The following packages need to be installed in order to be able to compile this package
- cmake
- pkg-config
- g++ or clang (with C++11 support)
- doxygen (for documentation generation)
On Ubuntu or debian, those dependencies can be installed with the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install cmake pkg-config g++ doxygen
If you want support for the DLT, that package needs to be installed ( Please note that a mistake in DLT's pkg-config file brings a strange dependency to "libz", which you might have to install as well:
$ sudo apt-get install libz-dev
The following switches can be used to customize the way the package is built:
- ENABLE_DLT_BACKEND : "Include DLT as default logging backend". Default value : OFF
- ENABLE_CONSOLE_BACKEND : "Include DLT as default logging backend". Default value : ON
- INSTALL_DOC : "Enable the installation of Doxygen documentation". Default value : OFF
In order to enable a switch, use -DSWITCH_NAME=ON/OFF when you invoke the cmake command.
Example to enable the DLT: -DENABLE_DLT_BACKEND=ON
Here are instructions on how to build the package:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/My/Installation/Location ..
$ make install
When building and installing the package, the following should be installed:
- Development headers
- A library which your software needs to link against in order to use ivi-logging functionality
- A pkg-config file to be used to build your software against ivi-logging
- An example application called "logging-example", which is installed in "/usr/bin" (if your installation prefix is "/usr")
- The doxygen documentation (optional), in "share/ivi-logging"
To test whether the package has been correctly installed, you can start the example application ("/usr/bin/logging-example"), which should simply print a few logs to the console and also to the DLT (only if the ENABLE_DLT_BACKEND switch is enabled) and exit.