {
+ if (!(n.f & N)) {
+ if (((n.f ^= N), n.transitions !== null))
+ for (const a of n.transitions) (a.is_global || r) && t.push(a);
+ for (var e = n.first; e !== null; ) {
+ var s = e.next,
+ l = (e.f & Tn) !== 0 || (e.f & m) !== 0;
+ Mn(e, t, l ? r : !1), (e = s);
+ }
+ }
+function gr(n) {
+ Yn(n, !0);
+function Yn(n, t) {
+ if (n.f & N) {
+ H(n) && X(n), (n.f ^= N);
+ for (var r = n.first; r !== null; ) {
+ var e = r.next,
+ s = (r.f & Tn) !== 0 || (r.f & m) !== 0;
+ Yn(r, s ? t : !1), (r = e);
+ }
+ if (n.transitions !== null) for (const l of n.transitions) (l.is_global || t) && l.in();
+ }
+const wt = typeof requestIdleCallback > 'u' ? (n) => setTimeout(n, 1) : requestIdleCallback;
+let G = !1,
+ K = !1,
+ rn = [],
+ en = [];
+function jn() {
+ G = !1;
+ const n = rn.slice();
+ (rn = []), yn(n);
+function Hn() {
+ K = !1;
+ const n = en.slice();
+ (en = []), yn(n);
+function kr(n) {
+ G || ((G = !0), queueMicrotask(jn)), rn.push(n);
+function Rr(n) {
+ K || ((K = !0), wt(Hn)), en.push(n);
+function Tt() {
+ G && jn(), K && Hn();
+const Bn = 0,
+ mt = 1;
+let B = !1,
+ U = Bn,
+ L = !1,
+ O = !1,
+ on = !1;
+function dn(n) {
+ O = n;
+function En(n) {
+ on = n;
+let R = [],
+ C = 0;
+let o = null;
+function $(n) {
+ o = n;
+let u = null;
+function Z(n) {
+ u = n;
+let T = null;
+function At(n) {
+ T = n;
+let v = null,
+ E = 0,
+ g = null;
+function gt(n) {
+ g = n;
+let Un = 0,
+ I = !1,
+ f = null;
+function Vn() {
+ return ++Un;
+function fn() {
+ return !W || (f !== null && f.l === null);
+function H(n) {
+ var a, i;
+ var t = n.f;
+ if (t & k) return !0;
+ if (t & j) {
+ var r = n.deps,
+ e = (t & S) !== 0;
+ if (r !== null) {
+ var s;
+ if (t & V) {
+ for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++) ((a = r[s]).reactions ?? (a.reactions = [])).push(n);
+ n.f ^= V;
+ }
+ for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
+ var l = r[s];
+ if (
+ (H(l) && Cn(l),
+ e &&
+ u !== null &&
+ !I &&
+ !((i = l == null ? void 0 : l.reactions) != null && i.includes(n)) &&
+ (l.reactions ?? (l.reactions = [])).push(n),
+ l.version > n.version)
+ )
+ return !0;
+ }
+ }
+ e || A(n, h);
+ }
+ return !1;
+function kt(n, t) {
+ for (var r = t; r !== null; ) {
+ if (r.f & Q)
+ try {
+ r.fn(n);
+ return;
+ } catch {
+ r.f ^= Q;
+ }
+ r = r.parent;
+ }
+ throw ((B = !1), n);
+function Rt(n) {
+ return (n.f & b) === 0 && (n.parent === null || (n.parent.f & Q) === 0);
+function _n(n, t, r, e) {
+ if (B) {
+ if ((r === null && (B = !1), Rt(t))) throw n;
+ return;
+ }
+ r !== null && (B = !0);
+ {
+ kt(n, t);
+ return;
+ }
+function Gn(n) {
+ var cn;
+ var t = v,
+ r = E,
+ e = g,
+ s = o,
+ l = I,
+ a = T,
+ i = f,
+ p = n.f;
+ (v = null),
+ (E = 0),
+ (g = null),
+ (o = p & (m | z) ? null : n),
+ (I = !O && (p & S) !== 0),
+ (T = null),
+ (f = n.ctx);
+ try {
+ var d = (0, n.fn)(),
+ _ = n.deps;
+ if (v !== null) {
+ var c;
+ if ((M(n, E), _ !== null && E > 0))
+ for (_.length = E + v.length, c = 0; c < v.length; c++) _[E + c] = v[c];
+ else n.deps = _ = v;
+ if (!I) for (c = E; c < _.length; c++) ((cn = _[c]).reactions ?? (cn.reactions = [])).push(n);
+ } else _ !== null && E < _.length && (M(n, E), (_.length = E));
+ return d;
+ } finally {
+ (v = t), (E = r), (g = e), (o = s), (I = l), (T = a), (f = i);
+ }
+function xt(n, t) {
+ let r = t.reactions;
+ if (r !== null) {
+ var e = r.indexOf(n);
+ if (e !== -1) {
+ var s = r.length - 1;
+ s === 0 ? (r = t.reactions = null) : ((r[e] = r[s]), r.pop());
+ }
+ }
+ r === null &&
+ t.f & y &&
+ (v === null || !v.includes(t)) &&
+ (A(t, j), t.f & (S | V) || (t.f ^= V), M(t, 0));
+function M(n, t) {
+ var r = n.deps;
+ if (r !== null) for (var e = t; e < r.length; e++) xt(n, r[e]);
+function X(n) {
+ var t = n.f;
+ if (!(t & b)) {
+ A(n, h);
+ var r = u,
+ e = f;
+ u = n;
+ try {
+ t & ln ? Et(n) : Fn(n), Pn(n), qn(n);
+ var s = Gn(n);
+ (n.teardown = typeof s == 'function' ? s : null), (n.version = Un);
+ } catch (l) {
+ _n(l, n, r, e || n.ctx);
+ } finally {
+ u = r;
+ }
+ }
+function Kn() {
+ C > 1e3 && ((C = 0), st()), C++;
+function $n(n) {
+ var t = n.length;
+ if (t !== 0) {
+ Kn();
+ var r = O;
+ O = !0;
+ try {
+ for (var e = 0; e < t; e++) {
+ var s = n[e];
+ s.f & h || (s.f ^= h);
+ var l = [];
+ Zn(s, l), St(l);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ O = r;
+ }
+ }
+function St(n) {
+ var t = n.length;
+ if (t !== 0)
+ for (var r = 0; r < t; r++) {
+ var e = n[r];
+ if (!(e.f & (b | N)))
+ try {
+ H(e) &&
+ (X(e),
+ e.deps === null &&
+ e.first === null &&
+ e.nodes_start === null &&
+ (e.teardown === null ? Ln(e) : (e.fn = null)));
+ } catch (s) {
+ _n(s, e, null, e.ctx);
+ }
+ }
+function Dt() {
+ if (((L = !1), C > 1001)) return;
+ const n = R;
+ (R = []), $n(n), L || (C = 0);
+function J(n) {
+ U === Bn && (L || ((L = !0), queueMicrotask(Dt)));
+ for (var t = n; t.parent !== null; ) {
+ t = t.parent;
+ var r = t.f;
+ if (r & (z | m)) {
+ if (!(r & h)) return;
+ t.f ^= h;
+ }
+ }
+ R.push(t);
+function Zn(n, t) {
+ var r = n.first,
+ e = [];
+ n: for (; r !== null; ) {
+ var s = r.f,
+ l = (s & m) !== 0,
+ a = l && (s & h) !== 0,
+ i = r.next;
+ if (!a && !(s & N))
+ if (s & Y) {
+ if (l) r.f ^= h;
+ else
+ try {
+ H(r) && X(r);
+ } catch (c) {
+ _n(c, r, null, r.ctx);
+ }
+ var p = r.first;
+ if (p !== null) {
+ r = p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else s & wn && e.push(r);
+ if (i === null) {
+ let c = r.parent;
+ for (; c !== null; ) {
+ if (n === c) break n;
+ var d = c.next;
+ if (d !== null) {
+ r = d;
+ continue n;
+ }
+ c = c.parent;
+ }
+ }
+ r = i;
+ }
+ for (var _ = 0; _ < e.length; _++) (p = e[_]), t.push(p), Zn(p, t);
+function zn(n) {
+ var t = U,
+ r = R;
+ try {
+ Kn();
+ const s = [];
+ (U = mt), (R = s), (L = !1), $n(r);
+ var e = n == null ? void 0 : n();
+ return Tt(), (R.length > 0 || s.length > 0) && zn(), (C = 0), e;
+ } finally {
+ (U = t), (R = r);
+ }
+async function xr() {
+ await Promise.resolve(), zn();
+function Sr(n) {
+ var _;
+ var t = n.f,
+ r = (t & y) !== 0;
+ if (r && t & b) {
+ var e = On(n);
+ return un(n), e;
+ }
+ if (o !== null) {
+ T !== null && T.includes(n) && lt();
+ var s = o.deps;
+ v === null && s !== null && s[E] === n ? E++ : v === null ? (v = [n]) : v.push(n),
+ g !== null && u !== null && u.f & h && !(u.f & m) && g.includes(n) && (A(u, k), J(u));
+ } else if (r && n.deps === null)
+ for (var l = n, a = l.parent, i = l; a !== null; )
+ if (a.f & y) {
+ var p = a;
+ (i = p), (a = p.parent);
+ } else {
+ var d = a;
+ ((_ = d.deriveds) != null && _.includes(i)) || (d.deriveds ?? (d.deriveds = [])).push(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ return r && ((l = n), H(l) && Cn(l)), n.v;
+function Dr(n) {
+ const t = o;
+ try {
+ return (o = null), n();
+ } finally {
+ o = t;
+ }
+const It = ~(k | j | h);
+function A(n, t) {
+ n.f = (n.f & It) | t;
+function Ir(n, t = !1, r) {
+ (f = { p: f, c: null, e: null, m: !1, s: n, x: null, l: null }),
+ W && !t && (f.l = { s: null, u: null, r1: [], r2: an(!1) });
+function Or(n) {
+ const t = f;
+ if (t !== null) {
+ const a = t.e;
+ if (a !== null) {
+ var r = u,
+ e = o;
+ t.e = null;
+ try {
+ for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
+ var l = a[s];
+ Z(l.effect), $(l.reaction), bn(l.fn);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Z(r), $(e);
+ }
+ }
+ (f = t.p), (t.m = !0);
+ }
+ return {};
+function Cr(n) {
+ if (!(typeof n != 'object' || !n || n instanceof EventTarget)) {
+ if (pn in n) sn(n);
+ else if (!Array.isArray(n))
+ for (let t in n) {
+ const r = n[t];
+ typeof r == 'object' && r && pn in r && sn(r);
+ }
+ }
+function sn(n, t = new Set()) {
+ if (typeof n == 'object' && n !== null && !(n instanceof EventTarget) && !t.has(n)) {
+ t.add(n), n instanceof Date && n.getTime();
+ for (let e in n)
+ try {
+ sn(n[e], t);
+ } catch {}
+ const r = Xn(n);
+ if (
+ r !== Object.prototype &&
+ r !== Array.prototype &&
+ r !== Map.prototype &&
+ r !== Set.prototype &&
+ r !== Date.prototype
+ ) {
+ const e = Wn(r);
+ for (let s in e) {
+ const l = e[s].get;
+ if (l)
+ try {
+ l.call(n);
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export {
+ gn as $,
+ er as A,
+ F as B,
+ ar as C,
+ bt as D,
+ Tn as E,
+ qt as F,
+ an as G,
+ Bt as H,
+ $t as I,
+ vn as J,
+ Ut as K,
+ Xn as L,
+ Ot as M,
+ gr as N,
+ Ar as O,
+ ft as P,
+ ir as Q,
+ lr as R,
+ pn as S,
+ rr as T,
+ sr as U,
+ bn as V,
+ ht as W,
+ kr as X,
+ Ht as Y,
+ Lt as Z,
+ Qt as _,
+ mr as a,
+ m as a0,
+ z as a1,
+ Z as a2,
+ Xt as a3,
+ W as a4,
+ Jt as a5,
+ nr as a6,
+ Mt as a7,
+ hr as a8,
+ tr as a9,
+ Yt as aA,
+ Wn as aB,
+ fn as aC,
+ or as aD,
+ nt as aE,
+ Kt as aa,
+ zn as ab,
+ Nt as ac,
+ xr as ad,
+ Gt as ae,
+ $ as af,
+ o as ag,
+ dr as ah,
+ fr as ai,
+ it as aj,
+ D as ak,
+ Rn as al,
+ _t as am,
+ xn as an,
+ jt as ao,
+ pr as ap,
+ Ct as aq,
+ wr as ar,
+ N as as,
+ ot as at,
+ Mn as au,
+ yt as av,
+ zt as aw,
+ Zt as ax,
+ Wt as ay,
+ Rr as az,
+ dt as b,
+ w as c,
+ P as d,
+ Or as e,
+ cr as f,
+ Er as g,
+ x as h,
+ f as i,
+ Dr as j,
+ Sr as k,
+ Ft as l,
+ Cr as m,
+ Pt as n,
+ ct as o,
+ Ir as p,
+ Vt as q,
+ yn as r,
+ _r as s,
+ Tr as t,
+ yr as u,
+ ur as v,
+ vr as w,
+ nn as x,
+ tn as y,
+ u as z
//# sourceMappingURL=runtime.C33mUz_z.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js
index 10c857e..00c1cc7 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js
@@ -1,2 +1,291 @@
