The Payarc SDK allows developers to integrate Payarc's payment processing capabilities into their applications with ease. This SDK provides a comprehensive set of APIs to handle transactions, customer management, and candidate merchant management.
PHP 8.1 or later.
You can install the Payarc SDK using composer.Run the following command:
There is no stable version of this package yet. Use this command to install the package.
composer config minimum-stability dev && composer require payarc/payarc-sdk-php:dev-master --prefer-stable && composer config --unset minimum-stability
To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:
The bindings require the following extensions in order to work properly:
If you use Composer, these dependencies should be handled automatically. If you install manually, you'll want to make sure that these extensions are available.
Before you can use the Payarc SDK, you need to initialize it with your API key and the URL base point. This is required for authenticating your requests and specifying the endpoint for the APIs. For each environment (prod, sandbox) both parameters have different values. This information should stay on your server and security measures must be taken not to share it with your customers. Provided examples use package symfony/dotenv to store this information and provide it on the constructor. It is not mandatory to use this approach as your setup could be different. In case you want to take benefits of candidate merchant functionality you need so-called Agent identification token. This token could be obtained from the portal.
You have to create .env
file in root of your project and update the following rows after =
then install symfony/dotenv package
$ composer require symfony/dotenv
You have to create object from SDK to call different methods depends on business needs. Optional you can load .env
file into configuration by adding the following code:
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
$dotenv = new Dotenv();
then you create instance of the SDK
* Creates an instance of Payarc.
* @param {string} bearer_token - The bearer token for authentication.Mandatory parameter to construct the object
* @param {string} [base_url='sandbox'] - The url of access points possible values prod or sandbox, as sandbox is the default one. Vary for testing playground and production. can be set in environment file too.
* @param {string} [api_version='/v1/'] - The version of access points for now 1(it has default value thus could be omitted).
* @param {string} [version='1.0'] - API version.
* @param {string} bearer_token_agent - The bearer token for agent authentication. Only required if you need functionality around candidate merchant
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Payarc\PayarcSdkPhp\Payarc;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
$dotenv = new Dotenv();
$payarc = new Payarc(
bearer_token: $_ENV['PAYARC_KEY'],
base_url: $_ENV['PAYARC_BASE_URL'],
version: $_ENV['PAYARC_VERSION'],
bearer_token_agent: $_ENV['AGENT_KEY']
if no errors you are good to go.
- Documentation for existing payment API provided by Payarc can be found on
- Documentation for existing candidate merchant management API can be found on
SDK is build around object payarc. From this object you can access properties and function that will support your operations.
charges - to manipulate payments
customers - to manipulate customers
applications - to manipulate candidate merchants
split_campaigns - to manipulate split campaigns
- plan - to manipulate plans
- plan_subscription - to manipulate Plan subscriptions
Service Payarc->charges
is used to manipulate payments in the system. This Service has the following functions:
create - this function will create a payment intent or charge accepting various configurations and parameters. See examples for some use cases.
retrieve - this function returns json object 'Charge' with details
list - returns an object with attribute 'charges' a list of json object holding information for charges and object in attribute 'pagination'
createRefund - function to perform a refund over existing charge
Service Payarc->customer
is representing your customers with personal details, addresses and credit cards and/or bank accounts. Saved for future needs
create - this function will create object stored in the database for a customer. it will provide identifier unique for each in order to identify and inquiry details. See examples and docs for more information
retrieve - this function extract details for specific customer from database
list - this function allows you to search amongst customers you had created. It is possible to search based on some criteria. See examples and documentation for more details
update - this function allows you to modify attributes of customer object.
Service Payarc->applications
is used by Agents and ISVs to manage candidate merchant when acquiring new customer. As such you can create, list, get details, and manage documents required in boarding process.
create - this function add new candidate into database. See documentation for available attributes, possible values for some of them and which are mandatory.
list - returns a list of application object representing future merchants. Use this function to find the interested identifier.
retrieve - based on identifier or an object returned from list function, this function will return details
delete - in case candidate merchant is no longer needed it will remove information for it.
add_document - this function is adding base64 encoded document to existing candidate merchant. For different types of document required in the process contact Payarc. See examples how the function could be invoked
delete_document - this function removes document, when document is no longer valid.
list_sub_agents - this function is usefull to create candidate in behalf of other agent.
submit - this function initialize the process of sing off contract between Payarc and your client
This Service is aggregating other services responsible for recurrent payments. Nowadays, they are plan
and plan_subscription
This Service contains information specific for each plan like identification details, rules for payment request and additional information. This SERVICE has methods for:
create - you can programmatically created new objects to meet client's needs,
list - inquiry available plans,
retrieve - collect detailed information for a plan,
update - modify details of a plan,
delete - remove plan when no longer needed,
create_subscription: issue a subscription for a customer from a plan.
