Releases: PharmGKB/PharmCAT
Releases · PharmGKB/PharmCAT
1.3.0 (2021-12-09)
This update pulls in CPIC v1.11. It also includes a couple improvements to the preprocessor.
Bug Fixes
- data: update to CPIC v1.11 (e741c7f)
- preprocessor: add missing multiallelic variants/positions as phased and bcftools determines phasing by GT delimiter accordingly (f7762ad), closes #78
- preprocessor: fix for PGx positions with missing ALT (e2592b2), closes #77
- preprocessor: fix output dir of a temp (f726303)
- preprocessor: interrupt and print a warning message if a gVCF input is detected (441a384)
1.2.0 (2021-10-27)
This is mainly a data release.
- PharmCAT now bundles CPIC data v1.10.
- PharmCAT is also now available as a Docker image on Docker Hub.
- Various quality of life improvements for the preprocessor (see below for details).
Bug Fixes
- data: update SLC01B1 data (47b572a)
- docker: update docker to use bgzipped reference FASTA (15e5977)
- docker: update docker to use bgzipped reference FASTA (9b594f6)
- NamedAlleleMatcher: improve warning message when GT in VCF doesn't have 2 alleles (890ae92)
- pharmcat: remove UGT1A1 special handling and add more SLCO1B1 examples (74c9ae8)
- preprocessor: update vcf header and properly sort vcf after normalization (e512bc3)
- preprocessor: validate bgzip (78ccd71)
- preprocessor: if output_folder is not specified, use parent directory of input (fef2722)
- preprocessor: improve how reference FASTA is obtained (9860ce2)
- preprocessor: update usage docs (0faf08e)
1.1.0 (2021-10-14)
This release adds the PharmCAT preprocessor!
- default '--ref_pgx_vcf' to 'pharmcat_positions.vcf.bgz' in the current working directory (eb34576)
- make output directory optional (55c244b), closes #68
- normalize "chrMT" to "chrM" (509c010)
- output dir of preprocessor now defaults to the dir of input VCF (c677e61)
Bug Fixes
- display version with --version flag (f7f6bbe)
- include URL to docs when multisample VCF is found (6105bcb)
- normalize "chrom" field to chrM for mitochondria (da2a456)
- remove pre-release note in PharmCAT runtime (81e9233)
- sort pharmcat_positions.vcf, add support for .bgz and .tbi of pharmcat_positions.vcf (2434f56)
- update processor details to v1.0.0 (ac3d001)
1.0.0 (2021-09-27)
- The allele definition format has been updated and is not backwards compatible.
- updating to Java 14
- add "pj" flag to PharmCAT class for writing Phenotyper output to a JSON file (5986b66)
- add a summary page to PharmCAT website (565f031)
- add AutogeneratedVcfTester (e504c24)
- add CLI option to get all results from NamedAlleleMatcher (40c4377)
- add CPIC version to Reporter output (83027f4)
- add docker support (b53f46d)
- add drugs file to DataManager and update drugs file (d604652)
- add exact-match-only to AutogeneratedVcfTester (fd14cd6)
- add messages to drug reports for certain gene calls (3da72a0)
- add option to PharmCAT runner to retain all scoring matches (f8b8ece)
- add support for MT-RNR1 (6d93598)
- add warning messages for ambiguous diplotype calls (2c2cc37)
- data update from CPIC and related changes (3d23a85)
- extract only exactly matched PGx variants (used to based on position) (e101d27)
- handle unassigned function alleles (cebfda9)
- make an explicit list of "reportable" drugs (99bf3b4)
- move CYP2D6 to list of preferred outside calls in summary report (8d07f60)
- new unphased data note in final report (826cbb5)
- normalize alleles for VCF (bfd37d8)
- option to keep intermediate files (882990b)
- option to provide a list of vcf files (dbef0c4)
- show matching diplotypes in final report recommendations sections (de18261)
- support new message annotation matching for ambiguous het calls (831fb79)
- take a file of samples to preprocess (b0f50f2)
- update report disclaimer template to match website (75d1af3)
- validate bcftools and tabix (252f7c1)
Bug Fixes
- add fuzzy match support to AutogeneratedVcfTester (296fef6)
- add overlap check to AutogeneratedVcfTester (bad7b98)
- ambiguous code expansion (f097ce7)
- ambiguous REF in output VCF files (d8a9c17)
- apply same criteria for ambiguity messages to genes and drugs (fa94e2a)
- change naming convention for IFNL3 to IFNL3/4 for final report (ffd1aa8)
- clean up message annotation matching (1c0b4f4)
- cleanup, appease linter (b260c24)
- custom definition transform for CYP2C19 *1 and *38 (1489005)
- default "No Result" value for uncalled genes when doing recommendation lookup (60961a8)
- default allHits/assumeReference in DefinitionExemption to be null (fcc23f2)
- download from url, test vcf (5840864)
- error in reading the sample file (9dccb85)
- exclude CYP2D6 from ExtractPositions (71ef0cb)
- file path split (62427e9)
- files containing wobble correctly identified (a561daf)
- finalize vcf query caching (b031691)
- fix ambiguity criteria for message annotation (2b0074e)
- fix bad import (4642716)
- fix COPY error in Dockerfile (37ddbfa)
- fix executable flag for test script (5274440)
- fix ExtractPositionsTest to also ignore genes (60d7e90)
- fix format of examples page on site (f8f4216)
- fix gradle "dataUpdate" task file paths to currently used paths (90e7372)
- fix missing variant column in genotype table of report (512742a)
- fix NPE when variant has no dbSNP ID (047313d)
- fix pre-release URL (a63e703)
- fix report layout (59b8e1c)
- fix sequence for deletion in NUDT15 definition (9a369d7)
- fix summary report of "outside call" genes and update summary page (a8e341c)
- fix the image URL for warfarin diagram (643317c)
- fix typo in message annotation data file (3b93329)
- fix warfarin display of recommendation text (57eaf10)
- fix wording for outside call alert (61419c9)
- fold pharmcat_positions.vcf into DataManager, remove pharmcat_intervals.txt (bf0caa5)
- generate uncompressed vcf (91bd1d2)
- handle ambiguous IUPAC codes properly (fef7251)
- handle long list of biobank samples (078f688)
- handle unexpected alleles gracefully (2dfbf0e)
- ignore MT-RNR1 on the reporter side (ed4ddb1)
- ignore positions with empty reference allele (b5198b0)
- import package ([69ea88e](69ea88e91edaae194871400d35d...