-import{af as E,a2 as T,ag as P,z as A,ah as V,X as W,ac as Y,M as $,ai as R,y as z,aj as X,ak as x,al as m,R as y,B as I,C as F,c as b,am as G,an as J,ao as K,ap as Q,aq as U,ar as Z,x as ee,a as re,p as te,h as S,e as ae,i as ne,n as N,j as se,aa as ie,k as ue,I as oe}from"./runtime.C33mUz_z.js";import{d as fe}from"./disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js";let M=!1;function ce(){M||(M=!0,document.addEventListener("reset",e=>{Promise.resolve().then(()=>{var r;if(!e.defaultPrevented)for(const a of e.target.elements)(r=a.__on_r)==null||r.call(a)})},{capture:!0}))}function j(e){var r=P,a=A;E(null),T(null);try{return e()}finally{E(r),T(a)}}function ge(e,r,a,n=a){e.addEventListener(r,()=>j(a));const s=e.__on_r;s?e.__on_r=()=>{s(),n()}:e.__on_r=n,ce()}const q=new Set,k=new Set;function le(e,r,a,n){function s(t){if(n.capture||p.call(r,t),!t.cancelBubble)return j(()=>a.call(this,t))}return e.startsWith("pointer")||e.startsWith("touch")||e==="wheel"?W(()=>{r.addEventListener(e,s,n)}):r.addEventListener(e,s,n),s}function ye(e,r,a,n,s){var t={capture:n,passive:s},o=le(e,r,a,t);(r===document.body||r===window||r===document)&&V(()=>{r.removeEventListener(e,o,t)})}function we(e){for(var r=0;r{throw g});throw i}}finally{e.__root=r,delete e.currentTarget,E(L),T(f)}}}const de=["touchstart","touchmove"];function _e(e){return de.includes(e)}function Ee(e,r){var a=r==null?"":typeof r=="object"?r+"":r;a!==(e.__t??(e.__t=e.nodeValue))&&(e.__t=a,e.nodeValue=a==null?"":a+"")}function ve(e,r){return B(e,r)}function Te(e,r){R(),r.intro=r.intro??!1;const a=r.target,n=S,s=b;try{for(var t=z(a);t&&(t.nodeType!==8||t.data!==X);)t=x(t);if(!t)throw m;y(!0),I(t),F();const o=B(e,{...r,anchor:t});if(b===null||b.nodeType!==8||b.data!==G)throw J(),m;return y(!1),o}catch(o){if(o===m)return r.recover===!1&&K(),R(),Q(a),y(!1),ve(e,r);throw o}finally{y(n),I(s)}}const h=new Map;function B(e,{target:r,anchor:a,props:n={},events:s,context:t,intro:o=!0}){R();var v=new Set,l=f=>{for(var i=0;i{var f=a??r.appendChild(ee());return re(()=>{if(t){te({});var i=ne;i.c=t}s&&(n.$$events=s),S&&fe(f,null),d=e(f,n)||{},S&&(A.nodes_end=b),t&&ae()}),()=>{var c;for(var i of v){r.removeEventListener(i,p);var u=h.get(i);--u===0?(document.removeEventListener(i,p),h.delete(i)):h.set(i,u)}k.delete(l),O.delete(d),f!==a&&((c=f.parentNode)==null||c.removeChild(f))}});return O.set(d,L),d}let O=new WeakMap;function Le(e){const r=O.get(e);r&&r()}function he(e,r,a){if(e==null)return r(void 0),N;const n=se(()=>e.subscribe(r,a));return n.unsubscribe?()=>n.unsubscribe():n}let w=!1;function me(e,r,a){const n=a[r]??(a[r]={store:null,source:ie(void 0),unsubscribe:N});if(n.store!==e)if(n.unsubscribe(),n.store=e??null,e==null)n.source.v=void 0,n.unsubscribe=N;else{var s=!0;n.unsubscribe=he(e,t=>{s?n.source.v=t:oe(n.source,t)}),s=!1}return ue(n.source)}function Re(){const e={};return V(()=>{for(var r in e)e[r].unsubscribe()}),e}function Se(e){var r=w;try{return w=!1,[e(),w]}finally{w=r}}export{Ee as a,me as b,Se as c,ce as d,we as e,ye as f,Te as h,ge as l,ve as m,Re as s,Le as u};
+import {
+ af as E,
+ a2 as T,
+ ag as P,
+ z as A,
+ ah as V,
+ X as W,
+ ac as Y,
+ M as $,
+ ai as R,
+ y as z,
+ aj as X,
+ ak as x,
+ al as m,
+ R as y,
+ B as I,
+ C as F,
+ c as b,
+ am as G,
+ an as J,
+ ao as K,
+ ap as Q,
+ aq as U,
+ ar as Z,
+ x as ee,
+ a as re,
+ p as te,
+ h as S,
+ e as ae,
+ i as ne,
+ n as N,
+ j as se,
+ aa as ie,
+ k as ue,
+ I as oe
+} from './runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+import { d as fe } from './disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js';
+let M = !1;
+function ce() {
+ M ||
+ ((M = !0),
+ document.addEventListener(
+ 'reset',
+ (e) => {
+ Promise.resolve().then(() => {
+ var r;
+ if (!e.defaultPrevented)
+ for (const a of e.target.elements) (r = a.__on_r) == null || r.call(a);
+ });
+ },
+ { capture: !0 }
+ ));
+function j(e) {
+ var r = P,
+ a = A;
+ E(null), T(null);
+ try {
+ return e();
+ } finally {
+ E(r), T(a);
+ }
+function ge(e, r, a, n = a) {
+ e.addEventListener(r, () => j(a));
+ const s = e.__on_r;
+ s
+ ? (e.__on_r = () => {
+ s(), n();
+ })
+ : (e.__on_r = n),
+ ce();
+const q = new Set(),
+ k = new Set();
+function le(e, r, a, n) {
+ function s(t) {
+ if ((n.capture || p.call(r, t), !t.cancelBubble)) return j(() => a.call(this, t));
+ }
+ return (
+ e.startsWith('pointer') || e.startsWith('touch') || e === 'wheel'
+ ? W(() => {
+ r.addEventListener(e, s, n);
+ })
+ : r.addEventListener(e, s, n),
+ s
+ );
+function ye(e, r, a, n, s) {
+ var t = { capture: n, passive: s },
+ o = le(e, r, a, t);
+ (r === document.body || r === window || r === document) &&
+ V(() => {
+ r.removeEventListener(e, o, t);
+ });
+function we(e) {
+ for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) q.add(e[r]);
+ for (var a of k) a(e);
+function p(e) {
+ var D;
+ var r = this,
+ a = r.ownerDocument,
+ n = e.type,
+ s = ((D = e.composedPath) == null ? void 0 : D.call(e)) || [],
+ t = s[0] || e.target,
+ o = 0,
+ v = e.__root;
+ if (v) {
+ var l = s.indexOf(v);
+ if (l !== -1 && (r === document || r === window)) {
+ e.__root = r;
+ return;
+ }
+ var d = s.indexOf(r);
+ if (d === -1) return;
+ l <= d && (o = l);
+ }
+ if (((t = s[o] || e.target), t !== r)) {
+ Y(e, 'currentTarget', {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get() {
+ return t || a;
+ }
+ });
+ var L = P,
+ f = A;
+ E(null), T(null);
+ try {
+ for (var i, u = []; t !== null; ) {
+ var c = t.assignedSlot || t.parentNode || t.host || null;
+ try {
+ var _ = t['__' + n];
+ if (_ !== void 0 && !t.disabled)
+ if ($(_)) {
+ var [C, ...H] = _;
+ C.apply(t, [e, ...H]);
+ } else _.call(t, e);
+ } catch (g) {
+ i ? u.push(g) : (i = g);
+ }
+ if (e.cancelBubble || c === r || c === null) break;
+ t = c;
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ for (let g of u)
+ queueMicrotask(() => {
+ throw g;
+ });
+ throw i;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ (e.__root = r), delete e.currentTarget, E(L), T(f);
+ }
+ }
+const de = ['touchstart', 'touchmove'];
+function _e(e) {
+ return de.includes(e);
+function Ee(e, r) {
+ var a = r == null ? '' : typeof r == 'object' ? r + '' : r;
+ a !== (e.__t ?? (e.__t = e.nodeValue)) && ((e.__t = a), (e.nodeValue = a == null ? '' : a + ''));
+function ve(e, r) {
+ return B(e, r);
+function Te(e, r) {
+ R(), (r.intro = r.intro ?? !1);
+ const a = r.target,
+ n = S,
+ s = b;
+ try {
+ for (var t = z(a); t && (t.nodeType !== 8 || t.data !== X); ) t = x(t);
+ if (!t) throw m;
+ y(!0), I(t), F();
+ const o = B(e, { ...r, anchor: t });
+ if (b === null || b.nodeType !== 8 || b.data !== G) throw (J(), m);
+ return y(!1), o;
+ } catch (o) {
+ if (o === m) return r.recover === !1 && K(), R(), Q(a), y(!1), ve(e, r);
+ throw o;
+ } finally {
+ y(n), I(s);
+ }
+const h = new Map();
+function B(e, { target: r, anchor: a, props: n = {}, events: s, context: t, intro: o = !0 }) {
+ R();
+ var v = new Set(),
+ l = (f) => {
+ for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
+ var u = f[i];
+ if (!v.has(u)) {
+ v.add(u);
+ var c = _e(u);
+ r.addEventListener(u, p, { passive: c });
+ var _ = h.get(u);
+ _ === void 0
+ ? (document.addEventListener(u, p, { passive: c }), h.set(u, 1))
+ : h.set(u, _ + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ l(U(q)), k.add(l);
+ var d = void 0,
+ L = Z(() => {
+ var f = a ?? r.appendChild(ee());
+ return (
+ re(() => {
+ if (t) {
+ te({});
+ var i = ne;
+ i.c = t;
+ }
+ s && (n.$$events = s),
+ S && fe(f, null),
+ (d = e(f, n) || {}),
+ S && (A.nodes_end = b),
+ t && ae();
+ }),
+ () => {
+ var c;
+ for (var i of v) {
+ r.removeEventListener(i, p);
+ var u = h.get(i);
+ --u === 0 ? (document.removeEventListener(i, p), h.delete(i)) : h.set(i, u);
+ }
+ k.delete(l), O.delete(d), f !== a && ((c = f.parentNode) == null || c.removeChild(f));
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ return O.set(d, L), d;
+let O = new WeakMap();
+function Le(e) {
+ const r = O.get(e);
+ r && r();
+function he(e, r, a) {
+ if (e == null) return r(void 0), N;
+ const n = se(() => e.subscribe(r, a));
+ return n.unsubscribe ? () => n.unsubscribe() : n;
+let w = !1;
+function me(e, r, a) {
+ const n = a[r] ?? (a[r] = { store: null, source: ie(void 0), unsubscribe: N });
+ if (n.store !== e)
+ if ((n.unsubscribe(), (n.store = e ?? null), e == null))
+ (n.source.v = void 0), (n.unsubscribe = N);
+ else {
+ var s = !0;
+ (n.unsubscribe = he(e, (t) => {
+ s ? (n.source.v = t) : oe(n.source, t);
+ })),
+ (s = !1);
+ }
+ return ue(n.source);
+function Re() {
+ const e = {};
+ return (
+ V(() => {
+ for (var r in e) e[r].unsubscribe();
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+function Se(e) {
+ var r = w;
+ try {
+ return (w = !1), [e(), w];
+ } finally {
+ w = r;
+ }
+export {
+ Ee as a,
+ me as b,
+ Se as c,
+ ce as d,
+ we as e,
+ ye as f,
+ Te as h,
+ ge as l,
+ ve as m,
+ Re as s,
+ Le as u
//# sourceMappingURL=store.Cu2WRErR.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/entry/app.DhUw0QHD.js b/docs/_app/immutable/entry/app.DhUw0QHD.js
index 708d12c..79290d0 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/entry/app.DhUw0QHD.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/entry/app.DhUw0QHD.js
@@ -1,3 +1,368 @@
-const __vite__mapDeps=(i,m=__vite__mapDeps,d=(m.f||(m.f=["../nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js","../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js","../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js","../assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css","../nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js","../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js","../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js","../nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js","../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js","../assets/2.rx19SAyp.css"])))=>i.map(i=>d[i]);