Based on plans you can create subscription. Time scheduled job will request and collect payments (charges) according plan schedule from customer.
To create a payment(charge)
from a customer, minimum information required is:
converted in cents,currency
equal to 'usd',source
the credit card which will be debited with the amount above.
For credit card minimum needed attributes are card number
and expiration date
. For full list of attributes see API documentation.
This example demonstrates how to create a charge with the minimum required information:
try {
$charge = $payarc->charges->create(
'amount' => 2860,
'currency' => 'usd',
'source' => [
"card_number" => "4012******5439",
"exp_month" => "03",
"exp_year" => "2025",
echo "Charge created: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
To create a payment(charge) from a customer, minimum information required is:
converted in cents,currency
equal to 'usd',source
an object that has attributetoken_id
. this can be obtained by the CREATE TOKEN API for token creation. This example shows how to create a charge using a token:
$charge_data = [
'amount' => 1285,
'currency' => 'usd',
'source' => [
"token_id" => "tok_mE*****LL8wYl"
try {
$charge = $payarc->charges->create($charge_data);
echo "Charge created: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Charge can be generated over specific credit card (cc) if you know the cc's ID and customer's ID to which this card belongs. This example demonstrates how to create a charge using a card ID:
$charge_data = [
'amount' => 3985,
'currency' => 'usd',
'source' => [
'card_id' => 'card_Ly9*****59M0m1',
'customer_id' => 'cus_j*******PVnDp'
try {
$charge = $payarc->charges->create($charge_data);
echo "Charge created: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to create an ACH charge when you know the bank account
try {
$customer = $this->payarc->customers->retrieve('cus_j*******p');
$charge_data = [
'amount' => 3785,
'sec_code'=> 'WEB',
'source' => [
'bank_account_id'=> 'bnk_eJjbbbbbblL'
$charge = $customer['charges']['create'](charge_data);
echo "Charge created: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Example make ACH charge with new bank account. Details for bank account are send in attribute source.
try {
$customer = $this->payarc->customers->retrieve('cus_j*******p');
$charge_data = [
'amount' => 3785,
'sec_code'=> 'WEB',
'source' => [
'account_number' =>'123432575352',
'first_name'=> 'FirstName III',
'last_name'=>'LastName III',
'account_type'=> 'Personal Savings',
$charge = $customer['charges']['create'](charge_data);
echo "Charge created: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example demonstrates how to list all charges without any constraints:
try {
$charges = $payarc->charges->list();
echo "Charges listed: " . json_encode($charges) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to retrieve a specific charge by its ID:
try {
$charge = $payarc->charges->retrieve('ch_1J*****3');
echo "Charge retrieved: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
his example shows how to retrieve a specific ACH charge by its ID:
try {
$charge = $payarc->charges->retrieve('ach_1J*****3');
echo "Charge retrieved: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example demonstrates how to refund either charge or ACH charge by its ID:
- for regular charge use
prefix and for ACH charge useach_
try {
$id = 'ach_g**********08eA';
$options = ['reason' => 'requested_by_customer',
'description'=> 'The customer returned the product, did not like it']
$charge = $payarc->charges->createRefund($id, $options);
echo "Charge refunded: " . json_encode($charge) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to create a new customer with credit card information:
$customer_data = [
"email" => "",
"cards" => [
"card_source" => "INTERNET",
"card_number" => "4012000098765439",
"exp_month" => "07",
"exp_year" => "2025",
"cvv" => "997",
"card_holder_name" => "Bat Doncho",
"address_line1" => "123 Main Street",
"city" => "Greenwich",
"state" => "CT",
"zip" => "06830",
"country" => "US",
"card_source" => "INTERNET",
"card_number" => "4012000098765439",
"exp_month" => "01",
"exp_year" => "2025",
"cvv" => "998",
"card_holder_name" => "Bat Gancho",
"address_line1" => "123 Main Street Apt 44",
"city" => "Greenwich",
"state" => "CT",
"zip" => "06830",
"country" => "US",
try {
$customer = $payarc->customers->create($customer_data);
