Before that setup the default client, or will inject your own client.
new_story = { 'comments':[ {'text': 'A comment to start the story'} ],
'deadline': '2016-12-31T12:30:00Z',
'estimate': 8,
'labels': [ {'name': 'High'}, {'name': 'bug' } ],
'name': "Can't login and get 503",
'project_id': 4,
'story_type': 'bug',
'tasks': [ {'description': 'Monitor server load' } ]}
story = await club_house.stories.create(**new_story)
many_stories = { "stories": [
{'name': "Login",
'project_id': 4,
'story_type': 'bug'},
'name': "Log Out",
'project_id': 4,
'story_type': 'feature'}]}
stories = await club_house.stories.create('bulk',**many_stories)
id_story = 120
updates = {
'name': "Can't login and get 503",
'project_id': 4,
'story_type': 'feature'}
story = await club_house.stories.update(id_story, **updates)
many_stories = { 'story_ids': [125,126], 'project_id': 4,'story_type': 'bug'}
stories = await club_house.stories.update('bulk',**many_stories)
id_story = 120
linked_file = await club_house.stories.get(id_story)
When None is returned this means it was successfull
id_story = 120
await club_house.stories.delete(id_story)
many_stories = { 'story_ids': [125,126]}
await club_house.stories.delete('bulk', **many_stories)
Returns a list of all labels
all_linked_files = await club_house.stories()
id_story = 120
story = await club_house.stories.history(id_story)