-var F=n=>{throw TypeError(n)};var U=(n,e,r)=>e.has(n)||F("Cannot "+r);var l=(n,e,r)=>(U(n,e,"read from private field"),r?r.call(n):e.get(n)),S=(n,e,r)=>e.has(n)?F("Cannot add the same private member more than once"):e instanceof WeakSet?e.add(n):e.set(n,r),A=(n,e,r,a)=>(U(n,e,"write to private field"),a?a.call(n,r):e.set(n,r),r);import{h as G,C as J,b as K,E as Q,a as X,c as Z,O as M,k as v,a7 as p,I as k,ab as $,ac as ee,aa as te,p as re,u as se,g as ne,ad as ae,f as w,e as oe,ae as L,w as ce,s as ie,t as le,v as ue,o as O}from"../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js";import{h as fe,m as de,u as me,a as he}from"../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js";import{c as T,a as P,t as W,b as _e}from"../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js";import{p as I,o as ve,a as ge,i as j,b as B}from"../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js";function D(n,e,r){G&&J();var a=n,o,i;K(()=>{o!==(o=e())&&(i&&(M(i),i=null),o&&(i=X(()=>r(a,o))))},Q),G&&(a=Z)}function ye(n){return class extends be{constructor(e){super({component:n,...e})}}}var g,f;class be{constructor(e){S(this,g);S(this,f);var i;var r=new Map,a=(s,t)=>{var d=te(t);return r.set(s,d),d};const o=new Proxy({...e.props||{},$$events:{}},{get(s,t){return v(r.get(t)??a(t,Reflect.get(s,t)))},has(s,t){return t===p?!0:(v(r.get(t)??a(t,Reflect.get(s,t))),Reflect.has(s,t))},set(s,t,d){return k(r.get(t)??a(t,d),d),Reflect.set(s,t,d)}});A(this,f,(e.hydrate?fe:de)(e.component,{target:e.target,anchor:e.anchor,props:o,context:e.context,intro:e.intro??!1,recover:e.recover})),(!((i=e==null?void 0:e.props)!=null&&i.$$host)||e.sync===!1)&&$(),A(this,g,o.$$events);for(const s of Object.keys(l(this,f)))s==="$set"||s==="$destroy"||s==="$on"||ee(this,s,{get(){return l(this,f)[s]},set(t){l(this,f)[s]=t},enumerable:!0});l(this,f).$set=s=>{Object.assign(o,s)},l(this,f).$destroy=()=>{me(l(this,f))}}$set(e){l(this,f).$set(e)}$on(e,r){l(this,g)[e]=l(this,g)[e]||[];const a=(...o)=>r.call(this,...o);return l(this,g)[e].push(a),()=>{l(this,g)[e]=l(this,g)[e].filter(o=>o!==a)}}$destroy(){l(this,f).$destroy()}}g=new WeakMap,f=new WeakMap;const Ee="modulepreload",Pe=function(n,e){return new URL(n,e).href},N={},V=function(e,r,a){let o=Promise.resolve();if(r&&r.length>0){const s=document.getElementsByTagName("link"),t=document.querySelector("meta[property=csp-nonce]"),d=(t==null?void 0:t.nonce)||(t==null?void 0:t.getAttribute("nonce"));o=Promise.allSettled(r.map(u=>{if(u=Pe(u,a),u in N)return;N[u]=!0;const y=u.endsWith(".css"),x=y?'[rel="stylesheet"]':"";if(!!a)for(let m=s.length-1;m>=0;m--){const _=s[m];if(_.href===u&&(!y||_.rel==="stylesheet"))return}else if(document.querySelector(`link[href="${u}"]${x}`))return;const c=document.createElement("link");if(c.rel=y?"stylesheet":Ee,y||(c.as="script"),c.crossOrigin="",c.href=u,d&&c.setAttribute("nonce",d),document.head.appendChild(c),y)return new Promise((m,_)=>{c.addEventListener("load",m),c.addEventListener("error",()=>_(new Error(`Unable to preload CSS for ${u}`)))})}))}function i(s){const t=new Event("vite:preloadError",{cancelable:!0});if(t.payload=s,window.dispatchEvent(t),!t.defaultPrevented)throw s}return o.then(s=>{for(const t of s||[])t.status==="rejected"&&i(t.reason);return e().catch(i)})},Te={};var Re=W(''),we=W(" ",1);function ke(n,e){re(e,!0);let r=I(e,"components",23,()=>[]),a=I(e,"data_0",3,null),o=I(e,"data_1",3,null);se(()=>e.stores.page.set(e.page)),ne(()=>{e.stores,e.page,e.constructors,r(),e.form,a(),o(),e.stores.page.notify()});let i=L(!1),s=L(!1),t=L(null);ve(()=>{const b=e.stores.page.subscribe(()=>{v(i)&&(k(s,!0),ae().then(()=>{k(t,ge(document.title||"untitled page"))}))});return k(i,!0),b});const d=O(()=>e.constructors[1]);var u=we(),y=w(u);j(y,()=>e.constructors[1],b=>{var c=T();const m=O(()=>e.constructors[0]);var _=w(c);D(_,()=>v(m),(E,C)=>{B(C(E,{get data(){return a()},get form(){return e.form},children:(h,xe)=>{var q=T(),Y=w(q);D(Y,()=>v(d),(z,H)=>{B(H(z,{get data(){return o()},get form(){return e.form}}),R=>r()[1]=R,()=>{var R;return(R=r())==null?void 0:R[1]})}),P(h,q)},$$slots:{default:!0}}),h=>r()[0]=h,()=>{var h;return(h=r())==null?void 0:h[0]})}),P(b,c)},b=>{var c=T();const m=O(()=>e.constructors[0]);var _=w(c);D(_,()=>v(m),(E,C)=>{B(C(E,{get data(){return a()},get form(){return e.form}}),h=>r()[0]=h,()=>{var h;return(h=r())==null?void 0:h[0]})}),P(b,c)});var x=ce(y,2);j(x,()=>v(i),b=>{var c=Re(),m=ie(c);j(m,()=>v(s),_=>{var E=_e();le(()=>he(E,v(t))),P(_,E)}),ue(c),P(b,c)}),P(n,u),oe()}const Ie=ye(ke),je=[()=>V(()=>import("../nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js"),__vite__mapDeps([0,1,2,3]),import.meta.url),()=>V(()=>import("../nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js"),__vite__mapDeps([4,1,2,5,6]),import.meta.url),()=>V(()=>import("../nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js"),__vite__mapDeps([7,1,2,5,8,9]),import.meta.url)],Be=[],De={"/":[2]},Ve={handleError:({error:n})=>{console.error(n)},reroute:()=>{}};export{De as dictionary,Ve as hooks,Te as matchers,je as nodes,Ie as root,Be as server_loads};
+const __vite__mapDeps = (
+ i,
+ m = __vite__mapDeps,
+ d = m.f ||
+ (m.f = [
+ '../nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js',
+ '../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js',
+ '../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js',
+ '../assets/0.DJJo6TNW.css',
+ '../nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js',
+ '../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js',
+ '../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js',
+ '../nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js',
+ '../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js',
+ '../assets/2.rx19SAyp.css'
+ ])
+) => i.map((i) => d[i]);
+var F = (n) => {
+ throw TypeError(n);
+var U = (n, e, r) => e.has(n) || F('Cannot ' + r);
+var l = (n, e, r) => (U(n, e, 'read from private field'), r ? r.call(n) : e.get(n)),
+ S = (n, e, r) =>
+ e.has(n)
+ ? F('Cannot add the same private member more than once')
+ : e instanceof WeakSet
+ ? e.add(n)
+ : e.set(n, r),
+ A = (n, e, r, a) => (U(n, e, 'write to private field'), a ? a.call(n, r) : e.set(n, r), r);
+import {
+ h as G,
+ C as J,
+ b as K,
+ E as Q,
+ a as X,
+ c as Z,
+ O as M,
+ k as v,
+ a7 as p,
+ I as k,
+ ab as $,
+ ac as ee,
+ aa as te,
+ p as re,
+ u as se,
+ g as ne,
+ ad as ae,
+ f as w,
+ e as oe,
+ ae as L,
+ w as ce,
+ s as ie,
+ t as le,
+ v as ue,
+ o as O
+} from '../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+import { h as fe, m as de, u as me, a as he } from '../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js';
+import { c as T, a as P, t as W, b as _e } from '../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js';
+import { p as I, o as ve, a as ge, i as j, b as B } from '../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js';
+function D(n, e, r) {
+ G && J();
+ var a = n,
+ o,
+ i;
+ K(() => {
+ o !== (o = e()) && (i && (M(i), (i = null)), o && (i = X(() => r(a, o))));
+ }, Q),
+ G && (a = Z);
+function ye(n) {
+ return class extends be {
+ constructor(e) {
+ super({ component: n, ...e });
+ }
+ };
+var g, f;
+class be {
+ constructor(e) {
+ S(this, g);
+ S(this, f);
+ var i;
+ var r = new Map(),
+ a = (s, t) => {
+ var d = te(t);
+ return r.set(s, d), d;
+ };
+ const o = new Proxy(
+ { ...(e.props || {}), $$events: {} },
+ {
+ get(s, t) {
+ return v(r.get(t) ?? a(t, Reflect.get(s, t)));
+ },
+ has(s, t) {
+ return t === p ? !0 : (v(r.get(t) ?? a(t, Reflect.get(s, t))), Reflect.has(s, t));
+ },
+ set(s, t, d) {
+ return k(r.get(t) ?? a(t, d), d), Reflect.set(s, t, d);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ A(
+ this,
+ f,
+ (e.hydrate ? fe : de)(e.component, {
+ target: e.target,
+ anchor: e.anchor,
+ props: o,
+ context: e.context,
+ intro: e.intro ?? !1,
+ recover: e.recover
+ })
+ ),
+ (!((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.props) != null && i.$$host) || e.sync === !1) && $(),
+ A(this, g, o.$$events);
+ for (const s of Object.keys(l(this, f)))
+ s === '$set' ||
+ s === '$destroy' ||
+ s === '$on' ||
+ ee(this, s, {
+ get() {
+ return l(this, f)[s];
+ },
+ set(t) {
+ l(this, f)[s] = t;
+ },
+ enumerable: !0
+ });
+ (l(this, f).$set = (s) => {
+ Object.assign(o, s);
+ }),
+ (l(this, f).$destroy = () => {
+ me(l(this, f));
+ });
+ }
+ $set(e) {
+ l(this, f).$set(e);
+ }
+ $on(e, r) {
+ l(this, g)[e] = l(this, g)[e] || [];
+ const a = (...o) => r.call(this, ...o);
+ return (
+ l(this, g)[e].push(a),
+ () => {
+ l(this, g)[e] = l(this, g)[e].filter((o) => o !== a);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ $destroy() {
+ l(this, f).$destroy();
+ }
+(g = new WeakMap()), (f = new WeakMap());
+const Ee = 'modulepreload',
+ Pe = function (n, e) {
+ return new URL(n, e).href;
+ },
+ N = {},
+ V = function (e, r, a) {
+ let o = Promise.resolve();
+ if (r && r.length > 0) {
+ const s = document.getElementsByTagName('link'),
+ t = document.querySelector('meta[property=csp-nonce]'),
+ d = (t == null ? void 0 : t.nonce) || (t == null ? void 0 : t.getAttribute('nonce'));
+ o = Promise.allSettled(
+ r.map((u) => {
+ if (((u = Pe(u, a)), u in N)) return;
+ N[u] = !0;
+ const y = u.endsWith('.css'),
+ x = y ? '[rel="stylesheet"]' : '';
+ if (!!a)
+ for (let m = s.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
+ const _ = s[m];
+ if (_.href === u && (!y || _.rel === 'stylesheet')) return;
+ }
+ else if (document.querySelector(`link[href="${u}"]${x}`)) return;
+ const c = document.createElement('link');
+ if (
+ ((c.rel = y ? 'stylesheet' : Ee),
+ y || (c.as = 'script'),
+ (c.crossOrigin = ''),
+ (c.href = u),
+ d && c.setAttribute('nonce', d),
+ document.head.appendChild(c),
+ y)
+ )
+ return new Promise((m, _) => {
+ c.addEventListener('load', m),
+ c.addEventListener('error', () => _(new Error(`Unable to preload CSS for ${u}`)));
+ });
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ function i(s) {
+ const t = new Event('vite:preloadError', { cancelable: !0 });
+ if (((t.payload = s), window.dispatchEvent(t), !t.defaultPrevented)) throw s;
+ }
+ return o.then((s) => {
+ for (const t of s || []) t.status === 'rejected' && i(t.reason);
+ return e().catch(i);
+ });
+ },
+ Te = {};
+var Re = W(
+ ''
+ ),
+ we = W(' ', 1);
+function ke(n, e) {
+ re(e, !0);
+ let r = I(e, 'components', 23, () => []),
+ a = I(e, 'data_0', 3, null),
+ o = I(e, 'data_1', 3, null);
