This repository contains all the projects - guided and semi-guided - that are part of the learning platform. I'm adding new Jupyter Notebooks as I'm learning. I'm always happy to hear feedback on how to get better 🙏
- Project no. 1
- using basic Python to analyze apps on the two most popular mobile apps stores
- guided project
- Project no. 2
- using basic Python to analyze the best times to ask and post posts on the Hacker News
- guided project
- Project no. 3
- using pandas for the first time 🐼
- project analyzing dataset containing aroun 1300 rows of laptops with it's parameters
- semi-guided project
- Project no. 4
- working with pandas
- project is analyzing German eBay site selling cars
- guided project
- Project no. 5
- working with matplotlib for the first time 📊
- analyzing wesbound traffic on I-94
- analyzing the rush hour and weather condiditons that might play role in heavy traffic
- using corelations
- guided project
- Project no. 6
- working with matplotlib object oriented interface for construing charts
- project analyzing the EUR exchange rates
- guided project with one of my own charts
- Project no. 7
- project analyzing employee’s exit forms
- focused on data cleaning & merging
- guided project with my own analysis as well
- Project no. 8
- project analyzing SAT results among NYC highschools
- focusing on data cleaning & data combining with some basic statistics
- guided project with my own analysis as well
- Project no. 9
- project analyzing survey responses about the Star Wars movie franchize
- what films are better? the original trilogy or the new ones?
- may the data be with you
- guided project
- Project no. 10
- using SQL for the first time in project
- analyzing CIA Factbook data about the world countries
- simple summary statisctics
- guided project
- Project no. 11
- using more complex SQL
- analyzing data from the fictinal Chinook database - music store similar to iTunes
- guided project
- Project no. 12
- analyzing data from the Data Science Stack Exchange
- using bits of SQL, Pandas, Matplotlib
- guided project
- Project no. 13
- analyzing web scraped data from the movie fating site Fandango
- guided project
- Project no. 14
- analyzing survey to determine on what markets advertise e-learning platform
- Pandas, Matplotlib
- cleaning the outliers
- guided project
- Project no. 15
- working with probabilities and combinations to determine chances of winning lotery
- quided project
- Project no. 16
- programming SMS spam filter
- using Naive Bayes theorem
- guided project
- Project no. 17
- what are the odds of winning jeopardy when studying selected topics?
- using Chi-squared test and p-value
- guided project