echo "Customer created: " . json_encode($customer) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example demonstrates how to update an existing customer's information when only ID is known:
try {
$id = 'cus_j*******p';
$customer = $payarc->customers->update($id, [
"name" => "Bai Doncho 3",
"description" => "Example customer",
"phone" => "1234567890"
echo "Customer updated: " . json_encode($customer) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to update a customer object:
try {
$customer = $payarc->customers->retrieve('cus_j*******p');
$customer = $customer['update']([
"name" => "Bai Doncho 4",
"description" => "Senior Example customer",
"phone" => "1234567895"
echo "Customer updated: " . json_encode($customer) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example demonstrates how to list customers with a specified limit:
try {
$customers = $payarc->customers->list(['limit' => 3]);
echo "Customers retrieved: " . json_encode($customers) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to add a new card to an existing customer:
$card_data = [
"card_source" => "INTERNET",
"card_number" => "4012000098765439",
"exp_month" => "01",
"exp_year" => "2025",
"cvv" => "998",
"card_holder_name" => "Bat Gancho",
"address_line1" => "123 Main Street Apt 44",
"city" => "Greenwich",
"state" => "CT",
"zip" => "06830",
"country" => "US",
try {
$customer = $payarc->customers->retrieve($id);
$card = $customer['cards']['create']($card_data);
echo "Card added: " . json_encode($card) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This example shows how to add new bank account to a customer. See full list of bank account attributes in API documentation.
$acc_data = [
"account_number" => "1234567890",
"routing_number" => "110000000",
'first_name' => 'Bat Petio',
'last_name' => 'The Tsar',
"account_type" => "Personal Savings",
'sec_code' => 'WEB'
try {
$customer = $payarc->customers->retrieve($id);
$acc = $customer['bank_accounts']['create']($acc_data);
echo "Bank account added: " . json_encode($acc) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In the process of connecting your clients with Payarc a selection is made based on Payarc's criteria. Process begins with filling information for the merchant and creating an entry in the database. Here is an example how this process could start
$merchant_candidate = [
"Lead" => [
"Industry" => "cbd",
"MerchantName" => "Kolio i sie",
"LegalName" => "Best Co in w",
"ContactFirstName" => "Joan",
"ContactLastName" => "Dhow",
"ContactEmail" => "",
"DiscountRateProgram" => "interchange"
"Owners" => [
"FirstName" => "First",
"LastName" => "Last",
"Title" => "President",
"OwnershipPct" => 100,
"Address" => "Somewhere",
"City" => "City Of Test",
"SSN" => "4546-0034",
"State" => "WY",
"ZipCode" => "10102",
"BirthDate" => "1993-06-24",
"Email" => "",
"PhoneNo" => "2346456784"
try {
$merchant = $payarc->applications->create($merchant_candidate);
echo "Merchant candidate created: " . json_encode($merchant) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In this example attribute Lead
is an object representing the business as the attribute Owners
is and array of objects representing the owners of this business. Note this is the minimum information required. For successful boarding you should provide as much information as you can, for reference see documentation. In some case the logged user has to create application in behalf of some other agent. in this case the object_id
of this agent must be sent in the object sent to function payarc->applications->create
.To obtain the list of agent you can use function list_sub_agents
as it is shown on examples:
$merc_candidate = [
"Lead" => [
"Industry" => "cbd",
"MerchantName" => "chichovoto",
"LegalName" => "Best Co in w",
"ContactFirstName" => "Lubo",
"ContactLastName" => "Penev",
"ContactEmail" => "",
"DiscountRateProgram"=> "interchange"
"Owners" => [
"FirstName" => "First",
"LastName" => "Last",
"Title" => "President",
"OwnershipPct" => 100,
"Address" => "Somewhere",
"City" => "City Of Test",
"SSN" => "4546-0034",
"State" => "WY",
"ZipCode" => "10102",
"BirthDate" => "1993-06-24",
"Email" => "",
"PhoneNo" => "2346456784"
try {
$sub_agent = $payarc->applications->list_sub_agents();
$merc_candidate['agentId'] = $sub_agent['sub_agents'][0]['object_id'] ?? null;
$candidate = $this->payarc->applications->create($merc_candidate);
