If you're one of the unknown code author then contact me and I'll update the psv file.
- VitaCheatDatabase:
- @ShumnoT
- @Smoker1
- @theAlevan
- @WasabiIceCream
- Code author:
- 0x6a6576
- AngelofWoe
- Aichitaka/Jialeyne19
- attmkk
- BishamonIl
- Borderlinez
- dask
- Daze
- Demolinizer
- Dynel81
- eco95
- eighthdayregret
- falconcrest
- Fullcodes
- gayfriend
- InfamousK
- Junliang
- Kaymynd
- KiraYamatoSD
- Larry Dungo
- Makein
- Mapachillo
- monodevil
- NanayaEmiya
- Neriek
- ness151
- noelxleon
- nolberto82
- optantic
- Qiu Tonghe
- r0ah
- rioM1
- Retroboy
- RikuNoctis
- SkyRider13
- Smich
- Smoker1
- speedfly
- tokthem
- Udaius
- VisitntX
- vergil
- westwood
- xJam.es
- ymbgames
- Yohoki
- zacknova
- 我爱吃洋葱
- 执行者NO.X
- 路人甲
- 囧样雷管
- 我爱吃洋葱/真七支剑
- 本文由萌新投稿
- Code sharer:
- alphasurge
- Tsukasa
- VitaCheat:
- FinalCheat
- Blood.Xia
- Fullcodes
- Pointer search (TempAR):
- raing3
- eighthdayregret
- Smoker1
- AnalogMan
- 0x3000027E
- Cheat plugin:
- vosman
- blueheaven
- Smoker1
- RikuNoctis
- Demolinizer