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Plugin to simplify communication between multiple Minecraft servers in a network (and their proxy). Support Spigot/Paper, BungeeCord and Velocity.

This includes a bridging utility and some basic commands to use the provided utility functionality but it is mostly meant to be depended on by other plugins so they can easily query and send data between servers without having to implement that logic themselves.


  • Send arbitrary data to servers and proxies
  • Send commands to other servers and proxies
  • Server-side command registration from proxy
  • Location querying
  • Server state querying
  • Teleporting (Including multi-proxy player to player teleportation)
  • Proxy-side Vault/Tresor integration

Communication Methods

  • Plugin Messages (limited functionality)
  • peer-to-peer
  • redis pub sub
  • MQTT (E.g. with RabbitMQ)


On the Spigot server

Permission: connectorplugin.command
Aliases: connector, connectorcommand, connplugin, cp

teleport <player> <server> [<world> [<x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>]]]
Teleport a player to the specified server/world/location
Permission: connectorplugin.command.teleport
Aliases: tp, send

teleporttoplayer <player> [<targetplayer>]
Teleport yourself to the player or the player to the target player
Permission: connectorplugin.command.teleporttoplayer
Aliases: teleportplayer, tpp

servercommand <server> <command>...
Executes command in the console of the specified server
Permission: connectorplugin.command.servercommand
Aliases: serverconsole, serverconsolecommand, server, scc

servercommand p:<player> <command>...
Executes command in the console of the server the player is connected to
Permission: connectorplugin.command.servercommand
Aliases: serverconsole, serverconsolecommand, server, scc

proxycommand <command>...
Execute a command on all other proxies
Permission: connectorplugin.command.proxycommand
Aliases: proxyconsole, proxyconsolecommand, proxy, pcc

proxyplayercommand <player> <command>...
Execute a command as a player on the proxy they are connected to
Permission: connectorplugin.command.proxyplayercommand
Aliases: proxyplayer, player, ppc

On the Proxies

Main Bungee command

Permission: connectorplugin.command
Aliases: connectorbungee, connectorcommandbungee, connpluginbungee, cpb

Main Velocity command

Permission: connectorplugin.command
Aliases: connectorvelocity, connectorcommandvelocity, connpluginvelocity, cpv

Proxy sub commands

teleport <player> <server> [<world> [<x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>]]]
Teleport a player to the specified server/world/location
Permission: connectorplugin.command.teleport
Aliases: tp, send

teleporttoplayer <player> [<targetplayer>]
Teleport yourself to the player or the player to the target player
Permission: connectorplugin.command.teleporttoplayer
Aliases: teleportplayer, tpp

servercommand <server> <command>...
Executes command in the console of the specified server
Permission: connectorplugin.command.servercommand
Aliases: serverconsole, serverconsolecommand, server, scc

servercommand p:<player> <command>...
Executes command in the console of the server the player is connected to
Permission: connectorplugin.command.servercommand
Aliases: serverconsole, serverconsolecommand, server, scc

serverplayercommand <player> <command>...
Execute a command as the target player on their server
Permission: connectorplugin.command.serverplayercommand
Aliases: serverplayer, player, spc

proxycommand <command>...
Execute a command on all other proxies
Permission: connectorplugin.command.proxycommand
Aliases: proxyconsole, proxyconsolecommand, proxy, pcc

Developer Info



Check the wiki for usage examples.

Maven Info



Latest development builds can be found on the Jenkins:


This project is licensed under the AGPLv3:

 Copyright (C) 2021 Max Lee aka Phoenix616 (

 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 along with this program.  If not, see <>.