+ se(() => e.stores.page.set(e.page)),
+ ne(() => {
+ e.stores, e.page, e.constructors, r(), e.form, a(), o(), e.stores.page.notify();
+ });
+ let i = L(!1),
+ s = L(!1),
+ t = L(null);
+ ve(() => {
+ const b = e.stores.page.subscribe(() => {
+ v(i) &&
+ (k(s, !0),
+ ae().then(() => {
+ k(t, ge(document.title || 'untitled page'));
+ }));
+ });
+ return k(i, !0), b;
+ });
+ const d = O(() => e.constructors[1]);
+ var u = we(),
+ y = w(u);
+ j(
+ y,
+ () => e.constructors[1],
+ (b) => {
+ var c = T();
+ const m = O(() => e.constructors[0]);
+ var _ = w(c);
+ D(
+ _,
+ () => v(m),
+ (E, C) => {
+ B(
+ C(E, {
+ get data() {
+ return a();
+ },
+ get form() {
+ return e.form;
+ },
+ children: (h, xe) => {
+ var q = T(),
+ Y = w(q);
+ D(
+ Y,
+ () => v(d),
+ (z, H) => {
+ B(
+ H(z, {
+ get data() {
+ return o();
+ },
+ get form() {
+ return e.form;
+ }
+ }),
+ (R) => (r()[1] = R),
+ () => {
+ var R;
+ return (R = r()) == null ? void 0 : R[1];
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ),
+ P(h, q);
+ },
+ $$slots: { default: !0 }
+ }),
+ (h) => (r()[0] = h),
+ () => {
+ var h;
+ return (h = r()) == null ? void 0 : h[0];
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ),
+ P(b, c);
+ },
+ (b) => {
+ var c = T();
+ const m = O(() => e.constructors[0]);
+ var _ = w(c);
+ D(
+ _,
+ () => v(m),
+ (E, C) => {
+ B(
+ C(E, {
+ get data() {
+ return a();
+ },
+ get form() {
+ return e.form;
+ }
+ }),
+ (h) => (r()[0] = h),
+ () => {
+ var h;
+ return (h = r()) == null ? void 0 : h[0];
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ),
+ P(b, c);
+ }
+ );
+ var x = ce(y, 2);
+ j(
+ x,
+ () => v(i),
+ (b) => {
+ var c = Re(),
+ m = ie(c);
+ j(
+ m,
+ () => v(s),
+ (_) => {
+ var E = _e();
+ le(() => he(E, v(t))), P(_, E);
+ }
+ ),
+ ue(c),
+ P(b, c);
+ }
+ ),
+ P(n, u),
+ oe();
+const Ie = ye(ke),
+ je = [
+ () => V(() => import('../nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js'), __vite__mapDeps([0, 1, 2, 3]), import.meta.url),
+ () =>
+ V(() => import('../nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js'), __vite__mapDeps([4, 1, 2, 5, 6]), import.meta.url),
+ () =>
+ V(
+ () => import('../nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js'),
+ __vite__mapDeps([7, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9]),
+ import.meta.url
+ )
+ ],
+ Be = [],
+ De = { '/': [2] },
+ Ve = {
+ handleError: ({ error: n }) => {
+ console.error(n);
+ },
+ reroute: () => {}
+ };
+export {
+ De as dictionary,
+ Ve as hooks,
+ Te as matchers,
+ je as nodes,
+ Ie as root,
+ Be as server_loads
//# sourceMappingURL=app.DhUw0QHD.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/entry/start.CKbpYEL9.js b/docs/_app/immutable/entry/start.CKbpYEL9.js
index 1edc89e..dd22ec2 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/entry/start.CKbpYEL9.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/entry/start.CKbpYEL9.js
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-import{a as t}from"../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js";export{t as start};
+import { a as t } from '../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js';
+export { t as start };
//# sourceMappingURL=start.CKbpYEL9.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js
index 8575326..de6e8a5 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/0.B1oL47pf.js
@@ -1,2 +1,36 @@
-import{c as s,a as p}from"../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js";import{b as c,E as i,a as f,n as l,d as u,h as d,c as _,p as m,f as h,e as v}from"../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js";function y(n,e,...a){var r=n,o=l,t;c(()=>{o!==(o=e())&&(t&&(u(t),t=null),t=f(()=>o(r,...a)))},i),d&&(r=_)}const b=!0,T=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,prerender:b},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));function S(n,e){m(e,!0);var a=s(),r=h(a);y(r,()=>e.children),p(n,a),v()}export{S as component,T as universal};
+import { c as s, a as p } from '../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js';
+import {
+ b as c,
+ E as i,
+ a as f,
+ n as l,
+ d as u,
+ h as d,
+ c as _,
+ p as m,
+ f as h,
+ e as v
+} from '../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+function y(n, e, ...a) {
+ var r = n,
+ o = l,
+ t;
+ c(() => {
+ o !== (o = e()) && (t && (u(t), (t = null)), (t = f(() => o(r, ...a))));
+ }, i),
+ d && (r = _);
+const b = !0,
+ T = Object.freeze(
+ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, prerender: b }, Symbol.toStringTag, {
+ value: 'Module'
+ })
+ );
+function S(n, e) {
+ m(e, !0);
+ var a = s(),
+ r = h(a);
+ y(r, () => e.children), p(n, a), v();
+export { S as component, T as universal };
//# sourceMappingURL=0.B1oL47pf.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js
index 01859e9..3bdf292 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/1.CrOjg6w7.js
@@ -1,2 +1,93 @@
-import{a as d,t as v}from"../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js";import{u as h,g as p,i as $,j as x,r as u,k as _,l as k,m as y,o as j,q,p as w,f as E,t as S,e as z,s as l,v as g,w as A}from"../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js";import{s as B,a as b,b as C}from"../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js";import{s as D}from"../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js";function F(s=!1){const e=$,t=e.l.u;if(!t)return;let n=()=>y(e.s);if(s){let a=0,r={};const f=j(()=>{let i=!1;const c=e.s;for(const o in c)c[o]!==r[o]&&(r[o]=c[o],i=!0);return i&&a++,a});n=()=>_(f)}t.b.length&&h(()=>{m(e,n),u(t.b)}),p(()=>{const a=x(()=>t.m.map(k));return()=>{for(const r of a)typeof r=="function"&&r()}}),t.a.length&&p(()=>{m(e,n),u(t.a)})}function m(s,e){if(s.l.s)for(const t of s.l.s)_(t);e()}q();const G=()=>{const s=D;return{page:{subscribe:s.page.subscribe},navigating:{subscribe:s.navigating.subscribe},updated:s.updated}},H={subscribe(s){return G().page.subscribe(s)}};var I=v("
",1);function N(s,e){w(e,!1);const t=B(),n=()=>C(H,"$page",t);F();var a=I(),r=E(a),f=l(r,!0);g(r);var i=A(r,2),c=l(i,!0);g(i),S(()=>{var o;b(f,n().status),b(c,(o=n().error)==null?void 0:o.message)}),d(s,a),z()}export{N as component};
+import { a as d, t as v } from '../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js';
+import {
+ u as h,
+ g as p,
+ i as $,
+ j as x,
+ r as u,
+ k as _,
+ l as k,
+ m as y,
+ o as j,
+ q,
+ p as w,
+ f as E,
+ t as S,
+ e as z,
+ s as l,
+ v as g,
+ w as A
+} from '../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+import { s as B, a as b, b as C } from '../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js';
+import { s as D } from '../chunks/entry.Dy2RczJU.js';
+function F(s = !1) {
+ const e = $,
+ t = e.l.u;
+ if (!t) return;
+ let n = () => y(e.s);
+ if (s) {
+ let a = 0,
+ r = {};
+ const f = j(() => {
+ let i = !1;
+ const c = e.s;
+ for (const o in c) c[o] !== r[o] && ((r[o] = c[o]), (i = !0));
+ return i && a++, a;
+ });
+ n = () => _(f);
+ }
+ t.b.length &&
+ h(() => {
+ m(e, n), u(t.b);
+ }),
+ p(() => {
+ const a = x(() => t.m.map(k));
+ return () => {
+ for (const r of a) typeof r == 'function' && r();
+ };
+ }),
+ t.a.length &&
+ p(() => {
+ m(e, n), u(t.a);
+ });
+function m(s, e) {
+ if (s.l.s) for (const t of s.l.s) _(t);
+ e();
+const G = () => {
+ const s = D;
+ return {
+ page: { subscribe: s.page.subscribe },
+ navigating: { subscribe: s.navigating.subscribe },
+ updated: s.updated
+ };
+ },
+ H = {
+ subscribe(s) {
+ return G().page.subscribe(s);
+ }
+ };
+var I = v('
', 1);
+function N(s, e) {
+ w(e, !1);
+ const t = B(),
+ n = () => C(H, '$page', t);
+ F();
+ var a = I(),
+ r = E(a),
+ f = l(r, !0);
+ g(r);
+ var i = A(r, 2),
+ c = l(i, !0);
+ g(i),
+ S(() => {
+ var o;
+ b(f, n().status), b(c, (o = n().error) == null ? void 0 : o.message);
+ }),
+ d(s, a),
+ z();
+export { N as component };
//# sourceMappingURL=1.CrOjg6w7.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js
index 0003ab3..95ddd22 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/2.EXMsSH2w.js
@@ -1,7 +1,1049 @@
-import{a as N,t as O,c as $}from"../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js";import{M as ke,L as ce,D as ze,h as z,B as se,x as qe,C as Ue,b as Ge,aq as Re,P as He,Q as be,R as ie,c as W,as as ee,N as Ne,a as Ae,O as Ye,z as xe,at as Be,au as Je,ap as Ke,av as Ve,d as We,y as Qe,am as Xe,ag as je,aa as Fe,G as Ee,aw as Ze,ax as $e,ay as et,ak as tt,az as rt,aA as at,aB as nt,aC as ot,W as Se,V as Oe,s as R,w as c,v as k,t as U,I as D,ae as j,k as T,p as ne,e as oe,f as q,n as Z,o as Q,aD as lt}from"../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js";import{d as st,l as pe,a as H,e as F,f as it}from"../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js";import{c as ut,a as _e,p as ye,i as G,o as vt,b as ct}from"../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js";const ft=[];function dt(e,t=!1){return te(e,new Map,"",ft)}function te(e,t,r,n,a=null){if(typeof e=="object"&&e!==null){const i=t.get(e);if(i!==void 0)return i;if(e instanceof Map)return new Map(e);if(e instanceof Set)return new Set(e);if(ke(e)){const l=[];t.set(e,l),a!==null&&t.set(a,l);for(let _=0;_0&&a.length===0&&r!==null;if(l){var _=r.parentNode;Ke(_),_.append(r),n.clear(),B(e,t[0].prev,t[o-1].next)}Ve(a,()=>{for(var f=0;f{var x=r(),y=ke(x)?x:x==null?[]:Re(x),d=y.length;if(s&&d===0)return;s=d===0;let u=!1;if(z){var v=i.data===He;v!==(d===0)&&(i=be(),se(i),ie(!1),u=!0)}if(z){for(var E=null,p,h=0;h0&&se(be())}if(!z){var w=je;mt(y,l,i,a,t,(w.f&ee)!==0,n)}o!==null&&(d===0?f?Ne(f):f=Ae(()=>o(i)):f!==null&&Ye(f,()=>{f=null})),u&&ie(!0),r()}),z&&(i=W)}function mt(e,t,r,n,a,o,i){var l=e.length,_=t.items,f=t.first,s=f,x,y=null,d=[],u=[],v,E,p,h;for(h=0;h0){var J=l===0?r:null;_t(t,I,J,_)}}xe.first=t.first&&t.first.e,xe.last=y&&y.e}function ht(e,t,r,n){Be(e.v,t),e.i=r}function Ce(e,t,r,n,a,o,i,l,_){var f=(_&$e)!