echo "Merchant candidate created: " . json_encode($candidate) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
To continue with onboarding process you might need to provide additional information or to inquiry existing leads. In the SDK following functions exists: list
and retrieve
List all candidate merchant for current agent
try {
$applications = $payarc->applications->list();
echo "Applications retrieved: " . json_encode($applications) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Retrieve data for current candidate merchant
try {
$id = 'app_1J*****3';
$merchant = $payarc->applications->retrieve($id);
echo "Merchant candidate retrieved: " . json_encode($merchant) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Update properties of candidate merchant
$id = 'app_1J*****3';
$payload = [
"MerchantBankAccountNo"=> "999999999",
"MerchantBankRoutingNo"=> "1848505",
"BankInstitutionName"=> "Bank of Kolio"
$updated_candidate = $payarc
->update($id, $payload);
echo "Candidate merchant updated: " . json_encode($updated_candidate) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e){
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
SDK is providing possibility of adding or removing documents with add_document
and delete_document
Example for adding supportive documents to candidate merchant
$doc_data = [
"DocumentType"=> "Business Bank Statement",
"DocumentName"=> "sample document 1",
"DocumentIndex"=> 12246,
"DocumentDataBase64"=> " "
try {
$merchant = $payarc->applications->retrieve($id);
$doc = $merchant['data']['add_document']($doc_data);
echo "Document added: " . json_encode($doc) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In this example we search for all candidate merchants and on the last added in the system we attach a document (Payarc logo) that will be used in on boarding process. See documentation for document attributes. In case document is no longer needed you can see those examples
$response = $payarc->applications->list();
$applicant = $response['applications'][0];
$details = $applicant['retrieve']();
$document = $details['Documents']['data'][0] ?? null;
$doc = $document['delete']();
echo "Document deleted: " . json_encode($doc) . "\n";
} else {
echo "No document to delete\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Again we search for the last candidate and remove first found (if exists) document. In case we already know the document ID, for example if we retrieve information for candidate you can use
$id = 'doc_1J*****3';
$doc = $payarc->applications->delete_document($id);
echo "Document deleted: " . json_encode($doc) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
As agent or ISV the process is completed once the contract between Payarc and your client is sent to this client for signature. Once all documents and data is collected method submit
of the candidate merchant must be invoked, here is an example
$id = 'app_1J*****3';
$applicant = $payarc->applications->submit($id);
echo "Applicant submitted for signature: " . json_encode($applicant) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
As ISV you can create campaigns to manage financial details around your processing merchants. In the SDK the object representing this functionality is split_campaigns
this object has functions to create. list, update campaigns. Here below are examples related to manipulation of campaign.
To inquiry all campaigns available for your agent
$campaigns = $payarc->split_campaigns->list();
echo "Campaigns retrieved: " . json_encode($campaigns) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
as result a list of campaigns is returned. based on this list you can update details
Use this function to get collection of processing merchants. Later on you can assign campaigns to them
$merchants = $payarc->split_campaigns->list_accounts();
echo "Merchants retrieved: " . json_encode($merchants) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Use this function to create new campaign
$campaign = $payarc->split_campaigns->create(
'name'=> 'Mega bonus',
'description'=> "Compliment for my favorite customers",
'notes'=> "Only for VIPs",
'base_charge'=> 63.33,
'perc_charge'=> 5.7,
'is_default'=> '0',
'accounts'=> []
echo "Campaign created: " . json_encode($campaign) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
as result the new campaign is returned use it as an object of reference to object_id
. IF you need to query details about the campaign see the example below.
