Usage: ccjs sourceFiles ... [--option=value --flagOption ...] [> outFile]
--accept_const_keyword : Allows usage of const keyword.
--angular_pass : Generate $inject properties for
AngularJS for functions annotated
with @ngInject
--charset=VAL : Input and output charset for all
files. By default, we accept UTF-8 as
input and output US_ASCII
--closure_entry_point=VAL : Entry points to the program. Must be
goog.provide'd symbols. Any goog.provi
de'd symbols that are not a transitive
dependency of the entry points will
be removed. Files without goog.provide
s, and their dependencies, will
always be left in. If any entry
points are specified, then the
manage_closure_dependencies option
will be set to true and all files
will be sorted in dependency order.
--common_js_entry_module=VAL : Root of your common JS dependency
hierarchy. Your main script.
--common_js_module_path_prefix=VAL : Path prefix to be removed from
CommonJS module names.
--compilation_level=[WHITESPACE_ONLY : Specifies the compilation level to
--create_name_map_files : If true, variable renaming and
property renaming map files will be
produced as {binary name}_vars_map.out
and {binary name}_props_map.out. Note
that this flag cannot be used in
conjunction with either variable_map_o
utput_file or property_map_output_file
--create_source_map=VAL : If specified, a source map file
mapping the generated source files
back to the original source file will
be output to the specified path. The
%outname% placeholder will expand to
the name of the output file that the
source map corresponds to.
--debug : Enable debugging options
--define=(--D, -D) VAL : Override the value of a variable
annotated @define. The format is
<name>[=<val>], where <name> is the
name of a @define variable and <val>
is a boolean, number, or a single-quot
ed string that contains no single
quotes. If [=<val>] is omitted, the
variable is marked true
--externs=VAL : The file containing JavaScript
externs. You may specify multiple
--extra_annotation_name=VAL : A whitelist of tag names in JSDoc.
You may specify multiple
--flagfile=VAL : A file containing additional command-l
ine options.
--formatting=[PRETTY_PRINT | PRINT_INP : Specifies which formatting options,
UT_DELIMITER | SINGLE_QUOTES] : if any, should be applied to the
output JS. Options: PRETTY_PRINT,
--generate_exports : Generates export code for those
marked with @export
--help : Displays this message
--jscomp_error=VAL : Make the named class of warnings an
error. Options:accessControls,
ambiguousFunctionDecl, checkRegExp,
checkTypes, checkVars, const,
constantProperty, deprecated,
duplicateMessage, es5Strict, externsVa
lidation, fileoverviewTags, globalThis
, internetExplorerChecks, invalidCasts
, misplacedTypeAnnotation, missingProp
erties, nonStandardJsDocs, suspiciousC
ode, strictModuleDepCheck, typeInvalid
ation, undefinedNames, undefinedVars,
unknownDefines, uselessCode, visibilit
--jscomp_off=VAL : Turn off the named class of warnings.
Options:accessControls, ambiguousFunct
ionDecl, checkRegExp, checkTypes,
checkVars, const, constantProperty,
deprecated, duplicateMessage,
es5Strict, externsValidation,
fileoverviewTags, globalThis,
internetExplorerChecks, invalidCasts,
misplacedTypeAnnotation, missingProper
ties, nonStandardJsDocs, suspiciousCod
e, strictModuleDepCheck, typeInvalidat
ion, undefinedNames, undefinedVars,
unknownDefines, uselessCode, visibilit
--jscomp_warning=VAL : Make the named class of warnings a
normal warning. Options:accessControls
, ambiguousFunctionDecl, checkRegExp,
checkTypes, checkVars, const,
constantProperty, deprecated,
duplicateMessage, es5Strict, externsVa
lidation, fileoverviewTags, globalThis
, internetExplorerChecks, invalidCasts
, misplacedTypeAnnotation, missingProp
erties, nonStandardJsDocs, suspiciousC
ode, strictModuleDepCheck, typeInvalid
ation, undefinedNames, undefinedVars,
unknownDefines, uselessCode, visibilit
--language_in=VAL : Sets what language spec that input
sources conform. Options: ECMASCRIPT3
--logging_level=VAL : The logging level (standard java.util.
logging.Level values) for Compiler
progress. Does not control errors or
warnings for the JavaScript code
under compilation
--manage_closure_dependencies : Automatically sort dependencies so
that a file that goog.provides symbol
X will always come before a file that
goog.requires symbol X. If an input
provides symbols, and those symbols
are never required, then that input
will not be included in the compilatio
--module=VAL : A JavaScript module specification.