0.8.0 (2021-03-31)
- add "label" field to Phenotyper output for diplotypes (b92b914)
- add new GenotypeInterpretation class (c90e358)
- add the reference flag to namedAllele objects (f02d872)
- add timer (eb5c997)
- add warfarin and peginterferon back in to drug list (18ed7f9)
- change gene-phenotype to use new layout (151de09)
- download to temp file (5c46985)
- enable Phenotyper to take either VCF input or NamedAlleleMatcher output JSON (1631d52), closes #39
- handle local files (9d0c46b)
- improve and expand outside call features (e2eedfc)
- include "comments" on recommendations in final report (71ce411)
- pull definitions from S3 and support ignored positions (4702f04)
- recursive output directory creation (b547294)
- reporter update intermediate check-in (33c560b)
- update gene definition files (141bed6)
- update to latest CPIC drugs and phenotypes (780a1f6)
Bug Fixes
- adjust TPMT variant count (dceb6ba)
- appease javadoc (6153145)
- avoid warning for transient Pattern in NamedAllele (4e27107)
- clear rsid map before rebuilding it (d9973b8)
- combine duplicate position columns from CYP2D6 translation (e70648d)
- display number of files produced (842414d)
- do not include data for anything involving blacklisted genes (408f503)
- DPYD chromosomal HGVS name (d82cb44)
- explicitly set date format (876182e)
- fix bug when diplotypes are specified in reverse order (fixes DPYD bug) (3849c47)
- fix bug when overriding callable genes with outside calls (85ad9f5)
- fix bugs and performance in ExtractPositions (95f3725), closes #34
- fix CFTR tests to remove F508del and change "Reference" (c50cfd4)
- fix CYP2C9 *2/*3 unit test (d82fd7e)
- fix delete obsolete files (11da562)
- fix DPYD integration test (524c3c3)
- fix gene definition files to make reference allele be first (0951f57)
- fix NamedAlleleMather tests to account for changed allele names (14f0f7f)
- fix recommendation matching for multi-gene guidelines (bd1ee0c)
- fix remove ignored positions not removing associated alleles (9ca4a2c), closes #36
- fix unsafe operation compiler warning (a081bb7)
- fix variant ordering bug (ee7e1af)
- fix VCF syntax for unspecified and deletion genotypes (5b6ae8e)
- improve handling of "Unknown" calls (a46866f)
- names for position chr6:18132163 in TPMT (39a99f7)
- remove "highlighted" drugs in final report (4a1f9ef)
- remove "no calls" from sample files (1fbb002)
- remove genes not used in recommendation match (7c027d9)
- remove ignored positions from named alleles as well (351979f)
- remove styling for Rx change in report (4e89125)
- remove tests for *60 UGT1A1 allele (80fbd5f)
- remove unnecessary variant allele options (f931b89)
- remove unused "g" option for PharmCAT CLI (f161a67)
- removed redundant convert_to_*.py scripts; condensed the scripts to one main script and one function library (8ef9f21)
- show genotype of "highlighted" variants in guideline section of report (f2bf726), closes #31
- skip import of allele definitions that have all alleles ignored (65dacd9)
- support ignored position exemptions (5ecb6e1)
- switch to PEP8 code style, clean up output, add basic input error checking (dac626c)
- take chr## or ## (-> chr##) for CHROM (9bce353)
- update input argument (2f57352)
- update test cases to adjust for changes to allele definitions and exemptions (cc0d997)
Performance Improvements
- speed up VCF preprocessing (d5a847d)
Bugfix pre-release
This pre-release addresses a date formatting bug found in the v0.7.0 pre-release.
Release for publication doi:10.1002/cpt.1568
This release was created to correspond to the publication "Pharmacogenomics Clinical Annotation Tool (PharmCAT)" in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
This release was used on a set of sample files from the GeT-RM project. You can find the data files and other supporting documents at the Stanford Digital Repository.
This release adds:
- new synthetic test VCFs for CYP2C19 & CYP3A5 to test the matcher
- fixes for some existing CYP2C19 test VCF files missing alt alleles
- many updates to the PharmCAT site
- a fix for reading definition files
- update to the CYP2C19 allele definitions that use rs72558189
Pre-release candidate
- updated CFTR allele handling
- updated TPMT allele handling
- add highlighting for called alleles that don't match alleles in the definition files
- fix bug for drug names in optional JSON report #18
Pre-release candidate
Improved UGT1A1 matching in certain phased samples.
Improved handling of conflicting calls for same position in the sample.