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Message Translator CBPR+ Demo

The project is here to demonstrate how our SDK for CBPR+ Message Translator works. For our demonstration we are going to use the demo SDK which can translate MT to CBPR+ messages.

This documentation describes how to incorporate the CBPR+ Translator Library into your project. The SDK is written in Java.
By following this guide you will be able to translate MT(ISO 15022) messages to CBPR+ messages and vice versa according to CBPR+ guidelines.

It's a simple maven project, you can download it and run it, with Java 1.8 or above.

SDK setup

Incorporate the SDK jar into your project by the regular IDE means.
This process will vary depending upon your specific IDE and you should consult your documentation on how to deploy a bean.
For example in Intellij all that needs to be done is to import the jar files into a project. Alternatively, you can import it as a Maven or Gradle dependency.


Define repository in the repositories section


Import the SDK


Import additional dependencies if not included in your project


For Java 11 or above



Define repository in the repositories section

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

Import the SDK

implementation 'gr.datamation:translator-cbpr:4.37.0:demo@jar'

Import additional dependencies if not included in your project

implementation group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy-all', version: '2.5.11', ext: 'pom'

For Java 11 or above

implementation group: 'org.codehaus.mojo', name: 'jaxb2-maven-plugin', version: '2.5.0'

Supported MT > MX Translations

MT message MX message Translator Class Available in Demo Custom Translation Rules
MT101 pain.001.001.09 Mt101ToPain001
MT103 pacs.008.001.08 Mt103ToPacs008
MT103STP pacs.008.001.08 Mt103ToPacs008
MT103(Return) pacs.004.001.09 Mt103ToPacs004
MT103 pacs.002.001.10 Mt103ToPacs002
MT192 camt.056.001.08 Mt192Mt292ToCamt056
MT292 camt.056.001.08 Mt192Mt292ToCamt056
MT196 camt.029.001.09 Mt196Mt296ToCamt029
MT296 camt.029.001.09 Mt196Mt296ToCamt029
MT202 pacs.009.001.08.core Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT202 pacs.009.001.08.core Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT205 pacs.009.001.08.core Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT200 pacs.009.001.08 Mt200ToPacs009
MT205COV pacs.009.001.08.cov Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT202(Return) pacs.004.001.09 Mt202Mt205ToPacs004
MT202 pacs.002.001.10 Mt202Mt205ToPacs002
MT205(Return) pacs.004.001.09 Mt202Mt205ToPacs004
MT205 pacs.009.001.08.core Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT205 pacs.002.001.10 Mt202Mt205ToPacs002
MT205COV pacs.009.001.08.cov Mt202Mt205ToPacs009
MT205(Return) pacs.004.001.09 Mt202Mt205ToPacs004
MT210 camt.057.001.06 Mt210ToCamt057
MT900 camt.054.001.08 Mt900ToCamt054
MT910 camt.054.001.08 Mt910ToCamt054
MT940 camt.053.001.08 Mt940ToCamt053
MT941 camt.052.001.08 Mt941ToCamt052
MT942 camt.052.001.08 Mt942ToCamt052
MT950 camt.053.001.08 Mt950ToCamt053

Supported MX > MT Translations

MX message MT message Translator Class Available in Demo Custom Translation Rules
camt.029.001.09 MT196 Camt029ToMt196Mt296
camt.029.001.09 MT296 Camt029ToMt196Mt296
camt.052.001.08 MT941 Camt052ToMt941
camt.052.001.08 MT942 Camt052ToMt942
camt.053.001.08 MT940 Camt053ToMt940
camt.053.001.08 MT950 Camt053ToMt950
camt.054.001.08 MT900 Camt054ToMt910Mt900
camt.054.001.08 MT910 Camt054ToMt910Mt900
camt.056.001.08 MT192 Camt056ToMt192Mt292
camt.056.001.08 MT292 Camt056ToMt192Mt292
camt.057.001.08 MT210 Camt057ToMt210
camt.058.001.08 MT292 Camt058ToMt292
camt.105.001.02 MT190 Camt105ToMt190Mt290
camt.105.001.02 MT290 Camt105ToMt190Mt290
camt.106.001.02 MT191 Camt106ToMt191Mt291
camt.106.001.02 MT291 Camt106ToMt191Mt291
camt.107.001.01 MT110 Camt107ToMt110
camt.108.001.01 MT111 Camt108ToMt111
camt.109.001.01 MT112 Camt109ToMt112
pacs.002.001.10 MT199 Pacs002ToMt199Mt299
pacs.002.001.10 MT299 Pacs002ToMt199Mt299
pacs.004.001.09 MT103 (Return) Pacs004ToMt103
pacs.004.001.09 MT202 (Return) Pacs004ToMt202Mt205
pacs.004.001.09 MT205 (Return) Pacs004ToMt202Mt205
pacs.008.001.08 MT103 Pacs008ToMt103
pacs.008.001.08.stp MT103 Pacs008ToMt103
pacs.009.001.08.core MT202 Pacs009ToMt202Mt205
pacs.009.001.08.core MT205 Pacs009ToMt202Mt205
pacs.009.001.08.adv MT202ADV Pacs009ToMt202ADV
pacs.009.001.08.cov MT202COV Pacs009ToMt202Mt205COV
pacs.009.001.08.cov MT205COV Pacs009ToMt202Mt205COV
pacs.010.001.03 MT204 Pacs010ToMt204
pacs.010.001.03.col MT204 Pacs010ColToMt204
pain.001.001.09 MT101 Pacs010ColToMt204


Auto Translation

You have the option to provide the MT or CBPR+ message and the library auto translates it to its equivalent.
Input should be in text format.
Output could be either in text format or an Object.
You need to call the following static methods of CbprTranslator class.
In case of no error of the input message, you will get the translated message.
Translated message is not validated.

public static String translateMtToMx(String mtMessage) throws InvalidMtMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException

public static CbprMessage translateMtToMxObject(String mtMessage) throws InvalidMtMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException
public static String translateMxToMt(String mxMessage) throws InvalidMxMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException

public static SwiftMessage translateMxToMtObject(String mxMessage) throws InvalidMxMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException

In case you want to get a full truncation report, you need to call the following static method of CbprTranslator class.

public TranslationResult<SwiftMessage> translateMxToMtFull(String mxMessage, String direction) throws InvalidMxMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException

public static TranslationResult<CbprMessage> translateMtToMxFull(String mtMessage) throws InvalidMtMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException

TranslationResult has the following methods:

  • getMessage() - Returns the translated message in text format.
  • getErrorList() - Returns the list of TranslationError objects.