$id = 'cmp_o3**********86n5';
$campaign = $payarc->split_campaigns->retrieve($id);
echo "Campaign retrieved: " . json_encode($campaign) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In case you need to update details of the campaign use update
function. in the examples below you can reference campaign by id or as an object
$payload = [
'notes'=> "new version of notes"
$campaign = $payarc
->update($id, $payload);
echo "Campaign updated: " . json_encode($campaign) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Recurrent payments, also known as subscription billing, are essential for any service-based business that requires regular, automated billing of customers. By setting up recurrent payments through our SDK, you can offer your customers the ability to easily manage subscription plans, ensuring timely and consistent revenue streams. This setup involves creating subscription plans, managing customer subscriptions, and handling automated billing cycles. Below, we outline the steps necessary to integrate recurrent payments into your application using our SDK.
The first step in setting up recurrent payments is to create subscription plans. These plans define the billing frequency, pricing, and any trial periods or discounts. Using our SDK, you can create multiple subscription plans to cater to different customer needs. Here is an example of how to create a plan:
$data = [
'name' => 'Monthly billing regular',
'amount' => 999,
'interval' => 'month',
'statement_descriptor' => '2024 MerchantT. srvces'
$plan = $payarc->billing->plan->create($data);
echo "Plan created: " . json_encode($plan) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In this example a new plan is created in attribute name
client friendly name of the plan must be provided. Attribute amount
is number in cents. in interval
you specify how often the request for charge will occurs. Information in statement_descriptor
will be present in the reason for payment request. For more attributes and details check API documentation.
Once plan is created sometimes it is required details form it to be changed. The SDK allow you to manipulate object plan
or to refer to the object by ID. here are examples how to change details of a plan:
$plans = $payarc->billing->plan->list();
$plan = $plans['plans'][0];
$plan = $plan['update'](['name'=> 'New plan name']);
echo "Plan updated: " . json_encode($plan) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Update plan when know the ID
$id = 'plan_3aln*******8y8';
$plan = $payarc->billing->plan->update($id, ['name'=> 'New plan name']);
echo "Plan updated: " . json_encode($plan) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Once you have created subscription plans, the next step is to manage customer subscriptions. This involves subscribing customers to the plans they choose and managing their billing information. Our SDK makes it easy to handle these tasks. Here's how you can subscribe a customer to a plan:
$plans = $payarc->billing->plan->list(['search'=> 'iron']);
$subscriber = [
'customer_id'=> 'cus_*******AMNNVnjA',
$plans = $plans['plans'];
$plan = $plans[0];
$subscription = $plan['create_subscription']($subscriber);
echo "Subscription created: " . json_encode($subscription) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$subscriber = [
'customer_id'=> 'cus_DPNMVjx4AMNNVnjA',
$subscription = $payarc->billing->plan->create_subscription($id, $subscriber);
echo "Subscription created: " . json_encode($subscription) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
This code subscribes a customer to the premium plan using their saved payment method. The SDK handles the rest, including storing the subscription details and scheduling the billing cycle.
To collect already created subscriptions you can use method list
as in the example
$subscriptions = $payarc->billing->plan_subscription->list(['limit'=> 3, 'plan'=>'plan_7****f']);
echo "Subscriptions: " . json_encode($subscriptions) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
To manipulate subscription SDK is providing few methods update
and cancel
, both can be used with identifier of subscription or over subscription object. Examples of their invocations:
$id = 'sub_7****f';
$subscription = $payarc->billing->plan_subscription->update($id, ['description'=> 'Monthly for VIP']);
echo "Subscription updated: " . json_encode($subscription) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$id = 'sub_7****f';
$subscription = $payarc->billing->plan_subscription->cancel($id);
echo "Subscription canceled: " . json_encode($subscription) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
A dispute in the context of payment processing refers to a situation where a cardholder questions the validity of a transaction that appears on their statement. This can lead to a chargeback, where the transaction amount is reversed from the merchant's account and credited back to the cardholder. A cardholder sees a transaction on their account that they believe is incorrect or unauthorized. This could be due to various reasons such as fraudulent activity, billing errors, or dissatisfaction with a purchase. The cardholder contacts their issuing bank to dispute the transaction. They may provide details on why they believe the transaction is invalid. The issuing bank investigates the dispute. This may involve gathering information from the cardholder and reviewing the transaction details. The issuing bank communicates the dispute to the acquiring bank (the merchant's bank) through the card network (in your case Payarc). The merchant is then required to provide evidence to prove the validity of the transaction, such as receipts, shipping information, or communication with the customer. Based on the evidence provided by both the cardholder and the merchant, the issuing bank makes a decision. If the dispute is resolved in favor of the cardholder, a chargeback occurs, and the transaction amount is deducted from the merchant's account and credited to the cardholder. If resolved in favor of the merchant, the transaction stands. This documentation should help you understand how to use the Payarc SDK to manage charges and customers. If you have any questions, please refer to the Payarc API documentation or contact support.
