Below are resources to aid you in your job search. Be sure to follow the guidelines below to ensure a strong online presence. Last but not least, Google yourself to make sure there's nothing that you aren't proud of!
- Alumni Hackerspace (Slack)
- Job Leads (Slack)
The first step to getting a job is getting noticed. To get that first initial encounter with recruiters, we recommend the following articles:
- Resume
- GitHub Beyond organizing your Github, make sure you stay active!
- Other Portfolios (in progress)
- Networking & Community Support
- Job Boards
- Apprenticeships
- Remote Internships & Open Source Projects (video)
- Code Triage: Triage Open Source Issues, Squash COVID-19
- Example coding interview (video)
- Interview Script - How it will go and what you should say!
- Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
- The top data structures you should know for your next coding interview
Theory is great but let's put it to action.
- HackerRank Interview Preparation Kit
- Interview Prep by
- the last section offers a ton of challenges
Recommendations from Google Engineers:
- Project Euler
- Interview Preparation Kit by Hackerrank
- Leetcode
- 500 Data Structures and Algorithms
- Top 10 Algos in Interview Questions
- Interview Puzzles
Mock Interviews will be offer by appointment only. For more info, please read our Mock Interview documentation.