Explicit Translation

If you do not want to use the auto-translation functionality, you can call directly the Translator you want.
In this case you need to know the exact translation mapping.
Translator classes implement the MtToCbprTranslator or CbprToMtTranslator interface.
The translate(Object), does not validate the message.
The translate(String), validates the message.
Translated message is not validated.

MtToCbprTranslator interface provides the following methods for both text and object format translations.

String translate(String swiftMtMessageText) throws InvalidMtMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException;

CbprMessage translate(SwiftMessage swiftMtMessage) throws StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException;

CbprToMtTranslator interface provides the following methods.

String translate(String cbprMessageText) throws InvalidMxMessageException, StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException;

SwiftMessage translate(CbprMessage cbprMessage) throws StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException;

SwiftMessage[] translateMultipleMt(CbprMessage cbprMessage) throws StopTranslationException, TranslationUnhandledException;

The method translateMultipleMt translates a CBPR+ message to multiple MT messages. Until now, no translation uses this method.

Both MtToCbprTranslator and CbprToMtTranslator interfaces provide a method to get the translation error list.

List<TranslationError> getTranslationErrorList();

For the structure of TranslationError see Error Handling.

In case that a translation uses this logic, the translation in text format will return the MT messages splitted with $.
For example:


Specifically for Pacs009 to Mt205 and Pacs009COV to Mt205Cov, Translators Pacs009ToMt202Mt205 and Pacs009ToMt202Mt205COV respectively, you need to use setters Pacs009ToMt202Mt205.setTranslateTo(String translateTo) and Pacs009ToMt202Mt205COV.setTranslateTo(String translateTo) to specify that you want to translate a Pacs009 to an Mt205 or it will always be translated to an Mt202.


Message Validation

In order to validate the translated MT message, you can use MtMessageValidationUtils.validateMtMessage(SwiftMessage mtMessage), MtMessageValidationUtils.parseAndValidateMtMessage(String message) or any other way you prefer.
In order to validate the translated CBPR+ message, you can use CbprMessageValidationUtils.parseAndValidateCbprMessage(A appHdr, D documentMessage, CbprMessage.CbprMsgType cbprXsd) where CbprMsgType can be retrieved from CbprMessage.extractCbprMsgType(), CbprMessageValidationUtils.autoParseAndValidateCbprMessage(String message) or any other way you prefer.

Error Handling

InvalidMtMessageException & InvalidMxMessageException

When you translate a message, input message is validated. For example, in a MT→MX translation, the first step is to validate the MT message and we proceed to translation only if the message is valid.
This is the reason why this direction throws InvalidMtMessageException.
The other direction throws InvalidMxMessageException.
Both Exceptions contain a validationErrorList attribute which contains a description of the errors occurred.


When there is a condition in input message that obstructs the translation, a StopTranslationException is thrown which contains a translationErrorList. The TranslationError has the structure:

  • errorCode
  • errorCategory
  • errorDescription


When there is an exception that is not known, like NullPointerException, an TranslationUnhandledException is thrown the actual exception is attached as the cause.

Translation Error List

Each Translator class has a translationErrorList attribute which contains a list of TranslationError objects. You can access this list by calling the getTranslationErrorList() method of each Translator.
The TranslationError has the below structure:

  • errorCode
    • errorText - Mandatory field which contains the error code - e.g. T0000T
    • errorCategory Mandatory field that contains the error category - e.g. TRUNC_N
    • errorDescription - Mandatory field that contains a more detailed description for the error - e.g. Field content has been truncated.
  • originalFieldPath - Optional field which contains the path of the original message - e.g. NtryDtls/TxDtls/Refs/EndToEndId
  • targetFieldPath - Optional fields that contains the path of the translated message - e.g. Tag61
  • originalValue - Optional field that contains the original value - e.g. MUELL/FINP/RA12345
  • alteredValue - Optional field that contains the altered value e.g. MUELL/FINP/RA12+

Modify the generated message

Once you have the translated message in text format, you can use our other Financial Messaging Libraries (Other Resources) in order to create a Java Object and make any changes you want.

In order to create an CBPR+ Java Object from text use the below code. The class FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer08 may vary depending on the ISO20022 Message Type.
Other message types are available here

CbprMessage<BusinessApplicationHeader02, FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer08> cbprMessage = new CbprMessage(new BusinessApplicationHeader02(), new FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer08());


BusinessApplicationHeader02 businessApplicationHeader02 = cbprMessage.getAppHdr();
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer08 fiToFICustomerCreditTransfer = cbprMessage.getDocument();

//In case you want to enclose the CBPR+ message under another Root Element, use the code below

encloseCbprMessage("RequestPayload"); //In case you want RequestPayload

In order to create an MT Java Object use the below code.

SwiftMessage swiftMessage = new SwiftMsgProcessor().ParseMsgStringToObject(translatedMessageText);

Code Samples

In this project you can see code for all the basic manipulation of an MT or CBPR+ message, like:

Other resources