==0,s=(_&et)===0,x=f?s?Fe(a):Ee(a):a,y=_&Ze?Ee(i):i,d={i:y,v:x,k:o,a:null,e:null,prev:r,next:n};try{return d.e=Ae(()=>l(e,x,y),z),d.e.prev=r&&r.e,d.e.next=n&&n.e,r===null?t.first=d:(r.next=d,r.e.next=d.e),n!==null&&(n.prev=d,n.e.prev=d.e),d}finally{}}function we(e,t,r){for(var n=e.next?e.next.e.nodes_start:r,a=t?t.e.nodes_start:r,o=e.e.nodes_start;o!==n;){var i=tt(o);a.before(o),o=i}}function B(e,t,r){t===null?e.first=r:(t.next=r,t.e.next=r&&r.e),r!==null&&(r.prev=t,r.e.prev=t&&t.e)}function me(e){if(z){var t=!1,r=()=>{if(!t){if(t=!0,e.hasAttribute("value")){var n=e.value;S(e,"value",null),e.value=n}if(e.hasAttribute("checked")){var a=e.checked;S(e,"checked",null),e.checked=a}}};e.__on_r=r,rt(r),st()}}function S(e,t,r,n){var a=e.__attributes??(e.__attributes={});z&&(a[t]=e.getAttribute(t),t==="src"||t==="srcset"||t==="href"&&e.nodeName==="LINK")||a[t]!==(a[t]=r)&&(t==="style"&&"__styles"in e&&(e.__styles={}),t==="loading"&&(e[at]=r),r==null?e.removeAttribute(t):typeof r!="string"&>(e).includes(t)?e[t]=r:e.setAttribute(t,r))}var Te=new Map;function gt(e){var t=Te.get(e.nodeName);if(t)return t;Te.set(e.nodeName,t=[]);for(var r,n=ce(e),a=Element.prototype;a!==n;){r=nt(n);for(var o in r)r[o].set&&t.push(o);n=ce(n)}return t}function K(e,t,r){if(r){if(e.classList.contains(t))return;e.classList.add(t)}else{if(!e.classList.contains(t))return;e.classList.remove(t)}}function De(e,t,r=t){var n=ot();pe(e,"input",()=>{var a=ue(e)?ve(e.value):e.value;r(a),n&&a!==(a=t())&&(e.value=a??"")}),Se(()=>{var a=t();if(z&&e.defaultValue!==e.value){r(ue(e)?ve(e.value):e.value);return}ue(e)&&a===ve(e.value)||e.type==="date"&&!a&&!e.value||a!==e.value&&(e.value=a??"")})}function bt(e,t,r=t){pe(e,"change",()=>{var n=e.checked;r(n)}),t()==null&&r(!1),Se(()=>{var n=t();e.checked=!!n})}function ue(e){var t=e.type;return t==="number"||t==="range"}function ve(e){return e===""?null:+e}function Pe(e,t,r){if(e.multiple)return Et(e,t);for(var n of e.options){var a=X(n);if(ut(a,t)){n.selected=!0;return}}(!r||t!==void 0)&&(e.selectedIndex=-1)}function xt(e,t){Oe(()=>{var r=new MutationObserver(()=>{var n=e.__value;Pe(e,n)});return r.observe(e,{childList:!0,subtree:!0,attributes:!0,attributeFilter:["value"]}),()=>{r.disconnect()}})}function re(e,t,r=t){var n=!0;pe(e,"change",()=>{var a;if(e.multiple)a=[].map.call(e.querySelectorAll(":checked"),X);else{var o=e.querySelector(":checked");a=o&&X(o)}r(a)}),Oe(()=>{var a=t();if(Pe(e,a,n),n&&a===void 0){var o=e.querySelector(":checked");o!==null&&(a=X(o),r(a))}e.__value=a,n=!1}),xt(e)}function Et(e,t){for(var r of e.options)r.selected=~t.indexOf(X(r))}function X(e){return"__value"in e?e.__value:e.value}function he(e){parent.postMessage(e,"*")}let m=_e({proxy:{columns:0,rows:0,mode:"grid",radius:0,version:1,rotateAccordingToDirection:!1,rules:[]}}),ae=_e({value:!1}),fe=_e({value:0});function wt(e){switch(e){case"randomize":return{id:Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),type:"randomize",name:"Randomize",enabled:!0,property:"x",from:0,to:0};case"offset":return{id:Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),name:"Offset",type:"offset",enabled:!0,property:"x",offset:0,accumulate:!1};default:throw new Error(`Unknown rule kind: ${e}`)}}var M=(e=>(e.NO_SELECTION="no-selection",e.ONE_SELECTION="one-selection",e.MULTIPLE_SELECTION="multiple-selection",e.PATTERN_SELECTED="pattern-selected",e.PONG="pong",e.ERROR="error",e.SEND_PATTERN="send-pattern",e.ACKNOWLEDGE_UPDATE_PATTERN="acknowledge-update-pattern",e.SEND_PROGRESSION="send-progression",e))(M||{}),le=(e=>(e.PING="ping",e.CREATE_PATTERN="create-pattern",e.REQUEST_CURRENT_PATTERN="request-current-pattern",e.UPDATE_PATTERN="update-pattern",e))(le||{}),Tt=O('
A negative value allow to go below the initial value, while a positive value allows to go above
- the initial value. Min and Max are determined by the lowest and highest value provided below.
Note: This rule currently has no effect on revolution mode.
A negative value will move the element to the left or up, while a positive value will move the
+import { a as N, t as O, c as $ } from '../chunks/disclose-version.BmYXDLn2.js';
+import {
+ M as ke,
+ L as ce,
+ D as ze,
+ h as z,
+ B as se,
+ x as qe,
+ C as Ue,
+ b as Ge,
+ aq as Re,
+ P as He,
+ Q as be,
+ R as ie,
+ c as W,
+ as as ee,
+ N as Ne,
+ a as Ae,
+ O as Ye,
+ z as xe,
+ at as Be,
+ au as Je,
+ ap as Ke,
+ av as Ve,
+ d as We,
+ y as Qe,
+ am as Xe,
+ ag as je,
+ aa as Fe,
+ G as Ee,
+ aw as Ze,
+ ax as $e,
+ ay as et,
+ ak as tt,
+ az as rt,
+ aA as at,
+ aB as nt,
+ aC as ot,
+ W as Se,
+ V as Oe,
+ s as R,
+ w as c,
+ v as k,
+ t as U,
+ I as D,
+ ae as j,
+ k as T,
+ p as ne,
+ e as oe,
+ f as q,
+ n as Z,
+ o as Q,
+ aD as lt
+} from '../chunks/runtime.C33mUz_z.js';
+import { d as st, l as pe, a as H, e as F, f as it } from '../chunks/store.Cu2WRErR.js';
+import {
+ c as ut,
+ a as _e,
+ p as ye,
+ i as G,
+ o as vt,
+ b as ct
+} from '../chunks/index-client.DkFXpaO1.js';
+const ft = [];
+function dt(e, t = !1) {
+ return te(e, new Map(), '', ft);
+function te(e, t, r, n, a = null) {
+ if (typeof e == 'object' && e !== null) {
+ const i = t.get(e);
+ if (i !== void 0) return i;
+ if (e instanceof Map) return new Map(e);
+ if (e instanceof Set) return new Set(e);
+ if (ke(e)) {
+ const l = [];
+ t.set(e, l), a !== null && t.set(a, l);
+ for (let _ = 0; _ < e.length; _ += 1) l.push(te(e[_], t, r, n));
+ return l;
+ }
+ if (ce(e) === ze) {
+ const l = {};
+ t.set(e, l), a !== null && t.set(a, l);
+ for (var o in e) l[o] = te(e[o], t, r, n);
+ return l;
+ }
+ if (e instanceof Date) return structuredClone(e);
+ if (typeof e.toJSON == 'function') return te(e.toJSON(), t, r, n, e);
+ }
+ if (e instanceof EventTarget) return e;
+ try {
+ return structuredClone(e);
+ } catch {
+ return e;
+ }
+function pt(e, t) {
+ return t;
+function _t(e, t, r, n) {
+ for (var a = [], o = t.length, i = 0; i < o; i++) Je(t[i].e, a, !0);
+ var l = o > 0 && a.length === 0 && r !== null;
+ if (l) {
+ var _ = r.parentNode;
+ Ke(_), _.append(r), n.clear(), B(e, t[0].prev, t[o - 1].next);
+ }
+ Ve(a, () => {
+ for (var f = 0; f < o; f++) {
+ var s = t[f];
+ l || (n.delete(s.k), B(e, s.prev, s.next)), We(s.e, !l);
+ }
+ });
+function yt(e, t, r, n, a, o = null) {
+ var i = e,
+ l = { flags: t, items: new Map(), first: null };
+ {
+ var _ = e;
+ i = z ? se(Qe(_)) : _.appendChild(qe());
+ }
+ z && Ue();
+ var f = null,
+ s = !1;
+ Ge(() => {
+ var x = r(),
+ y = ke(x) ? x : x == null ? [] : Re(x),
+ d = y.length;
+ if (s && d === 0) return;
+ s = d === 0;
+ let u = !1;
+ if (z) {
+ var v = i.data === He;
+ v !== (d === 0) && ((i = be()), se(i), ie(!1), (u = !0));
+ }
+ if (z) {
+ for (var E = null, p, h = 0; h < d; h++) {
+ if (W.nodeType === 8 && W.data === Xe) {
+ (i = W), (u = !0), ie(!1);
+ break;
+ }
+ var g = y[h],
+ b = n(g, h);
+ (p = Ce(W, l, E, null, g, b, h, a, t)), l.items.set(b, p), (E = p);
+ }
+ d > 0 && se(be());
+ }
+ if (!z) {
+ var w = je;
+ mt(y, l, i, a, t, (w.f & ee) !== 0, n);
+ }
+ o !== null &&
+ (d === 0
+ ? f
+ ? Ne(f)
+ : (f = Ae(() => o(i)))
+ : f !== null &&
+ Ye(f, () => {
+ f = null;
+ })),
+ u && ie(!0),
+ r();
+ }),
+ z && (i = W);
+function mt(e, t, r, n, a, o, i) {
+ var l = e.length,
+ _ = t.items,
+ f = t.first,
+ s = f,
+ x,
+ y = null,
+ d = [],
+ u = [],
+ v,
+ E,
+ p,
+ h;
+ for (h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {
+ if (((v = e[h]), (E = i(v, h)), (p = _.get(E)), p === void 0)) {
+ var g = s ? s.e.nodes_start : r;
+ (y = Ce(g, t, y, y === null ? t.first : y.next, v, E, h, n, a)),
+ _.set(E, y),
+ (d = []),
+ (u = []),
+ (s = y.next);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((ht(p, v, h), p.e.f & ee && Ne(p.e), p !== s)) {
+ if (x !== void 0 && x.has(p)) {
+ if (d.length < u.length) {
+ var b = u[0],
+ w;
+ y = b.prev;
+ var P = d[0],
+ A = d[d.length - 1];
+ for (w = 0; w < d.length; w += 1) we(d[w], b, r);
+ for (w = 0; w < u.length; w += 1) x.delete(u[w]);
+ B(t, P.prev, A.next),
+ B(t, y, P),
+ B(t, A, b),
+ (s = b),
+ (y = A),
+ (h -= 1),
+ (d = []),
+ (u = []);
+ } else
+ x.delete(p),
+ we(p, s, r),
+ B(t, p.prev, p.next),
+ B(t, p, y === null ? t.first : y.next),
+ B(t, y, p),
+ (y = p);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (d = [], u = []; s !== null && s.k !== E; )
+ (o || !(s.e.f & ee)) && (x ?? (x = new Set())).add(s), u.push(s), (s = s.next);
+ if (s === null) continue;
+ p = s;
+ }
+ d.push(p), (y = p), (s = p.next);
+ }
+ if (s !== null || x !== void 0) {
+ for (var I = x === void 0 ? [] : Re(x); s !== null; )
+ (o || !(s.e.f & ee)) && I.push(s), (s = s.next);
+ var C = I.length;
+ if (C > 0) {
+ var J = l === 0 ? r : null;
+ _t(t, I, J, _);
+ }
+ }
+ (xe.first = t.first && t.first.e), (xe.last = y && y.e);
+function ht(e, t, r, n) {
+ Be(e.v, t), (e.i = r);
+function Ce(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, l, _) {
+ var f = (_ & $e) !== 0,
+ s = (_ & et) === 0,
+ x = f ? (s ? Fe(a) : Ee(a)) : a,
+ y = _ & Ze ? Ee(i) : i,
+ d = { i: y, v: x, k: o, a: null, e: null, prev: r, next: n };
+ try {
+ return (
+ (d.e = Ae(() => l(e, x, y), z)),
+ (d.e.prev = r && r.e),
+ (d.e.next = n && n.e),
+ r === null ? (t.first = d) : ((r.next = d), (r.e.next = d.e)),
+ n !== null && ((n.prev = d), (n.e.prev = d.e)),
+ d
+ );
+ } finally {
+ }
+function we(e, t, r) {
+ for (
+ var n = e.next ? e.next.e.nodes_start : r, a = t ? t.e.nodes_start : r, o = e.e.nodes_start;
+ o !== n;
+ ) {
+ var i = tt(o);
+ a.before(o), (o = i);
+ }
+function B(e, t, r) {
+ t === null ? (e.first = r) : ((t.next = r), (t.e.next = r && r.e)),
+ r !== null && ((r.prev = t), (r.e.prev = t && t.e));
+function me(e) {
+ if (z) {
+ var t = !1,
+ r = () => {
+ if (!t) {
+ if (((t = !0), e.hasAttribute('value'))) {
+ var n = e.value;
+ S(e, 'value', null), (e.value = n);
+ }
+ if (e.hasAttribute('checked')) {
+ var a = e.checked;
+ S(e, 'checked', null), (e.checked = a);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ (e.__on_r = r), rt(r), st();
+ }