The format is <name>:<num-js-files>[:[
<dep>,...][:]]]. Module names must be
unique. Each dep is the name of a
module that this module depends on.
Modules must be listed in dependency
order, and JS source files must be
listed in the corresponding order.
Where --module=flags occur in
relation to --js=flags is unimportant.
Provide the value 'auto' to trigger
module creation from CommonJSmodules.
--module_output_path_prefix=VAL : Prefix for filenames of compiled JS
modules. <module-name>.js will be
appended to this prefix. Directories
will be created as needed. Use with
--module_wrapper=VAL : An output wrapper for a JavaScript
module (optional). The format is
<name>:<wrapper>. The module name
must correspond with a module
specified using --module. The wrapper
must contain %s as the code placeholde
r. The %basename% placeholder can
also be used to substitute the base
name of the module output file.
--only_closure_dependencies : Only include files in the transitive
dependency of the entry points
(specified by closure_entry_point).
Files that do not provide dependencies
will be removed. This supersedesmanage
--output_manifest=VAL : Prints out a list of all the files in
the compilation. If --manage_closure_d
ependencies is on, this will not
include files that got dropped
because they were not required. The
%outname% placeholder expands to the
JS output file. If you're using
modularization, using %outname% will
create a manifest for each module.
--output_module_dependencies=VAL : Prints out a JSON file of dependencies
between modules.
--output_wrapper=VAL : Interpolate output into this string
at the place denoted by the marker
token %output%. Use marker token
%output|jsstring% to do js string
escaping on the output.
--print_ast : Prints a dot file describing the
internal abstract syntax tree and
--print_pass_graph : Prints a dot file describing the
passes that will get run and exits
--print_tree : Prints out the parse tree and exits
--process_closure_primitives : Processes built-ins from the Closure
library, such as goog.require(),
goog.provide(), and goog.exportSymbol(
--process_common_js_modules : Process CommonJS modules to a
concatenable form.
--process_jquery_primitives : Processes built-ins from the Jquery
library, such as jQuery.fn and
--property_map_input_file=VAL : File containing the serialized
version of the property renaming map
produced by a previous compilation
--property_map_output_file=VAL : File where the serialized version of
the property renaming map produced
should be saved
--source_map_format=[V1 | DEFAULT | : The source map format to produce.
V2 | V3] : Options: V1, V2, V3, DEFAULT. DEFAULT
produces V2.
--summary_detail_level=N : Controls how detailed the compilation
summary is. Values: 0 (never print
summary), 1 (print summary only if
there are errors or warnings), 2
(print summary if the 'checkTypes'
diagnostic group is enabled, see
--jscomp_warning), 3 (always print
summary). The default level is 1
--third_party : Check source validity but do not
enforce Closure style rules and
--transform_amd_modules : Transform AMD to CommonJS modules.
--translations_file=VAL : Source of translated messages.
Currently only supports XTB.
--translations_project=VAL : Scopes all translations to the
specified project.When specified, we
will use different message ids so
that messages in different projects
can have different translations.
--use_only_custom_externs : Specifies whether the default externs
should be excluded
--use_types_for_optimization : Experimental: perform additional
optimizations based on available
information. Inaccurate type
annotations may result in incorrect
--variable_map_input_file=VAL : File containing the serialized
version of the variable renaming map
produced by a previous compilation
--variable_map_output_file=VAL : File where the serialized version of
the variable renaming map produced
should be saved
--version : Prints the compiler version to stderr.
--warning_level=[QUIET | DEFAULT | : Specifies the warning level to use.
--warnings_whitelist_file=VAL : A file containing warnings to
suppress. Each line should be of the
<file-name>:<line-number>? <warning-d
This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 27, 2018. It is now read-only.