The SDK provide a function to list your disputes. you can provide query parameters to specify the constraints over the function. when sent with no parameters it returns all disputes in the past one month
$cases = $payarc->disputes->list();
echo "Cases: " . json_encode($cases) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
You can get details for a dispute by retrieve
function. the identifier is returned by list
$id = 'dis_7****f';
$cases = $payarc->disputes->retrieve($id);
echo "Case: " . json_encode($cases) . "\n";
}catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
In order to resolve the dispute in your(merchant's) flavour, the merchant is required to provide evidence to prove the validity of the transaction, such as receipts, shipping information, or communication with the customer. The SDK provides a function add_document
that allows you to provide files and write messages to prove that you have rights to keep the mony for the transaction. First parameter of this function is the identifier of the dispute for which the evidence is. Next parameter is an object with following attributes:
: base46 representation of the files that will be used as evidencetext
: short text to describe the evidencemimeType
: type of the provided filemessage
: Description of submitted case For more information for parameters and their attributes check documentation
$document_base64 = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAIUAAABsCAYAAABEkXF2AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAupJREFUeJzt3cFuEkEcx/E/001qUQ+E4NF48GB4BRM9+i59AE16ANlE4wv4Mp5MjI8gZ+ONEMJBAzaWwZsVf2VnstPZpfb7STh06ewu5JuFnSzQ8d5vDfiLa3sHcHiIAoIoIIgCgiggitwbWM/f2vniTe7NoIZ7Dz9Y0X0qy7NHYfbLtn6dfzOoYXPlUl4+IIgCooGXj10ngzM77p81vVmY2Y9vL+xi9Tn4f41HYVZYx3Wb3yws9oWBlw8IooAgCgiigCAKCKKAIAoIooAgCoikGU3nqpvy3qesPvv6+/2+LZfLpHUcsrrPD0cKCKKAIAoIooAgCgiigCAKCOecs7q3iJXbZDLZWVaWZfR4733lLbfZbBbchzZvvV4vy+PmSAFBFBBEAUEUEEQBQRQQRAFR5DzfD81FxMxVpMg9l3HT938fjhQQRAFBFBBEAUEUEEQBQRQQRe5z7SptnYejGkcKCKKAIAoIooAgCgiigCAKiKQoYj6bMB6Pd8aMRqPoz22kfCalzfmXm45nDoIoIIgCgiggiAKCKCCIAiJrFKnfTxHS9vdX5P7+ibZwpIAgCgiigCAKCKKAIAoIooDomNl2352hc+WY3+NYzyf2c345V3EyGNmdwevo8anbr3Lbfu/j+9fndrH69Ofv+48+WtF9JuM4UkAQBQRRQBAFBFFAEAUEUUBUfo9m6jUPzjl7eWr26vRyWVmW9u59GT2+Suo1B4vFImn8/4ojBQRRQBAFBFFAEAUEUUAQBUTHe7/3eorUeYrQ9RSprmP/UtZ/6OP/xfUUqI0oIIgCgiggiqY36Ddz25x/uZZ1PXmcNj60H6H1H/p4sV1F/VvjZx84HJx9IFrl733wexy3U/b3FO7ogR0dD7OsezqdVt4/HFZvNzQ+t9T9C40P6ty9erElfEKsbblnDHNrekYzFu8pIIgCgiggiAKCKCAqzz5Ccr+7T3133fb1DG0//ro4UkAQBQRRQBAFBFFAEAXEb3wL3JblytFeAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC";
try {
$case = $payarc->disputes->add_document('dis_MV***********AW0', [
'DocumentDataBase64' => $document_base64,
'text' => 'test doc evidence 3'
echo "Document added: " . json_encode($case) . "\n";
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Error detected: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";