+function S(e, t, r, n) {
+ var a = e.__attributes ?? (e.__attributes = {});
+ (z &&
+ ((a[t] = e.getAttribute(t)),
+ t === 'src' || t === 'srcset' || (t === 'href' && e.nodeName === 'LINK'))) ||
+ (a[t] !== (a[t] = r) &&
+ (t === 'style' && '__styles' in e && (e.__styles = {}),
+ t === 'loading' && (e[at] = r),
+ r == null
+ ? e.removeAttribute(t)
+ : typeof r != 'string' && gt(e).includes(t)
+ ? (e[t] = r)
+ : e.setAttribute(t, r)));
+var Te = new Map();
+function gt(e) {
+ var t = Te.get(e.nodeName);
+ if (t) return t;
+ Te.set(e.nodeName, (t = []));
+ for (var r, n = ce(e), a = Element.prototype; a !== n; ) {
+ r = nt(n);
+ for (var o in r) r[o].set && t.push(o);
+ n = ce(n);
+ }
+ return t;
+function K(e, t, r) {
+ if (r) {
+ if (e.classList.contains(t)) return;
+ e.classList.add(t);
+ } else {
+ if (!e.classList.contains(t)) return;
+ e.classList.remove(t);
+ }
+function De(e, t, r = t) {
+ var n = ot();
+ pe(e, 'input', () => {
+ var a = ue(e) ? ve(e.value) : e.value;
+ r(a), n && a !== (a = t()) && (e.value = a ?? '');
+ }),
+ Se(() => {
+ var a = t();
+ if (z && e.defaultValue !== e.value) {
+ r(ue(e) ? ve(e.value) : e.value);
+ return;
+ }
+ (ue(e) && a === ve(e.value)) ||
+ (e.type === 'date' && !a && !e.value) ||
+ (a !== e.value && (e.value = a ?? ''));
+ });
+function bt(e, t, r = t) {
+ pe(e, 'change', () => {
+ var n = e.checked;
+ r(n);
+ }),
+ t() == null && r(!1),
+ Se(() => {
+ var n = t();
+ e.checked = !!n;
+ });
+function ue(e) {
+ var t = e.type;
+ return t === 'number' || t === 'range';
+function ve(e) {
+ return e === '' ? null : +e;
+function Pe(e, t, r) {
+ if (e.multiple) return Et(e, t);
+ for (var n of e.options) {
+ var a = X(n);
+ if (ut(a, t)) {
+ n.selected = !0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ (!r || t !== void 0) && (e.selectedIndex = -1);
+function xt(e, t) {
+ Oe(() => {
+ var r = new MutationObserver(() => {
+ var n = e.__value;
+ Pe(e, n);
+ });
+ return (
+ r.observe(e, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, attributes: !0, attributeFilter: ['value'] }),
+ () => {
+ r.disconnect();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function re(e, t, r = t) {
+ var n = !0;
+ pe(e, 'change', () => {
+ var a;
+ if (e.multiple) a = [].map.call(e.querySelectorAll(':checked'), X);
+ else {
+ var o = e.querySelector(':checked');
+ a = o && X(o);
+ }
+ r(a);
+ }),
+ Oe(() => {
+ var a = t();
+ if ((Pe(e, a, n), n && a === void 0)) {
+ var o = e.querySelector(':checked');
+ o !== null && ((a = X(o)), r(a));
+ }
+ (e.__value = a), (n = !1);
+ }),
+ xt(e);
+function Et(e, t) {
+ for (var r of e.options) r.selected = ~t.indexOf(X(r));
+function X(e) {
+ return '__value' in e ? e.__value : e.value;
+function he(e) {
+ parent.postMessage(e, '*');
+let m = _e({
+ proxy: {
+ columns: 0,
+ rows: 0,
+ mode: 'grid',
+ radius: 0,
+ version: 1,
+ rotateAccordingToDirection: !1,
+ rules: []
+ }
+ }),
+ ae = _e({ value: !1 }),
+ fe = _e({ value: 0 });
+function wt(e) {
+ switch (e) {
+ case 'randomize':
+ return {
+ id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
+ type: 'randomize',
+ name: 'Randomize',
+ enabled: !0,
+ property: 'x',
+ from: 0,
+ to: 0
+ };
+ case 'offset':
+ return {
+ id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
+ name: 'Offset',
+ type: 'offset',
+ enabled: !0,
+ property: 'x',
+ offset: 0,
+ accumulate: !1
+ };
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown rule kind: ${e}`);
+ }
+var M = ((e) => (
+ (e.NO_SELECTION = 'no-selection'),
+ (e.ONE_SELECTION = 'one-selection'),
+ (e.MULTIPLE_SELECTION = 'multiple-selection'),
+ (e.PATTERN_SELECTED = 'pattern-selected'),
+ (e.PONG = 'pong'),
+ (e.ERROR = 'error'),
+ (e.SEND_PATTERN = 'send-pattern'),
+ (e.ACKNOWLEDGE_UPDATE_PATTERN = 'acknowledge-update-pattern'),
+ (e.SEND_PROGRESSION = 'send-progression'),
+ e
+ ))(M || {}),
+ le = ((e) => (
+ (e.PING = 'ping'),
+ (e.CREATE_PATTERN = 'create-pattern'),
+ (e.REQUEST_CURRENT_PATTERN = 'request-current-pattern'),
+ (e.UPDATE_PATTERN = 'update-pattern'),
+ e
+ ))(le || {}),
+ Tt = O(
+ '
+ );
+function de(e, t) {
+ let r = ye(t, 'checked', 15);
+ var n = Tt(),
+ a = R(n);
+ me(a);
+ var o,
+ i = c(a, 2),
+ l = R(i, !0);
+ k(i),
+ k(n),
+ U(() => {
+ S(a, 'id', t.id),
+ o !== (o = t.id) && (a.value = (a.__value = t.id) == null ? '' : t.id),
+ S(i, 'for', t.id),
+ H(l, t.label);
+ }),
+ bt(a, r),
+ N(e, n);
+var kt = O('
+function V(e, t) {
+ let r = ye(t, 'value', 15),
+ n = j(!1);
+ var a = At(),
+ o = R(a),
+ i = R(o, !0);
+ k(o);
+ var l = c(o, 2);
+ me(l),
+ (l.__input = [Nt, n, t, r]),
+ k(a),
+ U(() => {
+ S(o, 'for', t.id),
+ H(i, t.label),
+ S(l, 'id', t.id),
+ S(l, 'min', t.min),
+ S(l, 'max', t.max),
+ S(l, 'step', t.step),
+ K(l, 'error', T(n));
+ }),
+ De(l, r),
+ N(e, a);
+function St(e, t, r, n) {
+ if (!t.regex) {
+ D(r, !1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (n() === null) {
+ D(r, !0);
+ return;
+ }
+ new RegExp(t.regex).test(n().toString()) ? D(r, !1) : D(r, !0);
+var Ot = O(
+ '
+function Ct(e, t) {
+ ne(t, !0);
+ let r = ye(t, 'value', 15),
+ n = j(!1);
+ var a = Ot(),
+ o = R(a),
+ i = R(o, !0);
+ k(o);
+ var l = c(o, 2);
+ me(l),
+ (l.__input = [St, t, n, r]),
+ k(a),
+ U(() => {
+ var _;
+ S(o, 'for', t.id),
+ H(i, t.label),
+ S(l, 'id', t.id),
+ S(l, 'pattern', (_ = t.regex) == null ? void 0 : _.source),
+ K(l, 'error', T(n));
+ }),
+ De(l, r),
+ N(e, a),
+ oe();
+var Dt = O(
+ `
A negative value allow to go below the initial value, while a positive value allows to go above
+ the initial value. Min and Max are determined by the lowest and highest value provided below.
+ 1
+ ),
+ Pt = O(
+ `
Note: This rule currently has no effect on revolution mode.
A negative value will move the element to the left or up, while a positive value will move the
element to the right or down.
Accumulation means that all previous offsets are added to the current offset. Disable this
- option if you want consistent offsets (applied by this rule).
Note: The plugin is currently unable to adjust the frame size based on rules. Disabling
+ option if you want consistent offsets (applied by this rule).
+ 1
+ ),
+ Lt = O(
+ '
+ ),
+ It = O(
+ `
Note: The plugin is currently unable to adjust the frame size based on rules. Disabling
clipping might be necessary to see the full pattern. You can also manually resize the frame, although
- currently this will be overridden every time you apply changes.
Note: Changes take effect after pressing on the "Apply" button.
Debugging information
',1);function Gt(e,t){ne(t,!0);function r(g){g.preventDefault();const b=dt(m.proxy);console.log("pattern changed",b),ae.value=!0,he({type:le.UPDATE_PATTERN,content:b})}function n(){const g=JSON.stringify(m.proxy);navigator.clipboard.writeText(g),alert("Pattern copied to clipboard")}var a=Ut(),o=c(q(a),4),i=c(R(o),2),l=R(i);l.value=(l.__value="grid")==null?"":"grid";var _=c(l);_.value=(_.__value="revolution")==null?"":"revolution",k(i);var f=c(i,2);V(f,{id:"pattern-rows",label:"Rows",min:1,get value(){return m.proxy.rows},set value(g){m.proxy.rows=g}});var s=c(f,2);V(s,{id:"pattern-columns",label:"Columns",min:1,get value(){return m.proxy.columns},set value(g){m.proxy.columns=g}});var x=c(s,2);G(x,()=>m.proxy.rows*m.proxy.columns>200,g=>{var b=Q(()=>`The pattern has ${m.proxy.rows*m.proxy.columns} items, it may slow down the plugin and Penpot.`);Rt(g,{variant:"warning",get message(){return T(b)}})});var y=c(x,2);G(y,()=>m.proxy.mode==="revolution",g=>{var b=zt(),w=q(b);V(w,{id:"pattern-radius",label:"Radius",min:1,get value(){return m.proxy.radius},set value(A){m.proxy.radius=A}});var P=c(w,2);de(P,{id:"pattern-type",get checked(){return m.proxy.rotateAccordingToDirection},set checked(A){m.proxy.rotateAccordingToDirection=A},label:"Rotate according to direction"}),N(g,b)});var d=c(y,4);Mt(d,{});var u=c(d,4),v=c(u,2);G(v,()=>ae.value,g=>{var b=qt(),w=R(b);U(()=>H(w,`Loading... ${Math.floor(fe.value*100)??""}%`)),k(b),N(g,b)}),k(o);var E=c(o,4);E.__click=n;var p=c(E,2),h=R(p,!0);U(()=>H(h,JSON.stringify(m.proxy).replaceAll(",",", "))),k(p),U(()=>u.disabled=ae.value),it("submit",o,r),re(i,()=>m.proxy.mode,g=>m.proxy.mode=g),N(e,a),oe()}F(["click"]);function Ht(){he({type:le.CREATE_PATTERN})}var Yt=O('
To begin, select an element from which you would like to create a tiling.
Alternatively, select an existing pattern to modify it.
Please only select one element at a time.
This element can be a pattern source (a copy will be made).
Tiling Utility
');function jt(e,t){ne(t,!0);let r=j("none"),n=j(!1),a;function o(_){const f=_.data;if(f.type===M.MULTIPLE_SELECTION)D(r,"multiple");else if(f.type===M.ONE_SELECTION)D(r,"one");else if(f.type===M.NO_SELECTION)D(r,"none");else if(f.type===M.PATTERN_SELECTED)D(r,"pattern"),he({type:le.REQUEST_CURRENT_PATTERN});else if(f.type===M.SEND_PATTERN){const s=f.content;if(!s)throw new Error("Pattern creation failed");D(n,!0),m.proxy=s}else if(f.type===M.ACKNOWLEDGE_UPDATE_PATTERN)ae.value=!1,fe.value=1;else if(f.type===M.PONG)console.log("pong");else if(f.type===M.SEND_PROGRESSION){const s=f.content;if(!s)throw new Error("Progression value is missing");fe.value=s.ratio}else if(f.type===M.ERROR)console.error("plugin error",f.content);else throw new Error("Unknown event type: "+f.type)}vt(()=>{window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)").matches&&(a==null||a.setAttribute("data-theme","light")),window.addEventListener("message",o)});var i=Kt(),l=c(R(i),2);G(l,()=>T(r)==="none",_=>{var f=Yt();lt(2),N(_,f)},_=>{var f=$(),s=q(f);G(s,()=>T(r)==="multiple",x=>{var y=Bt();N(x,y)},x=>{var y=$(),d=q(y);G(d,()=>T(r)==="one",u=>{var v=Jt(),E=c(q(v),2);E.__click=[Ht],N(u,v)},u=>{var v=$(),E=q(v);G(E,()=>T(r)==="pattern",p=>{Gt(p,{})},null,!0),N(u,v)},!0),N(x,y)},!0),N(_,f)}),k(i),ct(i,_=>a=_,()=>a),N(e,i),oe()}F(["click"]);export{jt as component};
+ currently this will be overridden every time you apply changes.
