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Michel Rouzic’s drawing calculator

Here’s what it does:

  • Enter an algorithm in RLIP.

  • Each time you call symb it adds a circle to a list of circles to draw. The first two arguments are the X-Y position, the next argument is the circle radius (same units as the position), and the next four arguments are red-green-blue-alpha in linear values in the 0 to 1 range.

  • The program just draws from that list of circles.

As with all my projects it depends on rouziclib for all the heavy lifting so it needs to be in your include path.



How to zoom

The interface is zoomable as explained here. Basically by clicking the middle mouse button you enter the zoom-scroll mode so you can zoom (using the scroll wheel) and adjust the selection with more precision. You exit that mode by clicking the middle mouse button again or better yet reset the view by holding the middle mouse button for at least half a second.

Full screen

You can press Alt-Return to switch between full screen or windowed mode.

Example formulas

Bokeh 3D sphere

This one creates a 3D sphere with bokeh with two coloured areas. Adjust the knob for variable k0 for how the dots spin up the sphere, angle to make it rotate and k1 to adjust camera focus.

d i = 0
  expr d north = (i-0.5)/2
  expr d west = (i * k0 + 0.25)%1
  expr d westr = (west - angle)%1
  expr d p.x = cos_tr_d2(westr) * cos_tr_d2(north)
  expr d p.y = cos_tr_d2(north-0.25)
  expr d p.z = cos_tr_d2(westr-0.25) * cos_tr_d2(north)

  expr d rad = abs(p.z-k1) * 0.02
  expr d m = .00003/sq(rad)
  expr m = m*erfr(p.z*3)

  // Colours
  expr d spot_a = 8*exp(-sqadd((north-0.1)*40, (west-0.3)*20))
  expr d spot_b = exp(-sqadd((north+0.05)*20, (west-0.5)*20))
  expr d red = 0.13*m + spot_a*m + spot_b*4*m
  expr d grn = (0.13 + spot_a)*m (1 - spot_b)^20 + spot_b*.04*m
  expr d blu = (0.5 + spot_b)*m (1 - spot_b)^20 + spot_b*.04*m

  // Draw symbol
  d v = symb p.x p.y rad red grn blu 1

  i = add i .0008
i i_cond = cmp i <= 1
if i_cond goto i_loop
return 0

Bubble universe

Adapted from this tweet. Use k0 to make time move forward (hold the Alt key to make it happen smoothly).

d num_curves = 512
d iter = 400
d t = k0
d alpha = 1
d radm = 0.004
d r = 2pi/235
d tr = 1/(2pi)

d i = 0
  d p.x = 0
  d p.y = 0

  d j = 0
    // Position
    expr d a = i*r + t + p.x
    expr d b = i + t + p.y
    expr p.x = cos_tr_d2(a*tr-0.25) + cos_tr_d2(b*tr-0.25)
    expr p.y = cos_tr_d2(a*tr) + cos_tr_d2(b*tr)*0.1

    // Radius
    expr d rad = radm * (1 - (j / iter))

    // Colour
    expr d red = sq(i / num_curves)
    expr d grn = sq(0.5+0.5*cos_tr_d2(j/200+0.25))
    expr d blu = sq(1-(i/num_curves+j/iter)/2)

    // Draw symbol
    d v = symb p.x p.y rad red grn blu alpha

    inc1 j
  i j_cond = cmp j < iter
  if j_cond goto j_loop

  i = add i 3.86
i i_cond = cmp i < num_curves
if i_cond goto i_loop
return 0

Graphing calculator

Naturally you can simply loop through a variable x, calculate a y from it, and for each iteration of x draw a circle at (x, y).

// Circle colour
d m = 0.1
d rb = mul m 0.1
d g = mul m 0.8

d x = -40
  d y = 0

  // Loop through frequencies and sum them to y
  d freq = 0
    expr y = y + cos_tr_d2(x*freq)*erfr(freq*k0-k1)
  freq = add freq 0.01
  i c_freq = cmp freq < 0.5
  if c_freq goto loop_freq

  // Control vertical scale
  y = mul y 0.5

  // Draw the circle
  d v = symb x y .04 rb g rb 1
x = add x 0.005
i c_x = cmp x < 40
if c_x goto loop_x
return 0

Palette generation

I needed to create a 256-colour palette for some data visualisation so I experimented with colouring a grid of circles until I was happy with the formula.

d i = 0
  expr d t = (255-i)*0.2
  expr d m = sqrt(i/255)

  // Colours
  expr d red = (1-abs(cos_tr_d2(0.16 * t-0.25))) * m
  expr d grn = (1-abs(cos_tr_d2(0.02 * t -0.25))) * (i/255)
  expr d blu = (1-abs(cos_tr_d2(0.15 * t-0.25))) * m

  // Draw palette
  expr d p.x = i%16
  expr d p.y = floor(i/16)
  d v = symb p.x p.y 0.46 red grn blu 1

  // Draw side graph
  p.x = mad red 8 16.5
  p.y = mad blu 8 3
  v = symb p.x p.y 0.08 red grn blu 1

  i = add i 1
i i_cond = cmp i < 256
if i_cond goto i_loop
return 0