This project has been created to practice using Filament, the Sakila database I created Pen-y-Fan/sakila has been used as test data.
This is a Laravel 9 project. The requirements are the same as a new Laravel 9 project.
See Cloning a repository for details on how to create a local copy of this project on your computer.
git clone
Install all the dependencies using composer
cd sakila
composer install
Create an .env
file from .env.example
composer post-root-package-install
Generate an APP_KEY using the artisan command
php artisan key:generate
This experiment uses models and seeders to generate the tables for the database. Tests will use the seeded data, which is based on the Sakila database. configure the Laravel .env file with the database, updating username and password as per you local setup.
The database will need to be manually created e.g.
mysql -u YourDatabaseUserName
CREATE DATABASE filament_sakila CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
Although Laravel is compatible with different database servers, some fields used in this database will only work on MySQL servers.
This project uses models and seeders to generate the tables for the database. Tests will use the seeded data, which is based on the Sakila database.
php artisan migrate --seed
To make it easy to run all the PHPUnit tests a composer script has been created in composer.json. From the root of the projects, run:
composer tests
You should see the results in testDoc format:
PHPUnit 9.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Example (Tests\Unit\Example)
✔ That true is true
Example (Tests\Feature\Example)
✔ The application returns a successful response
User (Tests\Feature\User)
✔ A user can be created
Easy Coding Standard (ECS) is used to check for style and code standards, PSR-12 is used. Regularly run code standard checks to automatically clean up your code. In particular run before committing any code.
To make it easy to run Easy Coding Standard (ECS) a composer script has been created in composer.json. From the root of the projects, run:
composer check-cs
You should see the results:
[OK] No errors found. Great job - your code is shiny in style!
If there are any warning, ECS will advise you to run --fix to fix them, this also has a composer script:
composer fix-cs
Sometimes the fix command needs to be run several times, as one fix will identify more problems, keep running the fix-cs until you get the OK message.
PhpStan is used to run static analysis checks. Larastan has been installed, which is PhpStan and Laravel rules. Regularly run static analysis checks to help identify problems. In particular run before committing any code.
To make it easy to run PhpStan a composer script has been created in composer.json. From the root of the projects, run:
composer check-cs
You should see the results:
[OK] No errors
If PhpStan identifies any problems then review and fix them one by one.
GrumPHP has been installed and configured to run a pre-commit hook, when you
git commit
any code ECS, PhpStan and PHPUnit will be automatically run, if any of these fail the commit will be
rejected. You can always write a rule to bypass the failing code, but it is better to fix the problem.
To access the Filament dashboard you will need to create a filament user:
php artisan make:filament-user
Follow the prompts for name, email and password
Once created navigate to: /admin and login. You will see the admin portal.
This is a personal project. Contributions are not required. Anyone interested in developing this project are welcome to fork or clone for your own use.
MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
The contents of the Sakila database, namely the sakila-schema.sql and sakila-data.sql files form the basis of this project. The Sakila database is licensed under the New BSD license, the Sakila database does not need to be downloaded. Laravel will migrate and seed the database.