+ 1
+ );
+function Mt(e, t) {
+ ne(t, !0);
+ const r = (d, u = Z, v = Z) => {
+ var E = Dt(),
+ p = q(E),
+ h = R(p);
+ h.value = (h.__value = 'x') == null ? '' : 'x';
+ var g = c(h);
+ g.value = (g.__value = 'y') == null ? '' : 'y';
+ var b = c(g);
+ b.value = (b.__value = 'width') == null ? '' : 'width';
+ var w = c(b);
+ w.value = (w.__value = 'height') == null ? '' : 'height';
+ var P = c(w);
+ (P.value = (P.__value = 'rotation') == null ? '' : 'rotation'), k(p);
+ var A = c(p, 4),
+ I = Q(() => `rule-${v()}-from`);
+ V(A, {
+ get id() {
+ return T(I);
+ },
+ label: 'From',
+ get value() {
+ return u().from;
+ },
+ set value(Y) {
+ u().from = Y;
+ }
+ });
+ var C = c(A, 2),
+ J = Q(() => `rule-${v()}-to`);
+ V(C, {
+ get id() {
+ return T(J);
+ },
+ label: 'To',
+ get value() {
+ return u().to;
+ },
+ set value(Y) {
+ u().to = Y;
+ }
+ }),
+ U(() => S(p, 'id', `rule-${v()}-property`)),
+ re(
+ p,
+ () => u().property,
+ (Y) => (u().property = Y)
+ ),
+ N(d, E);
+ },
+ n = (d, u = Z, v = Z) => {
+ var E = Pt(),
+ p = c(q(E), 2),
+ h = c(p, 2),
+ g = R(h);
+ g.value = (g.__value = 'x') == null ? '' : 'x';
+ var b = c(g);
+ (b.value = (b.__value = 'y') == null ? '' : 'y'), k(h);
+ var w = c(h, 4),
+ P = Q(() => `rule-${v()}-offset`);
+ V(w, {
+ get id() {
+ return T(P);
+ },
+ label: 'Offset',
+ get value() {
+ return u().offset;
+ },
+ set value(C) {
+ u().offset = C;
+ }
+ });
+ var A = c(w, 4),
+ I = Q(() => `rule-${v()}-accumulate`);
+ de(A, {
+ get id() {
+ return T(I);
+ },
+ label: 'Accumulate',
+ get checked() {
+ return u().accumulate;
+ },
+ set checked(C) {
+ u().accumulate = C;
+ }
+ }),
+ U(() => {
+ S(p, 'for', `rule-${v()}-property`), S(h, 'id', `rule-${v()}-property`);
+ }),
+ re(
+ h,
+ () => u().property,
+ (C) => (u().property = C)
+ ),
+ N(d, E);
+ };
+ let a = j('randomize');
+ function o() {
+ m.proxy.rules.push(wt(T(a)));
+ }
+ var i = It(),
+ l = q(i),
+ _ = c(R(l), 2),
+ f = R(_);
+ f.value = (f.__value = 'randomize') == null ? '' : 'randomize';
+ var s = c(f);
+ (s.value = (s.__value = 'offset') == null ? '' : 'offset'), k(_);
+ var x = c(_, 2);
+ (x.__click = o), k(l);
+ var y = c(l, 2);
+ yt(
+ y,
+ 21,
+ () => m.proxy.rules,
+ pt,
+ (d, u, v) => {
+ var E = Lt(),
+ p = R(E),
+ h = R(p),
+ g = R(h, !0);
+ k(h);
+ var b = c(h, 2),
+ w = R(b, !0);
+ k(b), k(p);
+ var P = c(p, 2),
+ A = R(P);
+ de(A, {
+ id: `rule-${v}-enabled`,
+ label: 'Enabled',
+ get checked() {
+ return T(u).enabled;
+ },
+ set checked(L) {
+ T(u).enabled = L;
+ }
+ });
+ var I = c(A, 2);
+ (I.__click = () => {
+ if (v === 0) return;
+ const L = m.proxy.rules[v];
+ (m.proxy.rules[v] = m.proxy.rules[v - 1]), (m.proxy.rules[v - 1] = L);
+ }),
+ (I.disabled = v === 0);
+ var C = c(I, 2);
+ C.__click = () => {
+ if (v === m.proxy.rules.length - 1) return;
+ const L = m.proxy.rules[v];
+ (m.proxy.rules[v] = m.proxy.rules[v + 1]), (m.proxy.rules[v + 1] = L);
+ };
+ var J = c(C, 2);
+ J.__click = () => {
+ window.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this rule?') && m.proxy.rules.splice(v, 1);
+ };
+ var Y = c(J, 2);
+ Ct(Y, {
+ id: `rule-${v}-name`,
+ label: 'Name',
+ regex: new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9 _]+$/g),
+ get value() {
+ return T(u).name;
+ },
+ set value(L) {
+ T(u).name = L;
+ }
+ });
+ var Le = c(Y, 2);
+ G(
+ Le,
+ () => T(u).type === 'randomize',
+ (L) => {
+ r(
+ L,
+ () => T(u),
+ () => v
+ );
+ },
+ (L) => {
+ var ge = $(),
+ Ie = q(ge);
+ G(
+ Ie,
+ () => T(u).type === 'offset',
+ (Me) => {
+ n(
+ Me,
+ () => T(u),
+ () => v
+ );
+ },
+ null,
+ !0
+ ),
+ N(L, ge);
+ }
+ ),
+ k(P),
+ k(E),
+ U(() => {
+ H(g, T(u).type), H(w, T(u).name), (C.disabled = v === m.proxy.rules.length - 1);
+ }),
+ N(d, E);
+ }
+ ),
+ k(y),
+ re(
+ _,
+ () => T(a),
+ (d) => D(a, d)
+ ),
+ N(e, i),
+ oe();
+var zt = O(' ', 1),
+ qt = O('
+ Ut = O(
+ '
Pattern editor
Note: Changes take effect after pressing on the "Apply" button.
Debugging information
+ 1
+ );
+function Gt(e, t) {
+ ne(t, !0);
+ function r(g) {
+ g.preventDefault();
+ const b = dt(m.proxy);
+ console.log('pattern changed', b), (ae.value = !0), he({ type: le.UPDATE_PATTERN, content: b });
+ }
+ function n() {
+ const g = JSON.stringify(m.proxy);
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(g), alert('Pattern copied to clipboard');
+ }
+ var a = Ut(),
+ o = c(q(a), 4),
+ i = c(R(o), 2),
+ l = R(i);
+ l.value = (l.__value = 'grid') == null ? '' : 'grid';
+ var _ = c(l);
+ (_.value = (_.__value = 'revolution') == null ? '' : 'revolution'), k(i);
+ var f = c(i, 2);
+ V(f, {
+ id: 'pattern-rows',
+ label: 'Rows',
+ min: 1,
+ get value() {
+ return m.proxy.rows;
+ },
+ set value(g) {
+ m.proxy.rows = g;
+ }
+ });
+ var s = c(f, 2);
+ V(s, {
+ id: 'pattern-columns',
+ label: 'Columns',
+ min: 1,
+ get value() {
+ return m.proxy.columns;
+ },
+ set value(g) {
+ m.proxy.columns = g;
+ }
+ });
+ var x = c(s, 2);
+ G(
+ x,
+ () => m.proxy.rows * m.proxy.columns > 200,
+ (g) => {
+ var b = Q(
+ () =>
+ `The pattern has ${m.proxy.rows * m.proxy.columns} items, it may slow down the plugin and Penpot.`
+ );
+ Rt(g, {
+ variant: 'warning',
+ get message() {
+ return T(b);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ var y = c(x, 2);
+ G(
+ y,
+ () => m.proxy.mode === 'revolution',
+ (g) => {
+ var b = zt(),
+ w = q(b);
+ V(w, {
+ id: 'pattern-radius',
+ label: 'Radius',
+ min: 1,
+ get value() {
+ return m.proxy.radius;
+ },
+ set value(A) {
+ m.proxy.radius = A;
+ }
+ });
+ var P = c(w, 2);
+ de(P, {
+ id: 'pattern-type',
+ get checked() {
+ return m.proxy.rotateAccordingToDirection;
+ },
+ set checked(A) {
+ m.proxy.rotateAccordingToDirection = A;
+ },
+ label: 'Rotate according to direction'
+ }),
+ N(g, b);
+ }
+ );
+ var d = c(y, 4);
+ Mt(d, {});
+ var u = c(d, 4),
+ v = c(u, 2);
+ G(
+ v,
+ () => ae.value,
+ (g) => {
+ var b = qt(),
+ w = R(b);
+ U(() => H(w, `Loading... ${Math.floor(fe.value * 100) ?? ''}%`)), k(b), N(g, b);
+ }
+ ),
+ k(o);
+ var E = c(o, 4);
+ E.__click = n;
+ var p = c(E, 2),
+ h = R(p, !0);
+ U(() => H(h, JSON.stringify(m.proxy).replaceAll(',', ', '))),
+ k(p),
+ U(() => (u.disabled = ae.value)),
+ it('submit', o, r),
+ re(
+ i,
+ () => m.proxy.mode,
+ (g) => (m.proxy.mode = g)
+ ),
+ N(e, a),
+ oe();
+function Ht() {
+ he({ type: le.CREATE_PATTERN });
+var Yt = O(
+ '
To begin, select an element from which you would like to create a tiling.
Alternatively, select an existing pattern to modify it.
+ 1
+ ),
+ Bt = O('
Please only select one element at a time.
+ Jt = O(
+ '
This element can be a pattern source (a copy will be made).
