Spring Boot ORDS Boilerplate is the middle ware provide API gateway and connect ORDS to fetch data from Oracle Database.
- Technical Stack
- Prerequisite
- Include Third Party Library
- Build and Run
- Folder Structure
- Generate Java Doc
- Run ORDS by Docker
- Reference
- Spring framework
- Java 8
- Maven 3
- ORDS Adapter Boilerplate: Please make sure to follow the step to generate
file and follow the instruction before you run Spring Boot ORDS Boilerplate
Before we run Spring Boot ORDS Boilerplate, please make sure that you have already
compile the ords-adapter-boilerplate-1.0.0.jar
then put it under /src/resources
remember updating the pom.xml
to include the dependency
STEP 1. Install dependancy
mvn install
STEP 2. Build war file
mvn clean package
STEP 3. Run on localhost
Run local by mvnw
, will start on http://localhost:8081
./mvnw clean package && java -jar target/spring-boot-ords-boilerplate-1.0.0.war
STEP 4. View Swagger UI
Open http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html
- aspect: Using AOP to log RESTful APIs information
- config: Define configuration, ex: swagger config
- controller: Define API path, accept paramter and response
- exception: Define exception
- handler: Define handler, ex: exception handler
- parameter: Define RESTful APIs parameters
- service: Define business logic for controller usage
STEP 1. Run the command to generate Java doc
mvn javadoc:javadoc
STEP 2. Open Java doc
Open target/site/apidocs/index.html
, it will show Java doc as well
STEP 1. Clone Repository
Clone https://github.com/PhyrexTsai/docker-db-apex-dev/ and run the step by on README.md
STEP 2. Launch Instance
Execute SQL and launch API by following https://github.com/PhyrexTsai/docker-db-apex-dev/blob/master/ORDS.md