A PicGo plugin for pictures in markdown files migrating from one picBed to another one.
- This plugin can be used in CLI & GUI version of PicGo!
- It supports absolute and relative path of images, and the url path of images.
- It supports both markdown format and html format image url in markdown file. (Since v1.3.0)
For example, a test.md

<!-- since v1.3.0, support migrating img src -->
<img src="http://yyy.com/js.jpg" />
if you choose imgur
as your migrated picBed, after migrating:

<!-- since v1.3.0, support migrating img src -->
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/xxxxx.jpg" />
picgo-plugin-pic-migrater <= 1.2.2
requires PicGo-GUI version 2.0.2 ~ 2.2.0
, PicGo-Cli version 1.4.0 ~ 1.5.0-
picgo-plugin-pic-migrater > 1.2.2
requires PicGo-GUI version 2.3.0 ~ latest beta
, PicGo-Cli version 1.5.0-alpha.1 ~ latest alpha
picgo install pic-migrater
Then pic-migrater
will registe a command named migrate
search for pic-migrater
Please configurate this plugin first!
After migrating, a new markdown file will be written in the same folder. So you should configurate this new file name's suffix first.
picgo set plugin pic-migrater
Open the setting page in the menu of the plugin.
For example, if your origin file named 2019.md
& if you set the newFileSuffix
to _new
, then after migrating, a new file named 2019_new.md
will be created.
If you set the include
configuration then migrator will only migrate the files' path or url which match the include
For example, if your set the include
to sinaimg.cn
, then migrator will only migrate the url or path includes sinaimg.cn
If you set the exclude
configuration then migrator will only migrate the files' path or url which don't match the exclude
For example, if your set the exclude
to sinaimg.cn
, then migrator will only migrate the url or path doesn't includes sinaimg.cn
Since v1.3.0
If you set the oldContentWriteToNewFile
to true
, then the old content will be written to the new file and the migrated content will be written to the old file.
$ picgo migrate -h
Usage: migrate [options] <files...>
migrating pictures url from markdown files
-h, --help output usage information
You should configurate this plugin first!
picgo set plugin pic-migrater
# migrate file or files
$ picgo migrate ./test.md ./test1.md
# migrate markdown files in folder
$ picgo migrate ./test/
const { PicGo } = require('picgo')
const PluginMigrater = require('picgo-plugin-pic-migrater')
const picgo = new PicGo()
'picgo-plugin-pic-migrater': {
newFileSuffix: '_new',
include: '',
exclude: ''
const plugin = PluginMigrater(picgo)
plugin.migrateFiles(['/xxx/yyy.md']) // { total: number, success: number }
Thanks to @Moyf with the python version of this plugin.