+ 1
+ ),
+ Kt = O(
+ '
Tiling Utility
+ );
+function jt(e, t) {
+ ne(t, !0);
+ let r = j('none'),
+ n = j(!1),
+ a;
+ function o(_) {
+ const f = _.data;
+ if (f.type === M.MULTIPLE_SELECTION) D(r, 'multiple');
+ else if (f.type === M.ONE_SELECTION) D(r, 'one');
+ else if (f.type === M.NO_SELECTION) D(r, 'none');
+ else if (f.type === M.PATTERN_SELECTED)
+ D(r, 'pattern'), he({ type: le.REQUEST_CURRENT_PATTERN });
+ else if (f.type === M.SEND_PATTERN) {
+ const s = f.content;
+ if (!s) throw new Error('Pattern creation failed');
+ D(n, !0), (m.proxy = s);
+ } else if (f.type === M.ACKNOWLEDGE_UPDATE_PATTERN) (ae.value = !1), (fe.value = 1);
+ else if (f.type === M.PONG) console.log('pong');
+ else if (f.type === M.SEND_PROGRESSION) {
+ const s = f.content;
+ if (!s) throw new Error('Progression value is missing');
+ fe.value = s.ratio;
+ } else if (f.type === M.ERROR) console.error('plugin error', f.content);
+ else throw new Error('Unknown event type: ' + f.type);
+ }
+ vt(() => {
+ window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches &&
+ (a == null || a.setAttribute('data-theme', 'light')),
+ window.addEventListener('message', o);
+ });
+ var i = Kt(),
+ l = c(R(i), 2);
+ G(
+ l,
+ () => T(r) === 'none',
+ (_) => {
+ var f = Yt();
+ lt(2), N(_, f);
+ },
+ (_) => {
+ var f = $(),
+ s = q(f);
+ G(
+ s,
+ () => T(r) === 'multiple',
+ (x) => {
+ var y = Bt();
+ N(x, y);
+ },
+ (x) => {
+ var y = $(),
+ d = q(y);
+ G(
+ d,
+ () => T(r) === 'one',
+ (u) => {
+ var v = Jt(),
+ E = c(q(v), 2);
+ (E.__click = [Ht]), N(u, v);
+ },
+ (u) => {
+ var v = $(),
+ E = q(v);
+ G(
+ E,
+ () => T(r) === 'pattern',
+ (p) => {
+ Gt(p, {});
+ },
+ null,
+ !0
+ ),
+ N(u, v);
+ },
+ !0
+ ),
+ N(x, y);
+ },
+ !0
+ ),
+ N(_, f);
+ }
+ ),
+ k(i),
+ ct(
+ i,
+ (_) => (a = _),
+ () => a
+ ),
+ N(e, i),
+ oe();
+export { jt as component };
//# sourceMappingURL=2.EXMsSH2w.js.map
diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/plugin.DOro0ux_.js b/docs/_app/immutable/plugin.DOro0ux_.js
index 35cd347..3cefa5f 100644
--- a/docs/_app/immutable/plugin.DOro0ux_.js
+++ b/docs/_app/immutable/plugin.DOro0ux_.js
@@ -1,2 +1,261 @@
-let h=[],g=!1;penpot.ui.open("Tiling Utility","",{width:300,height:300});function M(){return{version:1,mode:"grid",rows:5,columns:5,radius:50,rotateAccordingToDirection:!0,rules:[]}}class w{constructor(t,n,s,u){this.memory=t,this.transformer=n,this.rule=s,this.patternMode=u}static fromRule(t,n){const s=N[t.type];if(!s)throw new Error(`Unknown rule type: ${t.type}`);const u=k[t.type]();return new w(u,s,t,n)}process(t){const n=this.transformer(t,this.memory,this.rule,this.patternMode);return this.memory=n.memory,S(n.shapeInfo),n.shapeInfo}}const N={randomize:(e,t,n)=>{const s=Math.min(n.from,n.to),u=Math.max(n.from,n.to),c=n.property,d=Math.random(),f=s+d*(u-s);return e[c]=e[c]+f,{shapeInfo:e,memory:t}},offset:(e,t,n,s)=>{if(s==="revolution")return console.warn("Offset rule is not supported in revolution mode"),{shapeInfo:e,memory:t};const u=n.property,c=n.offset,d=n.accumulate,f=e.row,m=e.column;let p,o;if(u==="x")o=m;else if(u==="y")o=f;else throw new Error(`Unknown offset property: ${u}`);if(p=o*c,d)for(let i=0;inew Map,offset:()=>new Map};penpot.ui.onMessage(e=>{var t,n;if(console.log("received UI message",e),e.type==="ping")penpot.ui.sendMessage("pong");else if(e.type==="create-pattern")B();else if(e.type==="request-current-pattern"){if(h.length===0){penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No selection"});return}const s=(t=penpot.currentPage)==null?void 0:t.getShapeById(h[0]);if(s.getPluginData("isPattern")!=="true"){penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No pattern selected"});return}penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"send-pattern",content:y(s)})}else if(e.type==="update-pattern"){if(h.length===0){penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No selection"});return}const s=(n=penpot.currentPage)==null?void 0:n.getShapeById(h[0]);if(s.getPluginData("isPattern")!=="true"){penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No pattern selected"});return}const u=e.content;s.setPluginData("pattern",JSON.stringify(u)),P(s)}else console.error("Unknown message from UI:",e)});penpot.on("selectionchange",e=>{var t;if(h=[...e],e.length===0)penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"no-selection"});else if(e.length===1){const n=(t=penpot.currentPage)==null?void 0:t.getShapeById(e[0]);if(!n){penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"no-selection"});return}n.getPluginData("isPattern")==="true"?(penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"pattern-selected"}),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"send-pattern",content:y(n)})):penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"one-selection"})}else penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"multiple-selection"})});function B(){var s;console.info("Creating pattern");const e=penpot.createBoard();e.setPluginData("isPattern","true");const t=(s=penpot.currentPage)==null?void 0:s.getShapeById(h[0]);if(!t){console.error("No shape selected"),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No shape selected"});return}const n=t==null?void 0:t.clone();n.x=0,n.y=0,n.hidden=!0,n.blocked=!0,n.name+=" (source)",n.setPluginData("isSource","true"),e.appendChild(n),e.setPluginData("sourceId",n.id),e.name="Pattern",e.fills=[],e.setPluginData("pattern",JSON.stringify(M())),P(e),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"send-pattern",content:y(e)})}function y(e){return e.getPluginData("isPattern")!=="true"?(console.error("Board is not a pattern"),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"Board is not a pattern, returning default pattern"}),M()):JSON.parse(e.getPluginData("pattern"))}function P(e){var f,m,p;if(g){console.warn("Modifications are locked");return}if(g=!0,console.info("Drawing pattern"),e.getPluginData("isPattern")!=="true"){console.error("Board is not a pattern"),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"Board is not a pattern"}),g=!1;return}e.children.forEach(o=>{o.getPluginData("isSource")!=="true"&&o.remove()});const t=y(e);console.debug("Pattern:",t);const n=z(t);if(!n.valid){console.error("Invalid pattern:",n.context),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:n.context}),g=!1;return}const s=new Map,u=e.getPluginData("sourceId"),c=e.children.find(o=>o.id===u);if(!c){console.error("No source shape found"),penpot.ui.sendMessage({type:"error",content:"No source shape found"}),g=!1;return}if(e.horizontalSizing="fix",e.verticalSizing="fix",t.mode==="revolution"){const o=t.radius+c.height*t.rows;e.resize(2*o,2*o);for(let i=0;i {
+ const s = Math.min(n.from, n.to),
+ u = Math.max(n.from, n.to),
+ c = n.property,
+ d = Math.random(),
+ f = s + d * (u - s);
+ return (e[c] = e[c] + f), { shapeInfo: e, memory: t };
+ },
+ offset: (e, t, n, s) => {
+ if (s === 'revolution')
+ return (
+ console.warn('Offset rule is not supported in revolution mode'), { shapeInfo: e, memory: t }
+ );
+ const u = n.property,
+ c = n.offset,
+ d = n.accumulate,
+ f = e.row,
+ m = e.column;
+ let p, o;
+ if (u === 'x') o = m;
+ else if (u === 'y') o = f;
+ else throw new Error(`Unknown offset property: ${u}`);
+ if (((p = o * c), d)) for (let i = 0; i < o; i++) p += i * c;
+ if (u === 'x') e.x += p;
+ else if (u === 'y') e.y += p;
+ else throw new Error(`Unknown offset property: ${u}`);
+ return { shapeInfo: e, memory: t };
+ }
+function S(e) {
+ (e.rotation = e.rotation % 360),
+ (e.width = Math.max(0, e.width)),
+ (e.height = Math.max(0, e.height));
+const k = { randomize: () => new Map(), offset: () => new Map() };
+penpot.ui.onMessage((e) => {
+ var t, n;
+ if ((console.log('received UI message', e), e.type === 'ping')) penpot.ui.sendMessage('pong');
+ else if (e.type === 'create-pattern') B();
+ else if (e.type === 'request-current-pattern') {
+ if (h.length === 0) {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No selection' });
+ return;
+ }
+ const s = (t = penpot.currentPage) == null ? void 0 : t.getShapeById(h[0]);
+ if (s.getPluginData('isPattern') !== 'true') {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No pattern selected' });
+ return;
+ }
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'send-pattern', content: y(s) });
+ } else if (e.type === 'update-pattern') {
+ if (h.length === 0) {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No selection' });
+ return;
+ }
+ const s = (n = penpot.currentPage) == null ? void 0 : n.getShapeById(h[0]);
+ if (s.getPluginData('isPattern') !== 'true') {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No pattern selected' });
+ return;
+ }
+ const u = e.content;
+ s.setPluginData('pattern', JSON.stringify(u)), P(s);
+ } else console.error('Unknown message from UI:', e);
+penpot.on('selectionchange', (e) => {
+ var t;
+ if (((h = [...e]), e.length === 0)) penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'no-selection' });
+ else if (e.length === 1) {
+ const n = (t = penpot.currentPage) == null ? void 0 : t.getShapeById(e[0]);
+ if (!n) {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'no-selection' });
+ return;
+ }
+ n.getPluginData('isPattern') === 'true'
+ ? (penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'pattern-selected' }),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'send-pattern', content: y(n) }))
+ : penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'one-selection' });
+ } else penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'multiple-selection' });
+function B() {
+ var s;
+ console.info('Creating pattern');
+ const e = penpot.createBoard();
+ e.setPluginData('isPattern', 'true');
+ const t = (s = penpot.currentPage) == null ? void 0 : s.getShapeById(h[0]);
+ if (!t) {
+ console.error('No shape selected'),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No shape selected' });
+ return;
+ }
+ const n = t == null ? void 0 : t.clone();
+ (n.x = 0),
+ (n.y = 0),
+ (n.hidden = !0),
+ (n.blocked = !0),
+ (n.name += ' (source)'),
+ n.setPluginData('isSource', 'true'),
+ e.appendChild(n),
+ e.setPluginData('sourceId', n.id),
+ (e.name = 'Pattern'),
+ (e.fills = []),
+ e.setPluginData('pattern', JSON.stringify(M())),
+ P(e),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'send-pattern', content: y(e) });
+function y(e) {
+ return e.getPluginData('isPattern') !== 'true'
+ ? (console.error('Board is not a pattern'),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({
+ type: 'error',
+ content: 'Board is not a pattern, returning default pattern'
+ }),
+ M())
+ : JSON.parse(e.getPluginData('pattern'));
+function P(e) {
+ var f, m, p;
+ if (g) {
+ console.warn('Modifications are locked');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((g = !0), console.info('Drawing pattern'), e.getPluginData('isPattern') !== 'true')) {
+ console.error('Board is not a pattern'),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'Board is not a pattern' }),
+ (g = !1);
+ return;
+ }
+ e.children.forEach((o) => {
+ o.getPluginData('isSource') !== 'true' && o.remove();
+ });
+ const t = y(e);
+ console.debug('Pattern:', t);
+ const n = z(t);
+ if (!n.valid) {
+ console.error('Invalid pattern:', n.context),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: n.context }),
+ (g = !1);
+ return;
+ }
+ const s = new Map(),
+ u = e.getPluginData('sourceId'),
+ c = e.children.find((o) => o.id === u);
+ if (!c) {
+ console.error('No source shape found'),
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'error', content: 'No source shape found' }),
+ (g = !1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((e.horizontalSizing = 'fix'), (e.verticalSizing = 'fix'), t.mode === 'revolution')) {
+ const o = t.radius + c.height * t.rows;
+ e.resize(2 * o, 2 * o);
+ for (let i = 0; i < t.rows; i++) {
+ const a = t.radius + i * c.height,
+ r = new Map();
+ for (let l = 0; l < t.columns; l++) {
+ const x = a * Math.cos(l * ((2 * Math.PI) / t.columns)) + o,
+ D = a * Math.sin(l * ((2 * Math.PI) / t.columns)) + o,
+ v = t.rotateAccordingToDirection ? l * (360 / t.columns) + 90 : 0;
+ r.set(l, { row: i, column: l, x, y: D, rotation: v, width: c.width, height: c.height });
+ }
+ s.set(i, r);
+ }
+ } else if (t.mode === 'grid') {
+ e.resize(c.width * t.columns, c.height * t.rows);
+ for (let o = 0; o < t.rows; o++) {
+ const i = new Map();
+ for (let a = 0; a < t.columns; a++) {
+ const r = a * c.width,
+ l = o * c.height;
+ i.set(a, { row: o, column: a, x: r, y: l, rotation: 0, width: c.width, height: c.height });
+ }
+ s.set(o, i);
+ }
+ }
+ const d = [];
+ for (const o of t.rules) o.enabled && d.push(w.fromRule(o, t.mode));
+ for (let o = 0; o < t.rows; o++)
+ for (let i = 0; i < t.columns; i++) {
+ const a = (f = s.get(o)) == null ? void 0 : f.get(i);
+ if (!a) {
+ console.error('No position found for', o, i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ let r = a;
+ for (const l of d) r = l.process(r);
+ (m = s.get(o)) == null || m.set(i, r);
+ }
+ for (let o = 0; o < t.rows; o++)
+ for (let i = 0; i < t.columns; i++) {
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({
+ type: 'send-progression',
+ content: { ratio: o / t.rows + (1 / t.rows / t.columns) * i }
+ });
+ const a = (p = s.get(o)) == null ? void 0 : p.get(i);
+ if (!a) {
+ console.error('No position found for', o, i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const r = c.clone();
+ if (
+ (r.setPluginData('isSource', 'false'),
+ (r.name = r.name.replace(' (source)', ` (${o}, ${i})`)),
+ r.setPluginData('rowIndex', o.toString()),
+ r.setPluginData('columnIndex', i.toString()),
+ (r.hidden = !1),
+ !r)
+ ) {
+ console.error('No clone found (this is not supposed to happen)');
+ continue;
+ }
+ (r.blocked = !1),
+ r.resize(a.width, a.height),
+ t.mode === 'revolution'
+ ? ((r.x = a.x - a.width / 2 + e.x), (r.y = a.y - a.height / 2 + e.y))
+ : t.mode === 'grid' && ((r.x = a.x + e.x), (r.y = a.y + e.y)),
+ (r.rotation = c.rotation),
+ r.rotate(a.rotation, { x: r.x + r.width / 2, y: r.y + r.height / 2 }),
+ (r.blocked = !0);
+ }
+ penpot.ui.sendMessage({ type: 'acknowledge-update-pattern' }), (g = !1);
+function z(e) {
+ return e.mode === 'revolution' && e.radius <= 0
+ ? { valid: !1, context: 'Radius must be greater than 0' }
+ : e.rows <= 0
+ ? { valid: !1, context: 'Rows must be greater than 0' }
+ : e.columns <= 0
+ ? { valid: !1, context: 'Columns must be greater than 0' }
+ : { valid: !0, context: '' };
//# sourceMappingURL=plugin.DOro0ux_.js.map
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+{ "version": "1734294154162" }
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@@ -4,35 +4,47 @@
Tiling Utility
To begin, select an element from which you would like to create a tiling.
Alternatively, select an existing pattern to modify it.
Tiling Utility
+ To begin, select an element from which you would like to create a tiling.
Alternatively, select an existing pattern to modify it.