Write a simple program that prompts the user for seven inputs then prints a Mad Lib as the result.
It can be a little tricky to find a plain-text Mad Lib that's easy to copy and paste. Instead, choose some song lyrics, a poem or quote, or create your own story.
- Choose some text to act as your Mad Lib
- Ask the user for each word you'll put in your Mad Lib
- Use an f-string to put each word into the Mad Lib
Give me an antonym for 'data': nonmaterial
Tell me an adjective: Bearded
Give me a sciency buzzword: half-stack
A type of animal (plural): parrots
Some Sciency thing: warp drive
Another sciency thing: Trilithium crystals
Sciency adjective: biochemical
Nonmaterial Scientist Job Description:
Seeking a bearded engineer, able to work on half-stack projects with a team of parrots.
Key responsibilities:
- Extract patterns from non-material
- Optimize warp drive
- Transform trilithium crystals into biochemical material.
- Make a solution that asks for a number or numbers, and does a mathematical operation printing out the result of the math
- Make it a repeatable game using a